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Cadence SP仿真中定义了各种功率增益,特别是Gmax、Gumx、Gmsg
Gmax (maximum available gain) shows thetransducer power gain when there exists a
simultaneousconjugate match at both ports.
Gumx (maximum unilateral transducer power gain)
Gmsg (maximumstable gain) shows the gain that can be achieved by resistively loading the
two-port such thatk = 1 and then simultaneously conjugately matching the input and output
ports. Forconditionally stable two-ports, you can approach the maximum stable gain as you
reduce the inputand output mismatch. If you attempt a simultaneous conjugate match and
k < 1, thetwo-port will oscillate.
按照上述定义,Gmax与Gumx的差别在于是否考虑反相增益。如果反相增益很小,那么Gmax与Gumx差别就不大,这从仿 真中可以印证
Gmax与Gmsg的差别在于是否考虑输入输出端口无条件稳定,如果无条件稳定,那么Gmax与Gmsg的差别 也不大,但是我仿真发现即便端口无条件稳定,Gmax与Gmsg的差别还是蛮大的
这是为什么呢? |