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[资料] Digital Communications by_John_R._Barry,3nd_Edition

发表于 2018-3-12 14:55:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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JohnR.Barry             GeorgiaInstituteofTechnology
EdwardA.Lee           UniversityofCaliforniaatBerkeley
DavidG.Messerschmitt    UniversityofCaliforniaatBerkeley
Preface  xiii
Changes from the Second Edition  xv
Notes to an Instructor  xvii
1.  Introduction  1
1.1.  Applications of Digital Communication  2
1.2.  Digital Networks  3
1.3.  Digital vs. Analog Communications  4
1.4.  Plan of the Book  6
1.5.  Further Reading  7
2.  Deterministic Signal Processing  11
2.1.  Signals  11
2.2.  LTI Systems and Fourier Transforms  13
2.3.  The Nyquist Sampling Theorem  15
2.4.  Downconversion and Complex Envelopes  17
2.5.  Z Transforms and Rational Transfer Functions  21
2.6.  Signals as Vectors  33
2-A  Properties of the Fourier Transform  44
2-B  Spectral Factorization  47
3.  Stochastic Signal Processing  57
3.1.  Random Variables  58
3.2.  Random Processes  67
3.3.  Markov Chains  82
3.4.  The Poisson Process and Queueing  89
3.5.  Further Reading  99
3-A  Power Spectrum of A Cyclostationary Process  100
3-B  Power Spectrum of A Markov Chain  101
3-C  Derivation of a Poisson Process  104
3-D  Moment Generating Function of Shot Noise  105
4.  Limits of Communication  113
4.1.  Just Enough Information About Entropy  115
4.2.  Capacity of Discrete-Time Channels  118
4.3.  Further Reading  125
4-A  Asymptotic Equipartition Theorem  126
5.  Pulse-Amplitude Modulation  131
5.1.  Baseband PAM  132
5.2.  Passband PAM  143
5.3.  The One-Shot Minimum-Distance Receiver  153
5.4.  Minimum-Distance Sequence Detection  164
5.5.  Performance Analysis in AWGN  184
5.6.  Further Reading  194
6.  Advanced Modulation  203
6.1.  M-ary Modulation  204
6.2.  Probability of Error  209
6.3.  Orthogonal Modulation  215
6.4.  Orthogonal Pulse-Amplitude Modulation (OPAM)  230
6.5.  Modulation with Memory  248
6.6.  Bandwidth and Signal Dimensionality  256
6.7.  Capacity and Modulation  260
6.8.  Further Reading  274
6-A  The Generalized Nyquist Criterion  274
7.  Probabilistic Detection  285
7.1.  Detection of a Single Real-Valued Symbol  287
7.2.  Detection of a Signal Vector  291
7.3.  Known Signals in Gaussian Noise  296
7.4.  ML Sequence Detection with the Viterbi Algorithm  309
7.5.  A Posteriori Probability Detection with BCJR  312
7.6.  Symbol-Error Probability for MLSD  318
7.7.  Incoherent Detection  324
7.8.  Shot Noise Signal with Known Intensity  328
7.9.  Further Reading  331
7-A  Karhunen-Loeve Expansion  331
7-B  Bit-Error Probability for Sequence Detectors  334
7-C  BCJR Forward/Backward Recursions  339
8.  Equalization  345
8.1.  Optimal Zero-Forcing Equalization  348
8.2.  Generalized Equalization Methods  369
8.3.  Fractionally Spaced Equalizer  386
8.4.  Transversal Filter Equalizers  390
8.5.  lSI and Channel Capacity  391
8.6.  Further Reading  414
8-A  DFE Error Propagation  415
9.  Adaptive Equalization  423
9.1.  Constrained-Complexity Equalizers  425
9.2.  Adaptive Linear Equalizer  437
9.3.  Adaptive DFE  446
9.4.  Fractionally Spaced Equalizer  448
9.5.  Passband Equalization  450
9.6.  Further Reading  453
9-A  SG Algorithm Error Vector Norm  454
10. MIMO Communications  461
10.1. Basics of MIMO Systems  464
10.2. The Gaussian MIMO Channel  475
10.3. Memoryless MIMO Channels  485
10.4. MIMO Detection with Channel Memory  524
10.5. Further Reading  530
10-A Proof of Separability Result (10.45)  53011. Fading and Diversity
11.1. Types of Diversity
11.2. Receiver Diversity
11.3. Performance Analysis for Rayleigh Fading
11.4. The Diversity-Interference Trade-Off
11.5. Transmit Diversity
11.6. Layered Space-Time Modems
11-A Proof of Conservation Theorem
11-B Bound on Pairwise Error Probability
12. Error Control
12.1. The Capacity Penalty of Binary Coding
12.2. Binary Linear Block Codes
12.3. Convolutional Codes
12.4. Low-Density Parity-Check Codes
12.5. Turbo Codes
12.6. Historical Notes and Further Reading
12-A Linear Codes
12-B Maximal-Length Feedback Shift Registers
12-C Path Enumerators
12-D Derivation of the Tanh Rule
13. Signal-Space Coding
13.1. Multidimensional Signal Constellations
13.2. Trellis Codes
13.3. Coset Codes
13.4. Signal-Space Coding and lSI
13.5. Further Reading
14. Phase-Locked Loops
14.1. Ideal Continuous-Time PLL
14.2. Discrete-Time PLLs
14.3. Phase Detectors
14.4. Variations on a Theme: VCOs
14.5. Further Reading
15. Carrier Recovery
15.1. Decision-Directed Carrier Recovery
15.2. Power of N Carrier Recovery
15.3. Further Reading
16. Timing Recovery
16.1. Timing Recovery Performance
16.2. Spectral-Line Methods
16.3. MMSE Timing Recovery and Approximations
16.4. Baud-Rate Timing Recovery
16.5. Accumulation of Timing Jitter
16.6. Further Reading
16-A The Poisson Sum Formula
16-B Discrete-Time Derivative
17. Multiple Access Alternatives
17.1. Medium Topology for Multiple Access
17.2. Multiple Access by Time Division
17.3. Multiple Access by Frequency Division
17.4. Multiple Access by Code Division
17.5. The Cellular Concept

Digital Communications by_John_R._Barry,

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发表于 2018-3-12 18:15:38 | 显示全部楼层
too old
发表于 2018-3-12 21:32:09 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you!
发表于 2018-3-13 08:34:52 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2018-3-13 13:37:43 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2018-3-14 02:24:17 | 显示全部楼层
Digital Communications by_John_R._Barryㄛ3nd_Edition
发表于 2018-3-15 13:59:16 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2018-3-15 14:23:46 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2018-3-23 22:57:55 | 显示全部楼层
classical one!!
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