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EETOP 创芯网论坛 (原名:电子顶级开发网)




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发表于 2013-10-10 09:10:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 shidaixu 于 2013-10-12 09:50 编辑

1.用着虚拟机有点卡,试着装了个双系统,win7 ,rhel6.4-x86_64,然后在rhel6.4上装ic615\mmsim\calibre软件,ic615报了如下提示

  1. *WARNING* Unable to find font name: "-*-courier-medium-r-*-*-12-*".
  2. *WARNING* Cannot find textFont. Trying font "fixed".
  3. *WARNING* Unable to find font name: "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*".
  4. *WARNING* Using the text font to present labels.
  5. *WARNING* Unable to find font name: "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*".



  1. alias lmlim1='/iceda/mentor/calibre2011/x86_cal_2011.2_34.26/bin/lmgrd -c /iceda/mentor/calibre2011/license/license.dat'
  2. alias lmlim2='/iceda/mentor/calibre2011/x86_cal_2011.2_34.26/bin/lmstat -c /iceda/mentor/calibre2011/license/license.dat'
  3. export MGC_HOME=/iceda/mentor/calibre2011/x86_cal_2011.2_34.26
  4. #export CALIBRE_HOME=$MGC_HOME/calibre2011/x86_cal_2011.2_34.26
  6. export MGLS_LICENSE_FILE=/iceda/mentor/calibre2011/license/license.dat:$MGLS_LICENSE_FILE
  7. export PATH=$PATH:$CALIBRE_HOME/bin


沿用之前的配置,只是改了一下路径。之后source一下.bashrc ,lmlim1的log如下
21:01:41 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
21:01:41 (lmgrd) Please Note:
21:01:41 (lmgrd)
21:01:41 (lmgrd) This log is intended for debug purposes only.
21:01:41 (lmgrd) In order to capture accurate license
21:01:41 (lmgrd) usage data into an organized repository,
21:01:41 (lmgrd) please enable report logging. Use Acresso Software Inc.'s
21:01:41 (lmgrd) software license administration solution,
21:01:41 (lmgrd) FLEXnet Manager, to readily gain visibility
21:01:41 (lmgrd) into license usage data and to create
21:01:41 (lmgrd) insightful reports on critical information like
21:01:41 (lmgrd) license availability and usage. FLEXnet Manager
21:01:41 (lmgrd) can be fully automated to run these reports on
21:01:41 (lmgrd) schedule and can be used to track license
21:01:41 (lmgrd) servers and usage across a heterogeneous
21:01:41 (lmgrd) network of servers including Windows NT, Linux
21:01:41 (lmgrd) and UNIX. Contact Acresso Software Inc. at
21:01:41 (lmgrd) for more details on how to
21:01:41 (lmgrd) obtain an evaluation copy of FLEXnet Manager
21:01:41 (lmgrd) for your enterprise.
21:01:41 (lmgrd)
21:01:41 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
21:01:41 (lmgrd)
21:01:41 (lmgrd)
21:01:41 (lmgrd) FLEXnet Licensing (v11.6.1.0 build 66138 i86_re3) started on johnrh (linux) (10/7/2013)
21:01:41 (lmgrd) Copyright (c) 1988-2008 Acresso Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.
21:01:41 (lmgrd) US Patents 5,390,297 and 5,671,412.
21:01:41 (lmgrd) World Wide Web:
21:01:41 (lmgrd) License file(s): /iceda/mentor/calibre2011/license/license.dat
21:01:41 (lmgrd) lmgrd tcp-port 27788
21:01:41 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemons ...
