icc_shell> place_opt -area_recovery -optimize_dft -power
The options for place_opt:
POPT: place_opt effort level : Medium
POPT: Congestion removal : No
POPT: Area recovery : Yes
POPT: Optimize dft : Yes
POPT: Clock Tree Synthesis : No
POPT: Optimize power : Yes
POPT: Optimize power mode : Leakage
Settings of some common used Tcl variables for place_opt:
Loading design 'ORCA_TOP'
Information: Library Manufacturing Grid(GridResolution) : 5
Information: Time Unit from Milkyway design library: 'ns'
Information: Design Library and main library timing units are matched - 1.000 ns.
Information: Resistance Unit from Milkyway design library: 'kohm'
Information: Design Library and main library resistance units are matched - 1.000 kohm.
Information: Capacitance Unit from Milkyway design library: 'pf'
Information: Design Library and main library capacitance units are matched - 1.000 pf.
Information: The target library has 1 Vth group. VT classification is based on area-leakage and the estimated accuracy is above 80%. (ROPT-028)
--------- Sanity Check on TLUPlus Files -------------
1. Checking the conducting layer names in ITF and mapping file ...
[ Passed! ]
2. Checking the via layer names in ITF and mapping file ...
[ Passed! ]
3. Checking the consistency of Min Width and Min Spacing between MW-tech and ITF ...
[ Passed! ]
----------------- Check Ends ------------------
Information: TLUPlus based RC computation is enabled. (RCEX-141)
Information: The distance unit in Capacitance and Resistance is 1 micron. (RCEX-007)
Information: The RC model used is TLU+. (RCEX-015)
Information: Library Derived Cap for layer METAL : 2e-07 2e-07 (RCEX-011)
Information: Library Derived Res for layer METAL : 0.00068 0.00037 (RCEX-011)
Information: Library Derived Cap for layer METAL2 : 2.5e-07 2.5e-07 (RCEX-011)
Information: Library Derived Res for layer METAL2 : 0.0004 0.00022 (RCEX-011)
Information: Library Derived Cap for layer METAL3 : 2.5e-07 2.5e-07 (RCEX-011)
Information: Library Derived Res for layer METAL3 : 0.0004 0.00021 (RCEX-011)
Information: Library Derived Cap for layer METAL4 : 2.1e-07 2e-07 (RCEX-011)
Information: Library Derived Res for layer METAL4 : 0.00041 0.00022 (RCEX-011)
Information: Library Derived Cap for layer METAL5 : 2.1e-07 2.1e-07 (RCEX-011)
Information: Library Derived Res for layer METAL5 : 0.0002 0.00011 (RCEX-011)
Information: Library Derived Cap for layer METAL6 : 2.7e-07 2.6e-07 (RCEX-011)
Information: Library Derived Res for layer METAL6 : 6.1e-05 3.4e-05 (RCEX-011)
Information: Library Derived Horizontal Cap : 2.2e-07 2.2e-07 (RCEX-011)
Information: Library Derived Horizontal Res : 0.00043 0.00023 (RCEX-011)
Information: Library Derived Vertical Cap : 2.4e-07 2.4e-07 (RCEX-011)
Information: Library Derived Vertical Res : 0.00029 0.00015 (RCEX-011)
Information: Using derived R and C coefficients. (RCEX-008)
Information: Using region-based R and C coefficients. (RCEX-013)
Information: Library Derived Via Res : 0.00061 0.00019 (RCEX-011)
Information: Running stand-alone coarse placer in a separate process using temp directory '/tmp'. (PSYN-605)
Information: Executable name is '/home/lusong/synopsys/icc/linux/syn/bin/rpsa_exec'. (PSYN-877)
Severe Error: Fatal error: Placer did not complete. (PSYN-375)
Error: psynopt has abnormally terminated. (OPT-100)
Error: place_opt results invalid due to placer failure.
Error: A Severe error has occurred. To ensure that the script does not continue, the value of sh_continue_on_error has been overridden to be false. Your script is being interrupted. To see the Tcl call stack for the part of your script which generated the Severe error use the error_info command. (CMD-103)
Error: Severe error encountered
Use error_info for more info. (CMD-013)