A library for JTAG-programming and subsequently interacting with an FPGA over USB using a
microcontroller (primarily the Cypress FX2LP). It allows you to:
* Load and save Cypress FX2LP firmware
* Communicate with the FPGA using HiSpeed USB (~25Mbyte/s)
* Reprogram the FPGA using JTAG over USB
* Bootstrap an FPGA design standalone using minimal components
To build, first you need to install the MakeStuff Build Environment (http://bit.ly/makestuff) for
your platform, then do:
chris@wotan$ cd makestuff/libs
chris@wotan$ ../scripts/msget.sh libfpgalink # or msgit.sh if you want a local git repo
chris@wotan$ cd libfpgalink
chris@wotan$ make deps