21:01:41 (lmgrd) Started mgcld (internet tcp_port 46634 pid 4644)
21:01:41 (mgcld) FLEXnet Licensing version v11.6.1.0 build 66138 i86_re3
21:02:06 (mgcld) Server started on johnrh for: mgc_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) mentorall_s accuparts_s accupartsnt_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) accusim2_s accusimhdla_s adms2langrf_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) admsduallang_s alcatelback_s alcatelbacknt_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) alcatelfront_s alcatelfrontnt_s ams2000_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) analog2_s analog_s analogic_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) analognt_s asimhdlaic_s atpgstation_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) autocells_s autologicic_s board500_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) board_s boarddfm_s boardnt_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) cable_s cablent_s caecochecker_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) caecodesign_s caecolayout_s caecoschem_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) calibrepvs_s cam00_s case_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) chhnmkr_s chhnmkrcx_s chhnmkro_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) chhnmkrocx_s chmfg_s chmfgcx_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) chmfgo_s chmfgocxnt_s cmall_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) conductor_s conductorusr_s continuumnqs_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) daimler_s datapath_s dem00_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) design_s dftcomposite_s dftstation_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) dnavistd_s dsp_s dummy4973_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) dummy4974_s dummy4975_s edif_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) eldoanalog_s eldohdla_s eldorf_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) eldovhdlams_s eldovhdlamsed_s eldovhdlamsee_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) eldovhdlamshs_s eldovhdlamspr_s eldovrlga_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) engineerpknt_s expcb_s explsim_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) explsims_s expvhdlsim_s expvhdlsims_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) falconbase_s falcondev_s falconfw_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) falconfwnt_s gdtcoreac_s gdtdesign_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) gebase_s hdlaiclib_s hdlarchvh_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) hdlarchvl_s hdlatelecom_s hybrid_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) hybridnt_s iccompstnjpn_s iclayout_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) iclayoutx_s icverify_s icxvision_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) idea2_s idea2nt_s idea_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) ideafpga_s ideafpgant_s ideant_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) integrabasc_s integraclas_s integragold_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) integrascgd_s integraschm_s integraslvr_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) ismmcapture_s ismmexerciser_s jed_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) jedi_s lmeancillary_s lmeassembly_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) lmebackend_s lmebextracth_s lmefrontend_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) lmelnlhdl_s lmeplushdl_s lmeverify_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) lmeverifyh_s lmeverifyp_s lmevhdl_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) lmevlog_s lsimbatch_s lsimdsm_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) lsimsbatch_s manufacturepk_s mapcb_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) mcm_s mcmii_s medesign_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) mgcfv1_s mgcfv2_s microplan_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) microroute_s mimic_s mixedsignal_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) msicsim_s mspro_s mssimhspice_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) newsta233_s newsta234_s newsta235_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) npltl_s ohm00_s pararouteac_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) pararoutedp_s pararoutemr_s pcbmech_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbmechnt_s philips_s philipsdcb_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) philipsdvb_s philipsffx_s philipslmb_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) philipspdb_s philipssik1_s philipssik50_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) pims0_s quickvhdl_s reliability_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) sa_s saab_s sds_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) sdsbase_s sdsbasevhdl_s seamlessall_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxbj_s sfxf1_s sfxj1_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxt1_s stmicro_s systmvisioned_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) systmvisionee_s systmvisionpr_s tdfpga_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) tdfpgaidea_s tisemicon_s tisemiconnt_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) vhdlams_s vhdlarcha_s vhdlarchsta_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) vhdlentsta_s vhdlorca_s vhdlsimbat_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) vhdlsimsbat_s viewcreator_s xcalibre_s
21:02:06 (mgcld) accusim2ic_c accusim2xlic_c alfpgavhdl_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) alfpgavlog_c alhdlverilog_c alhdlvhdl_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) alicpackage_c analoglib_c apgen_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) asap_c asaphw_c asapsw_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) asicplan_c asictools_c aspire_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) atpg_c autoflowthrm_c autologic_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) autologicblk_c autologicicblk_c axlcdn_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) axlcdnnt_c axlint_c axlintnt_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) axlmgc_c axlmgcnt_c axlvlg_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) axlvlgnt_c axlzr_c axlzrnt_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) baeatpg_c baefpgadescap_c baefpgaimplnt_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) baeiclarge_c baeicsmall_c baepcbanlgver_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) baepcbdescap_c baepcbdigver_c baepcblayout_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) baepcblibman_c baepcbrflay_c baesiteadmin_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) baesiteinfra_c bhdlmix_c bhdlsim_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) blprobasic_c boarddes500_c boarddes500nt_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) boarddes_c boarddesnt_c