*WARNING* (DB-220706): The Pcell plug-in for super master 'MentorObserverLib/oa_v22_50_001/layout' could not be loaded: Cannot find IPcell 'virtuoso_calibre_client_oa_v22_50_001': Pcell evaluator 'virtuoso_calibre_client_oa_v22_50_001' not found: Shared Library Not Found: Error loading library 'libvirtuoso_calibre_client_oa_v22_50_001.so'. libvirtuoso_calibre_client_oa_v22_50_001.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory...
*WARNING* (DB-220704): The Pcell super master 'MentorObserverLib/oa_v22_50_001/layout' is not a SKILL super master.
The usage of non-SKILL Pcells in Virtuoso is not a supported feature.
网上查询获得模糊的信息就是,calibre可以读取OA数据,但是skill pcell不是OA的一部分,所以calibre不能读取,需要用virtuoso将skill pcell stream out 变成GDSII,是这样的原因吗?如果要修复,怎么操作?
*WARNING* (DB-220704): The Pcell super master: MentorObserverLib/oa_v22_50_001/layout is not a SKILL super master.
The usage of non-SKILL Pcells in Virtuoso is not a supported feature.