ERROR (CDBOA-300): Cannot process <path>/<file> because it is locked.
Generated once. The source file is locked. It may be that
another user is editing the file or that there are stale
edit locks present in the library. The translator stops
processing the file and continues with the next file.
If you are seeing only isolated instances of this error,
remove the file lock on the reported cellview and rerun the
translator. If there are many of these errors, it could
indicate that there are stale edit locks in the library.
Again, you need to remove these and rerun the translator on
the affected files and cellviews.
You can also use the -ignorelocks argument on the command
line to override this check and have the translator convert
files and cellviews even if they are locked.
Note: The -ignorelocks argument applies only to CDBA data.
The translator never overwrites OpenAccess data that is