boardlayout_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) boardlayoutnt_c bpeldo_c bpumlbc_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) bpumlbcpp_c bpumlc_c bpumlcpp_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) brddeshispeed_c brddeshispeent_c bridgepntc_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) bridgepntcpp_c bridgepntuv_c bsdall_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) bvsim_c bvsimvlog_c carttech_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) catapultbl_c catapultblasc_c catapultblpld_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) catapultflfv_c catapultflpwr_c catapultlb_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) catapultlbfarm_c catapultsl_c catapultslasc_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) catapultslpld_c catapultsyn_c catapultsynasc_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) catapultsynpld_c catapultuv_c cdebug_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cellbldr_c cellgen_c chnlcmpctr_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) chsadmin_c chsintassist_c chsintasstcws_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) chslogic_c cmcarm946e_c cmcarmall_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cmccf4_c cmckernel_c cmcmips20k_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cmcrm7000c_c codelink_c codesg_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) continmconic_c continuum_c continuumc_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) continuumcon_c continuumic_c continuumms_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) continuumnqs_c continuumqs_c cpf_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) csckernel_c ctintegrator_c cvarm_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cve68000mlti_c cve68060mlti_c cve68360mlti_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cve8052_c cvead21020_c cveamba7tdmi_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cveamd188_c cvearctngnta4_c cvearm1020e_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvearm1020es_c cvearm1020t_c cvearm1026_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvearm1136_c cvearm1156_c cvearm1176_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvearm710t_c cvearm720t_c cvearm740t_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvearm7arm9_c cvearm7tdmi_c cvearm7tdmis_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvearm7to11_c cvearm920t_c cvearm925t_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvearm926ejs_c cvearm940t_c cvearm946e_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvearm966dpr_c cvearm966e_c cvearm968_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvearm9e_c cvearm9ejs_c cvearm9tdmi_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvearmall_c cveatmel1_c cveatmel_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cveavrcore_c cveaxysoakca_c cvec16x_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvecarmeldsp_c cvecb_c cvecf2_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvecf3_c cvecf4_c cvecmbtest1_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvecmbtest2_c cvecmbtest3_c cvedlx_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cveez4021_c cveez4030_c cvefpga_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvefreescale_c cveg4128_c cvei386ex_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvei386sx_c cvei486dx_c cvei960cx_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvei960hx_c cvei960jx_c cvei960kx_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvei960rx_c cvei960sx_c cveintkit_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvekernel_c cvekernelnd_c cveloaner_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvem200_c cvem32rxray_c cvem8051_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvem8051e_c cvem8052_c cvemc68000_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvemc68020_c cvemc68030_c cvemc68040_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvemc68060_c cvemc68302_c cvemc68340_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvemc68360_c cvemcf5200_c cvemcf5307_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvemegastar_c cvemips20k_c cvemips24k_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvemips25k_c cvemips4ke_c cvemips5kc_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvemips_c cvemipsjade_c cvempc740_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvempc740mlti_c cvempc7410_c cvempc7450_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvempc7457_c cvempc750_c cvempc750mlti_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvempc755_c cvempc755mlti_c cvempc8240_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvempc8240mlti_c cvempc8260_c cvempc8260mlti_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvempc8264_c cvempc8264mlt_c cvempc8265_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvempc8265mlt_c cvempc8266_c cvempc8266mlt_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvempc8280_c cvempc8280mlti_c cvempc8540_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvempc8540mlti_c cvempc8548e_c cvempc8560_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvempc8560mlt_c cvempc860_c cvempc860mlti_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvemsc8101_c cvenaspx_c cvenaspxk3_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvenb85emlti_c cvenecnb4120_c cvenecnu85e2_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvenecnu85e_c cvenecnu85et_c cveoakdsp_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cveocpbndl_c cvepalm_c cveperf_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cveppc401_c cveppc401c_c cveppc403_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cveppc405gp_c cveppc405gprw_c cveppc405mlti_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cveppc405v2p_c cveppc405x3_c cveppc405x3rw_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cveppc440_c cveppc440gp_c cveppc440mlti_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cveppc603e_c cveppc603emlti_c cverm7000c_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvesc1200_c cvesc1400_c cvesh2dsp_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvesh3dsp_c cvesh4_c cvesh7034_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvesh7050_c cvesh7604_c cvesh7708_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvesh7709a_c cvesh7750_c cvest10r165_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvet3904_c cveteak_c cveteakl_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cveteaklca_c cvetic55x_c cvetic6202_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvetic6203_c cvetic6416_c cvetic64x_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvetimstar3_c cvetr4020_c cvetr4102_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvetricore_c cvev2p405bndl_c cvevr4120mlti_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvevr4300_c cvexhs8052_c cvexhsad21k_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvexray4all_c cvextensa_c cvez80_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvezsp500_c