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新人按照教程来安装。license生成应该是正确的,sssverify显示PASSED Integrity check report for license file "/eda/synopsys/license/synopsys.dat".
Report generated on 20-Jan-2016 (SCL_10.9.3)
Checking the integrity of the license file....
Valid SSS feature found.
License file integrity check PASSED!
[ld@localhost ~]$ dc&
[1] 16970
[ld@localhost ~]$ Fatal: Design Compiler is not enabled. (DCSH-1)
[1] 16996
[ld@localhost ~]$
[ld@localhost ~]$ Unable to obtain feature 'Design-Vision ' because:
Error: Can't communicate with the license server. (SEC-12)
Please contact at ld@(none), who is
your local Synopsys license administrator for Synopsys site 000.
Unable to obtain feature 'Design-Analyzer-DAP ' because:
Error: Can't communicate with the license server. (SEC-12)
Please contact at ld@(none), who is
your local Synopsys license administrator for Synopsys site 000.
Unable to obtain feature 'Design-Analyzer ' because:
Error: Can't communicate with the license server. (SEC-12)
Please contact at ld@(none), who is
your local Synopsys license administrator for Synopsys site 000.
Fatal: At least one of the following must be enabled : Design-Vision, Design-Analyzer-DAP, Design-Analyzer. (DCSH-10)
(snpslmd) Licenses are case sensitive for TE_CATS
(lmgrd) snpslmd using TCP-port 32918
(snpslmd) Serving features for the following vendor names:
snpslmd CADABRA EPIC ISE-TCADd TE_CATS adalmd anagram archprod avantd chrysalisd everest hscd innologd la_dmon leda metasoftd nassd numeritchd saber_dmn sandwork sigmacd slat snpsOEM1 snpsOEM2 snpsOEM3 snpsOEM4 snpsOEM5 snpsOEM6 snpsOEM7 snpsOEM8 snpsOEM9 ssilmd synopsysd tmald vcsd
(snpslmd) ------------------------------------------------------------------
(snpslmd) Checking the integrity of the license file....
(snpslmd) Valid SSS feature found.
(snpslmd) The feature is needed to enable the other keys in your license file.
(snpslmd) ------------------------------------------------------------------
export SYNOPSYS=/eda/synopsys/dc2007
export SNPSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=66666@localhost.localdomain
export LM_LICENSE_FILE=66666@localhost.localdomain
export PATH=/eda/synopsys/dc2007/bin PATH
export PATH=/eda/synopsys/scl/10.9.3/linux/bin PATH
alias lmli2="lmgrd -c /eda/synopsys/license/synopsys.dat -l /eda/synopsys/syn_lic.log"
alias dc="dc_shell"
alias dv="design_vision"
DC装的是2007,2010也试过,scl用的是10.9.3 |