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[招聘] 北京需要一位 Principal/Lead Design Engineer

发表于 2016-6-28 16:35:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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【猎头职位:北京需要一位 Principal/Lead Design Engineer】联系人:Jiily-Ji,邮箱,微信也可查询职位啦!打开手机微信,搜号码“KTHR_COM”或查找微信公众帐号“KT人才”或扫描以上二维码即可添加,欢迎大家关注!
Position Description:
1、A leading provider of configurable embedded processor technology and DSPs for various markets.
2、As a member of the DSP engineering group you will be responsible for verification of advanced DSP cores and their instruction set architectures and hardware implementations.
3、You will implement architectural simulation test benches in C/C++/RTL, write C/assembly language diagnostics, assertion checkers or coverage monitors to meet target verification goals.
4、You will also assist with developing test plans, debugging failures and analyzing coverage information.
5、You will work closely with the market-specific DSP teams, Design Verification, and RTL and EDA teams.

Position Requirements:
1、Knowledge of DSPs, instructions sets, computer arithmetic concepts, and processor architecture concepts;
2、Good knowledge of C (C++ will be a plus);
3、Working knowledge of Verilog and popular EDA simulators and testbench methodologies;
4、Knowledge of scripting languages such as Makefile/Perl is desired;
5、Knowledge of assembly programming and programming in a high level language such as C;
6、Good English communication skills – both written and verbal;
7、Strong problem solving skills along with an ability to work independently and in cooperation with global teams;
8、MS degree in EE/CS with 3 to 5 years industry experience required. KT人才二维码.jpg
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