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Power Supply Cookbook (EDN Series for Design Engineers)

发表于 2007-3-13 17:19:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Power Supply Cookbook (EDN Series for Design Engineers) (EDN Series for Design Engineers) (Paperback)
by Marty Brown (Author) "The power supply assumes a very unique role within a typical system..." (more)
Key Phrases: output filter pole, sensing resistor divider, transformer winding technique, Pulsewidth Modulated Switching Power Supplies, Power Ground (more...)

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Editorial Reviews
Want to try designing your own (switching power supplies), with a reasonable probability of success? Just follow the cookbook!

...a practical, "start-to-finish" design reference. It is organized to allow both seasoned and inexperienced engineers to quickly find and apply the information they need.

Want to know how those new, strange looking switching power supplies work? Skimming this book is certainly one very nice way to learn their functions. Want to try designing your own, with a reasonable probability of success? Just follow the cookbook! - QST

Fortunately, for those of us with little switching-mode power supply experience, two basic configuration are shown to begin the design sections. Basic schematics and waveforms, with simplified equations, introduce the forward-more converter and the boost-mode converter. Thus, the flow chart on the following page, used to guide you to a complete design, now makes sense. - QST

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发表于 2007-3-13 19:34:47 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you for share!
发表于 2007-3-14 08:47:26 | 显示全部楼层
Newnes is an imprint of Butterworth–Heinemann.
Copyright © 2001 by Butterworth–Heinemann
A member of the Reed Elsevier group
All rights reserved.
发表于 2007-3-14 08:48:28 | 显示全部楼层


Power Supply Cookbook was written by a practicing design engineer for practicing
design engineers. Through designing power supplies for many years, along
with a variety of electronic products ranging from industrial control to satellite
systems, I have acquired a great appreciation for the “systems-level” development
process and the trade-offs associated with them. Many of the approaches
I use involve issues outside the immediate design of the power supply and their
impact on the design.
Power Supply Cookbook, Second Edition has been updated with the latest
advances in the field of efficient power conversion. Efficiencies of between 80
to 95 percent are now possible using these new techniques. The major losses
within the switching power supply and the modern techniques to reduce them
are discussed at length. These include: synchronous rectification, lossless
snubbers, and active clamps. The information on methods of control, noise
control, and optimum printed circuit board layout has also been updated.
As with the previous edition, the “cookbook” approach taken in Power Supply
Cookbook, Second Edition facilitates information finding for both the novice and
seasoned engineer. The information is organized so that the reader need only
read the material for the degree of in-depth knowledge he or she wishes to
acquire. Because of the enclosed design flow, the typical power supply can be
designed schematically in less than 8 hours, which can cut weeks from the
expected design period.
The purpose of this book is not to advance the bastions of academia, but to
offer the tried and true design approaches implemented by many engineers in
the power field. It offers advice and examples which can be immediately applied
to the reader’s own designs.
发表于 2007-3-14 08:49:24 | 显示全部楼层



This book is an invaluable adjunct to those engineers wanting to better understand
power supply operation in order to effectively implement the computeraided
design (CAD) tools available. The broad implementation and success of
CAD tools, along with the internationalization of the world’s design resources,
has led to competition that has shortened the typical product design cycle from
more than a year to a matter of months. As a result, it is important for design
engineers to locate and apply just the right amount of information without a
long learning period.
Power Supply Cookbook, Second Edition is organized in a rather unique
manner and, if followed correctly, can greatly shorten the amount of time
needed to design a power supply. By presenting intuitive descriptions of the
power supply system’s operation along with commonly used circuit approaches,
it is designed to help anyone with a working electronics knowledge to design a
very complex switching power supply quickly.
I developed the concept for Power Supply Cookbook after having spent many
hours working with design engineers on their power supply designs and, subsequently,
my own designs.
发表于 2007-3-14 08:50:29 | 显示全部楼层


