我出現以下calibre error, 請問有誰知道要如何解決???感恩啊
irtuoso Framework License (111) was checked out successfully. Total checkout time was 0.01s.
// Calibre Error: Environment variable CALIBRE_HOME does not point to a directory. Calibre Skill Interface not loaded.
*WARNING* hiiSubEventShell: cannot display blocking dialog before initialization is complete. It is likely that a command in your .cdsinit file is attempting to display a blocking dialog. Please use hiEnqueueCmd() to put the command that displays the dialog into the command queue and it will be executed once initialization has completed.
Virtuoso Framework License (111) was checked out successfully. Total checkout time was 0.01s.
// Calibre Error: Environment variable CALIBRE_HOME does not point to a directory. Calibre Skill Interface not loaded.
*WARNING* hiiSubEventShell: cannot display blocking dialog before initialization is complete. It is likely that a command in your .cdsinit file is attempting to display a blocking dialog. Please use hiEnqueueCmd() to put the command that displays the dialog into the command queue and it will be executed once initialization has completed.