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[招聘] SQA manger/engineer-无锡 看过来

发表于 2016-2-29 12:23:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Senior Manager of SQA- Wuxi


Senior Manager of SoftwareQuality Assurance (SQA) responsible for all aspects of quality control ofembedded software release cycle from Wuxi. Working in an agile developmentenvironment the candidate report to US SQA team and will manage Wuxi team. Thecandidate will work closely with global cross-functional teams of embedded SW,System, HW and Customer Management to ensure relevant testing is executed for eachrelease. The tasks include development, implementation and enforcement ofprocesses and procedures and implementation of rigorous testing methods toevaluate and ensure quality of the software. The candidate will be intimatelyinvolved in the entire software development process to ensure full knowledge ofthe proposed software design and that testing covers all aspects of intendedfunctionality. He or she will have knowledge and exposure to wirelesscommunication and networking technology. The candidate will manage to increasetesting efficiency and coverage through automation improvement, new processesintroduction and creation of best test plans. In addition, the candidate willbe responsible for managing day to day activity of a large local SQA team.


MSin Computer Science or equivalent with minimum 15 years of industry experiencewith focus on Quality Assurance testing and Automation Testing.

Workwith US team to develop and drive a high-level QA strategy, as well as take ahands-on approach to implementing that strategy

Leadefforts to enhance and make the testing process more efficient.

Overseetest planning, test documentation, reporting and design and implementation ofvalidation procedures

Workwith US team to develop methodologies and lead in setting and maintaining thestandards for Software Quality Assurance test

Collaboratewith developers to improve overall product quality by emphasizing defectprevention throughout the development process.

Identifyareas for test improvement through analysis, experience and use of appropriatemetrics

CommunicateSW quality status and critical issues effectively and through industry acceptedquality metrics

Demonstratedleadership capability with a vision of what and how to make things happen.

Strongwork ethic and ability to work independently to drive with minimal supervision

Knowledgeof QA process with exposure to industry based process improvement techniques

Goodanalytical and logical problem solving abilities

Previousexperience in testing of communication and/or networking SW is must

Previousexperience in the field of wireless and WiFi highly desired

Abilityto communicate effectively in English language and familiarity withinternational companies working style is required

SQA Manager – Test Architect


Do you get excited aboutproduct development and testing the latest cutting edge wireless products? Doyou enjoy figuring out root causes to defects? Do you like finding out how tobreak a system and teach SQA and customers how to do their testing? Then thisis the position for you.

This position is for a hardworker who likes challenges, defining tests, running tests, understandingtechnologies and how to break them, enjoys breaking code and is constantly strivingto improve the way work is done. The position emphasis will on test systemarchitecture, test plan development and test execution. Working in an agiledevelopment environment the candidate will work with cross-functional teams ofembedded SW, System, HW and Customer Management. He or she will interact withcustomers to understand their test methodology and to educate them on cuttingedge WiFi testing techniques.


MSin Computer Science or equivalent with minimum 7 years of industry experiencewith focus on Quality Assurance testing and Automation Testing.

Strongwork ethic and ability to work independently to drive with minimal supervision

Goodanalytical and logical problem solving abilities

Previousexperience in design or testing of communication and/or networking system orsoftware a plus

Abilityto communicate effectively in English language and familiarity withinternational companies working style is required


Leadeffort in test planning, test documentation, reporting and design andimplementation of validation procedures

Identifyareas for test improvement through analysis, experience and use of appropriatemetrics

Participatein efforts to enhance and make the testing process more efficient.

Collaboratewith developers to improve overall product quality by emphasizing defectprevention throughout the development process.

Create,maintain and execute test specifications and test cases

Workwith customers to understand their testing requirements

Createexternal internal and facing testing plan and test reports

Gathertest case requirements in a fluid and fast-paced development environment.

Workclosely with developers to ensure defects are correctly identified and fixed.

Enhancethe overall test infrastructure

Performmanual and automated test and regression for different release and products

Investigateincoming bug reports and analyze defect to improve test strategies and testplan

Executetesting on wireless products using a combination of manual and auto testingtechniques.

Clearlylog defects, maintain test data, and monitor test performance over time.

SQA Engineer

Do you get excited about product development and testing the latest cuttingedge wireless products?
Do you enjoyfiguring out root causes to defects?
Thenthis is the position for you.
This position is for a hardworker who likes challenges, enjoys breaking code and is constantly striving toimprove the way work is done.

Primary Responsibilities

Workwith development and QA teams to design and test new features.

Executedevelopment testing on wireless products using a combination of manual and autotesting techniques

Create,maintain and execute test specifications and test cases

Identify,document and track software defects found during testi

Workclosely with developers to ensure defects are correctly identified and fixed

Gathertest case requirements in a fluid and fast-paced development environment.

Enhancethe overall test infrastructure.

Writetest plans & test cases.

Performad-hoc, manual, automated testing.

Clearlylog defects, maintain test data, and monitor test performance over time.

Investigateincoming bug reports prior to escalating to Software Engineers.

Reproduceissues, provide logs, and run applications through a debugger.


Key requirement: personaldedication to quality software and passion for testing and troubleshooting

Key requirement: attention todetail and ability to work in a fast-paced environment with aggressive releaseschedules.

BSin Computer Science or a related field of study.

Min3 years of experience in quality assurance and/or automation

Demonstratedability to write clear and reproducible problem reports and test results

Excellenttroubleshooting and problem solving skills.

Knowledgeof general QA procedures and methodologies

Experiencein testing software and/or embedded devices

Experiencewith network protocol layers and familiarity with testing of networkingproducts and/or wireless devices a plus including 802.11 systems

Experiencewith installation and usage of networking test tools, traffic generators,wireless test tools and sniffers and scripting languages a plus

Strongattention to detail and organizational skills.

Beself-motivated, willing to learn new concepts, technologies, and producequickly.

Havestrong interpersonal skills, writing, and communication skills

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