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一天早上,老夫妇正梳理猫毛,一个人从旁边过来,冲着俩人说“鼓捣猫呢”。夫妇俩随即冲着来人说:“Good morning.” E H0t q,R:x/q0yB
半导体技术天地[Semiconductor Technology World]-I;I1Pk1H*g.~t!Z
傍晚时分,二人正在把晾在外边的衣服收起来, 路过的一个村民冲着他们说:“鼓捣衣服呢!”二人这回反应很快说:“Good evening.”
2.老师在黑板上写了一句:Time is money.并让同学们翻译。有名学生答道:“汤姆是玛丽。” 芯片,设计,版图,芯片制造,工艺,制程,封装,测试,wafer,chip,ic,process,layout,package,FA,QAIl6~uSV+t)i6s
3.以下是发生在台湾的真实故事 某年大学联招英文作文试题 ,请考生看完前段 提示後接着完成全文--提示如下: One day the black goat meet the white goat on a bridge 有一名考生的回答如下: Then the black goat asked the white goat "Can you speak Chinese?"The white goat answer "Why not!" 以下全部以中文作答…… 4VWU1P7I/JC h#KR
4.运动世家 A German, Englishman and American are traveling on a train. They get bored and start telling each other about their families. The German says I have 4 kids, one more and they"ll make a basketball team. The Englishman says huh!That's nothing, I have 10 boys, one more and I"ll be the world-champion soccer-team"s coach. The American starts laughing. He says I"ve had 17 wives and no kids!! But one more wife and I"ll open a golf course! www.2ic.cn&x^"`n'r/O
5.不入虎穴焉得虎子某日,一位名闻全国的补教界英语名师在课堂上夸下海口:"凭我的造诣,没有什麽成语不 知道的,就连中国成语也难不倒我!!" 於是同学纷纷发问...... 甲eople mountain people sea!师:小case,"人山人海"! 乙:Three heart two meaning!师:简单,"三心二意"! 丙ook through autumn water!师:难不倒我,"望穿秋水"! 丁:Bluewhosayandthewho's! 师:...........嗯..........这个..........我想.....(过了十分钟) 师不好意思的说:真的被你们考倒了,这句是什麽意思啊? 丁生很得意得说:哈!是"不入虎穴焉得虎子"啦!! |