cvezsp600_c cvezsp_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvsim_c daicbundle_c dataflow_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) datapathup_c designarch_c designarchnt_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) detailedrtr_c dftinsight_c dmag_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmsadmin_c dmsbasdesig_c dmsbasdsgnr_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmsbasicdes_c dmsbasserver_c dmscapacuser_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmscapuser_c dmscompeng_c dmscompengi_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmsconfig_c dmscoredev_c dmsddm_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmsddmn_c dmsddsa_c dmsdesig_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmsdesigner_c dmsdevelop_c dmsdeveloper_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmsdsgnr_c dmsflow1_c dmsflow1n_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmsflow2_c dmsflow3_c dmsflow4_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmsflow4n_c dmsflow5_c dmsflow6_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmsflowaddon_c dmslibr_c dmslibrarian_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmsmfenabler_c dmsmultiflow_c dmsprocurement_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmssysadmin_c dmsweb_c dsparch_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) dsparchupg_c dspblocks_c dspblocksupg_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) dspdsgnlab_c dsptelecom_c dxdesigner050_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) dxdesigner075_c dxdesigner100_c dxsim_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) edgedsarmwnd_c edgedscfwnd_c edgedsmblzwnd_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) edgedsmipswnd_c edgedsni2wnd_c edgedsppcwnd_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) edifdashboard_c eldohdladev_c eldokernel_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) eldonet_c engrview_c engrviewlite_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) engrviewlitent_c engrviewspl_c enirbundle_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) eniread_c enireadnt_c eniwbundle_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) eniwrite_c eniwritent_c enrbundle_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) enwbundle_c epd150_c epd300_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) esirbundle_c esiwbundle_c esrbundle_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) eswbundle_c ex2alvhdl_c ex2alvlog_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) expadvtech_c ezwave_c falconitk_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) falconitknt_c filarch_c flexsimic_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) flmsmgr_l flmsmgrnt_l flmsplusmgr_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) fpgabuilder_c fpgadesigner_c fpgadvisor_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) fpganl_c fpganlsg_c fphycpbpldmgc_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) fsyncpbaltmgc_c fsyncpbpldmgc_c fsyncpbxilmgc_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) gdtcore_c genieartist_c geniedf2_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) geomstudio_c hcead21020_c hcearm7tdmi_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) hceez4030_c hcei386ex_c hcei386sx_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) hcei486dx_c hcei960cx_c hcei960hx_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) hcei960jx_c hcei960kx_c hcei960rx_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) hcei960sx_c hcekernel_c hcemc68000_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) hcemc68020_c hcemc68030_c hcemc68040_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) hcemc68060_c hcemc68302_c hcemc68340_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) hcemc68360_c hcemcf5200_c hcemcore_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) hcempc740_c hcempc750_c hcempc860_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) hceny4120_c hceocp_c hcepci_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) hceppc603e_c hcesh7034_c hcesh7050_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) hcesh7604_c hcesh7708_c hcet3904_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) hceusb_c hdlaautomotv_c hdladev_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) hdladevic_c hdlartic_c hdlasmps_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) hdlassistant_c hdlatelcom_c hdlcom_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) hdlgen_c hdlgenlt_c hdlmix_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) hdlsim_c hdlwrite_c hls_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) hybriddes_c hybriddesnt_c hypbswghz_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) hypimport_c hyplswghz_c icarchbundle_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) icarchddp_c icdpmana_c icdpmdig_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) icgen_c icgengdt_c iclayoutgt_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) iclayoutgtx_c iclayoutxls_c icstationgt_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) icstationgtx_c icstationxls_c icstnexpress_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) icxadvsim2_c icxadvsim_c icxanalyzer2_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) icxanalyzer_c icxfp2_c icxfp_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) icxmb2_c icxmb_c icxoptimizer2_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) icxoptimizer_c icxprosim_c icxsynth2_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) icxsynth_c icxtau2_c icxtau_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) icxtaufw2_c icxvisiongmd_c infactsync_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) infactsynth_c intagragint_c iodentrp_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) iodentry_c iodpads_c iodworkg_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) ipmusbfdrcstk_c lbistarchitect_c lcable_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) lcablecomp_c lcablecompnt_c lcablent_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) lcore_c ledlayout_c leds_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) leospeclgen_c leospecliopt_c leospecls1_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) leospecls1act_c leospecls1alt_c leospecls1atme_c
