回复 6#defflin
运行“check_physical_design -stage pre_place_opt -display”,后没有error,
但是有个警告“Can not decide the default browser, the result will not be opened by browser automatically.”我之前看过好像是需要更改主机IP什么的吗啊? 但是我没找到
“Warning: Design 'ORCA_TOP' contains 1 high-fanout nets. A fanout number of 1000 will be used for delay calculations involving these nets. (TIM-134)
Warning: A non-unate path in clock network for clock 'SDRAM_CLK'from pin 'I_SDRAM_TOP/I_SDRAM_IF/sd_mux_dq_out_15/Z' is detected. (TIM-052)”