Editorial ReviewsAbout the AuthorWilliam L. Melvin is Director of the Sensors and Electromagnetic Applications Laboratory (SEAL) at the Georgia Tech Research Institute and an Adjunct Professor in Georgia Tech’s Electrical and Computer Engineering Department.
James A. Scheer has been directly involved radar research and development for over 40 years. He is an instructor in a variety of radar short courses, including Principles of Modern Radar.
Table of Contents
1. Overview: Advanced Techniques in Modern Radar
Part I. Waveforms and Spectrum
2. Advanced Pulse Compression Waveform Modulations and Techniques
3. Optimal and Adaptive MIMO Waveform Design
4. MIMO Radar
5. Radar Applications of Sparse Reconstruction and Compressed Sensing
Part II. Synthetic Aperture Radar
6. Spotlight Synthetic Aperture Radar
7. Stripmap SAR
8. Interferometric SAR and Coherent Exploitation
Part III. Array Processing and Interference Mitigation Techniques
9. Adaptive Digital Beamforming
10. Clutter Suppression Using Space-Time Adaptive Processing
11. Space-Time Coding for Active Antenna Systems
12. Electronic Protection
Part IV. Post-Processing Considerations
13. Introduction to Radar Polarimetry
14. Automatic Target Recognition
15. Multitarget, Multisensor Tracking
Part V. Emerging Techniques
16. Human Detection with Radar: Dismount Detection
17. Advanced Processing Methods for Passive Bistatic Radar Systems