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[求助] DC综合 遇到的问题

发表于 2014-1-7 23:17:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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# check design
report_port -verbose > ./port/${dc_date}_${Design}.txt
report_clock > ./clock/${dc_date}_${Design}.txt
current_design $Design
Current design is 'Lift7'.
ungroup -start_level 4 -all
Warning: Design has no hierarchy.  No cells can be ungrouped. (UID-228)
set compile_seqmap_enable_output_inversion false
set_cost_priority -delay
set_critical_range 0.2 $Design
remove_unconnected_ports [get_cells -hier * ] -blast
compile_ultra -no_autoungroup -timing_high_effort_script
Information: The -timing_high_effort_script option of compile_ultra triggers higher effort optimizations and incurs higher runtime than the basic compile_ultra command. Please use compile_ultra as the default synthesis strategy, and use timing_high_effort_script option for QoR tuning.
Alib files are up-to-date.
Information: Evaluating DesignWare library utilization. (UISN-27)

| DesignWare Building Block Library       |      Version       | Available |
| Basic DW Building Blocks                | D-2010.03-DWBB_1010
                                                               |     *     |
| Licensed DW Building Blocks             | D-2010.03-DWBB_1010
                                                               |     *     |

Information: Sequential output inversion is enabled.  SVF file must be used for formal verification. (OPT-1208)

Information: There are 49 potential problems in your design. Please run 'check_design' for more information. (LINT-99)

Loaded alib file './alib-52/typical_1v2c25.db.alib'

  Beginning Pass 1 Mapping
  Processing 'Lift7'
Information: Added key list 'DesignWare' to design 'Lift7'. (DDB-72)
Information: The register 'flag_floor_stop2_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'flag_move2_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'floor_num_reg[0]' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'flag_move6_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'flag_floor_stop5_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'flag_initial_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'flag_move1_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'flag_floor_stop1_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'floor_num_reg[2]' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'floor_num_reg[1]' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'flo1_mode_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'flag_move4_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'flag_floor_stop4_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'flag_move3_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'flag_floor_stop3_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'lift_move_over0_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'mode_down_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'mode_up_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'lift_move_start_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: In design 'Lift7', the register 'mode_dir_reg[1]' is removed because it is merged to 'mode_dir_reg[0]'. (OPT-1215)
Information: In design 'Lift7', the register 'lift_close_start_reg' is removed because it is merged to 'mode_gate_reg'. (OPT-1215)
Information: The register 'flag_initial_down_reg' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'flag_else_reg' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'floor_stop_reg[1]' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'floor_stop_reg[0]' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'mode_dir_reg[0]' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'floor_stop_get_reg' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'flag_gate_moving_reg' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'floor_stop_reg[2]' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'i6_reg[1]' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'i6_reg[0]' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'flo6_mode_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'flo2_mode_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'flo3_mode_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'flo4_mode_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'flo5_mode_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Memory usage for J1 task 105 Mbytes -- main task 105 Mbytes.

  Updating timing information
Information: Updating design information... (UID-85)
Information: The register 'mem_reg[12]' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'flag_move5_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'lift_open_start_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'lift_close_over0_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'mode_gate_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'flag_gate_move_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'flag_lift_stop_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'mem_reg[13]' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'flag_lift_please_reg' is a constant and will be removed. (OPT-1206)
Information: The register 'flag_empty_reg' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'mem_reg[7]' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'mem_reg[18]' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'mem_reg[1]' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'mem_reg[2]' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'mem_reg[3]' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'mem_reg[4]' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'mem_reg[5]' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'mem_reg[6]' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'mem_reg[8]' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'mem_reg[9]' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'mem_reg[10]' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'mem_reg[11]' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'mem_reg[14]' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'mem_reg[15]' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'mem_reg[16]' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'mem_reg[17]' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'j1_reg[1]' will be removed. (OPT-1207)
Information: The register 'j1_reg[0]' will be removed. (OPT-1207)

  Beginning Mapping Optimizations  (Ultra High effort)

   ELAPSED            WORST NEG TOTAL NEG  DESIGN                           
    TIME      AREA      SLACK     SLACK   RULE COST         ENDPOINT         
  --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -------------------------
    0:00:05       0.0      0.00       0.0       0.0                          
    0:00:05       0.0      0.00       0.0       0.0                          
    0:00:05       0.0      0.00       0.0       0.0                          
    0:00:05       0.0      0.00       0.0       0.0      

如上,就是结果报告上我觉得出现问题的部分,  我做的是电梯控制的一个程序,没有cell,应该就没有层了吧。
问题是:Information: Sequential output inversion is enabled.  SVF file must be used for formal verification. (OPT-1208)

Information: There are 49 potential problems in your design. Please run 'check_design' for more information. (LINT-99)

我点开看了1208的解决办法是:To disable sequential output
       inversion  for   the   compile   command,   set   the   variable   com-
       pile_seqmap_enable_output_inversion  to "false".  To disable sequential
       output inversion for the compile_ultra command,  use  the  -no_seq_out-
       put_inversion option to that command.

我打的指令软件不认识,试了半天也没有结果。   然后,这两个信息下面,大部分的中间reg都被remove了,再然后导致最后输入和输出都没有连接其他端口,很明显中间变量都没了,其他的差不多都悬空了。

发表于 2014-1-8 09:22:00 | 显示全部楼层
Information: Sequential output inversion is enabled.  SVF file must be used for formal verification. (OPT-1208)
发表于 2017-5-22 09:48:59 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2019-11-4 22:27:54 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2019-11-5 11:00:04 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2025-1-14 13:46:07 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2025-1-14 13:59:31 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 liuguangxi 于 2025-1-14 14:01 编辑

compile_ultra -no_autoungroup -no_boundary_optimization -no_seq_output_inversion

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