The “Cookbook” Method of Organization
Power Supply Cookbook, Second Edition follows the same tried and true “cookbook”
organization as its predecessor. This easy-to-use format helps readers
quickly locate the power supply design sections they need without reading the
book from start to finish. Additionally, the text follows the design flow that a
seasoned power supply designer would follow. Circuit sections are designed in
a way that provides information needed by subsequent circuit sections. Coverage
of more complicated design areas, such as magnetics and feedback loops,
is presented in a step-by-step format to help designers reduce the opportunity
for mistakes.
The results of the calculations in this book lead to a conservative (“middle of
the road”) design. The results are “calculated estimates” that can be adjusted
one way or another to enhance a performance or a physical property of the
power supply. These compromises are discussed in the appropriate sections of
the text.
For best results, the new reader should follow this flow:
A. Read Chapter 1 on the role of the power supply within the system and
design program. This chapter provides the reader with insight as to the
role of the power supply within the overall system, and develops the power
supply design specification.
B. Read the introduction sections for the type of power supply you wish
to develop (linear, pulsewidth modulated [PWM] switching, or highefficiency).
C. Follow the order of the design “flowchart” and refer to the appropriate
section within the book. Within each section, read the basic operation of
that subcircuit. Then choose a design implementation that would best
fit your requirements from the selection of common industry design
D. Calculate the component values and ratings from the design equations
using your particular set of operating conditions.
E. “Paste” the resulting subcircuit into the main schematic and proceed to
the next subcircuit to be designed.
F. At the end of the “paper design” (estimated 8 to 12 hours), read the
section on PCB layout and begin building the first prototype.
G. Debug and test the prototype.
H. Finalize the physical and electrical design in preparation for production
The appendices are provided for those technical areas that are common
among the various power supply technologies. They also present more detail
for those designers who wish a deeper understanding of the subjects. The material
on the design of basic PWM switching power supplies should be followed
for all switching power supply designs. Chapter 4 describes how one can further
enhance the overall efficiency of the power supply being designed.
In short, this book is written for working engineers by a working engineer.
I hope you find it infinitely useful.
发表于 2007-3-14 08:52:06 | 显示全部楼层


Ben-Yaakov, Sam and Gregory Ivensky, Passive Lossless Snubbers for High Frequency
PWM Converters, Seminar 12, APEC 99.
Balogh Laszlo, Practical Considerations for MOSFET Gate Drive Techniques in High
Speed, Switch-mode Applications, Seminar APEC99. March 1999.
Brown, Marty, “Laying Out PC Boards for Embedded Switching Supplies,” Electronic
Design, December 6, 1999.
Brown, Marty, Practical Switching Power Supply Design, Academic Press, 1990.
Carsten, Bruce, Avoiding the EMI Accident, Seminar APEC99, March 1999.
Carsten, Bruce, Switchmode Design Techniques Above 500kHz, High Frequency Power
Conversion Conference, May 1986.
Carsten, Bruce, High Frequency Losses in Switchmode Magnetics, High Frequency
Power Conversion Conference, May 1986.
Li, Alan, Brij Mohan, Steve Sapp, Izak Bencuya, and Linh Hong, Maximum Power
Enhancement Techniques for SuperSOT-6 Power MOSFETs, Fairchild Ap Note
AN1026, April, 1996.
Martin, Robert F., Harmonic Currents, Compliance Engineering—1999 Annual
Resources Guide, Cannon Communications, LLC, 103–107.
Venable, H. Dean, The K Factor: A New Mathematical Tool for Stability Analysis and
Synthesis, POWERCON March 1983.
发表于 2007-3-14 14:42:47 | 显示全部楼层


nice book , wo guan shui ,wo cao!
发表于 2007-3-14 14:45:29 | 显示全部楼层


nice book , wo guan shui ,wo cao!
发表于 2007-3-14 14:46:21 | 显示全部楼层


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