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使用tetramax测试组合电路,却发现覆盖率为0%,不知道是哪里的原因,跪求大神解答。下面附上命令行及提示:C432电路stuck faultTEST-T> source "/home/ubuntu/Test Instance/ISCAS85/CUB_v/benchmark_c432x.tcl" Warning: Current simulation model is now deleted. (M39) Begin reading netlist ( /home/ubuntu/Test Instance/ISCAS85/CUB_v/c432x.v )... Warning: Rule N5 (redefined module) was violated 1 times. End parsing Verilog file /home/ubuntu/Test Instance/ISCAS85/CUB_v/c432x.v with 0 errors. End reading netlist: #modules=0, top=c432, #lines=205, CPU_time=0.00 sec, Memory=0MB Warning: Unused argument "-noabort". (M3) Begin reading netlist ( /home/ubuntu/Test Instance/IWLS_benchmarks_2005_V_1.0/library/GSCLib_3.0.v )... Warning: Rule N5 (redefined module) was violated 42 times. End parsing Verilog file /home/ubuntu/Test Instance/IWLS_benchmarks_2005_V_1.0/library/GSCLib_3.0.v with 0 errors. End reading netlist: #modules=0, top=c432, #lines=1421, CPU_time=0.00 sec, Memory=0MB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Begin build model for topcut = c432 ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There were 0 primitives and 0 faultable pins removed during model optimizations End build model: #primitives=43, CPU_time=0.00 sec, Memory=0MB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Begin learning analyses... End learning analyses, total learning CPU time=0.00 sec. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Begin scan design rules checking... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Begin simulating test protocol procedures... Test protocol simulation completed, CPU time=0.00 sec. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Begin scan chain operation checking... Scan chain operation checking completed, CPU time=0.00 sec. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Begin nonscan rules checking... Nonscan cell summary: #DFF=0 #DLAT=0 #RAM_outs=0 tla_usage_type=none Nonscan rules checking completed, CPU time=0.00 sec. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Begin DRC dependent learning... Fast-sequential depth results: control=0(0), observe=0(0), detect=0(0), CPU time=0.00 sec DRC dependent learning completed, CPU time=0.00 sec. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DRC Summary Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No violations occurred during DRC process. Design rules checking was successful, total CPU time=0.00 sec. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST-T> source "/home/ubuntu/Test Instance/ISCAS85/CUB_v/test_c432x.tcl" 0 faults were removed from the fault list. 86 faults were added to fault list. *********************************************************** * NOTICE: The following DRC violations were previously * * encountered. The presence of these violations is an * * indicator that it is possible that the ATPG patterns * * created during this process may fail in simulation. * * * * Rules: N23 * *********************************************************** ATPG performed for stuck fault model using internal pattern source. ---------------------------------------------------------- #patterns #faults #ATPG faults test process stored detect/active red/au/abort coverage CPU time --------- ------------- ------------ -------- -------- Begin deterministic ATPG: #uncollapsed_faults=14, abort_limit=10... 0 0 0 0/14/0 0.00% 0.00 Uncollapsed Stuck Fault Summary Report ----------------------------------------------- fault class code #faults ------------------------------ ---- --------- Detected DT 0 Possibly detected PT 0 Undetectable UD 72 ATPG untestable AU 14 Not detected ND 0 ----------------------------------------------- total faults 86 test coverage 0.00% ----------------------------------------------- Pattern Summary Report ----------------------------------------------- #internal patterns 0 ----------------------------------------------- Warning: STIL patterns defaulted to serial simulation mode. (M473) End writing file pattern_c432x.v with 0 patterns, File_size = 4816, CPU_time = 0.0 sec. |