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21:02:06 (mgcld) leospecls1perm_c leospecls1to2_c leospecls1veri_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) leospecls1vhdl_c leospecls1xi_c leospecls2_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) leospecls2di_c leospecls2fpga_c leospecls2perm_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) leospecls2to3_c leospecls2veri_c leospecls2vhdl_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) leospecls3_c leospecls3act_c leospecls3alt_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) leospecls3asic_c leospecls3di_c leospecls3fpga_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) leospecls3fuji_c leospecls3luc_c leospecls3perm_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) leospecls3sany_c leospecls3shar_c leospecls3veri_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) leospecls3vhdl_c leospecls3xi_c leospecveriopt_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) leospecvhdlopt_c levsimvlog_c lmps_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) lmpsnt_c lmsmgr2plus_c lmsmgr_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) lmsmgrnt_c lmsplusmgr_c lmsplususer_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) lmsuser2plus_c lsimnet_c lsimpwr_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) lsimupg_c machpanwave_c machpasimwave_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) machtanwave_c machtasimwave_c manalyst_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) massistant_c mauthorgfx_c mauthorpro_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) mauthortxt_c mb_c mbist_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) mbistinplace_c mbt_c mbusr_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) mcc68kux_c mcc68kwnd_c mcccfux_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) mcccfwnd_c mccppcux_c mccppcwnd_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) mcmdes_c mcmdesnt_c mdbgdet_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) mdesignerams_c mdesignergfx_c mdesignerpro_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) mdesignertxt_c mdetective_c mdsvdesigner_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) memarch_c membldr_c membldrusr_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) memdsgnr_c mfgview_c mfgviewnt_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) mhdlblock_c mhdldesignpad_c mhdlfpsoc_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) mhdlgviewer_c mhdlpd_c mhdlpilot_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) mltchipmoddent_c mltchipmoddes_c mmb_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) mmbest_c mmbusr_c monet_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) monetl_c mozart_c mozartusr_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) ms2arch_c ms2designer_c ms2designupg_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) msarchhspice_c msicarch_c msimdesigner_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) msleldo_c mslhspice_c msllsim_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) mslscap_c mstaticcheck_c nucedgearm_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucedgearmwnd_c nucuidesign_c opsim_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) oulisvcdpt_c padscrd_c padscrl_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) padspe_c padsped_c padspel_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) padsse_c padssed_c padssedxs_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) padssel_c padsxe_c padsxed_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) padsxedars_c padsxedxs_c padsxelars_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) papoulistlmp_c papoulistlmt_c papoulistlmtp_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) papoulisvcdp_c papoulisvcdpt_c papoulisvcdt_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) paserver_c pcbartrs_c pcbba_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbbant_c pcbbaupgrade_c pcbbaupgradent_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbconsumer_c pcbfablink_c pcbfablinknt_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbintlayout_c pcbintlayoutnt_c pcblibrarian_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcblibrariannt_c pcbpackage_c pcbpackagent_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbsmartgb_c pcbsmartrs_c pcbsmartsb_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) pclbcpnascmgc_c pcsscpcallmgc_c pcsscpcascmgc_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcsscpcpldmgc_c peswift_c pevcom_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) pevlog_c pevsim_c pevsimvlog_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) pf_c pfplus_c pfpro_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) platkit_c platkiteda_c platkitip_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) plex_c plexpro_c pphycpbaltmgc_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) pphycpbalxmgc_c pphycpbpldhdl_c pphycpbpldmgc_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) pphycpbxilmgc_c pphycpnoalmgc_c pphycpnoldhdl_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) pphycpnoldmgc_c pphycpnoximgc_c pphyevbpldhdl_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) pphyevbpldmgc_c pphyevspldhdl_c pphyevspldmgc_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) pphyfpnoldhdl_c pphyfpnoldmgc_c pplscpbaltmgc_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) pplscpbpldmgc_c pplscpbxilmgc_c profiler_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) protoboard_c protoview_c protoviewnt_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) pshue_c pslassrtns_c psphy_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) psyncpbaaphdl_c psyncpbaathdl_c psyncpbachmgc_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) psyncpbacthdl_c psyncpbactmgc_c psyncpbacyhdl_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) psyncpbalthdl_c psyncpbaltmgc_c psyncpbalxmgc_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) psyncpbasghdl_c psyncpbasthdl_c psyncpbatmhdl_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) psyncpbatmmgc_c psyncpblathdl_c psyncpblatmgc_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) psyncpbpldhdl_c psyncpbpldmgc_c psyncpbqlcmgc_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) psyncpbxilhdl_c psyncpbxilmgc_c psyncpbxsphdl_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) psyncpbxvehdl_c psyncpbxvihdl_c psyncpbxvphdl_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) psyncpbxvthdl_c psynlibgenmgc_c qhdlflex_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) qhvhcom_c qhvlcom_c qhxlc_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) qhxlcste_c qsimsaberif_c quickpath_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) quicksim_c quicksimnt_c qvhdl_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) qvpro_c rfgateway_c ripple_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) saclangen_c savhdlgen_c savloggen_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) sclin0003ka_c sclin0003kant_c sclin0003lb_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) sclin0003lc_c sclin0003ld_c sclin0003le_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) sclin0003lf_c sclin0003lh_c sclin0003ln_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) sclin0003lp_c sclin0003lq_c sclin0003lr_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) sclin0003ls_c sclin0003lt_c sclin0003lu_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) sclin0003lx_c sclin0003ly_c sclina0003kz_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) sdlextension_c seamlessh2c_c seamlessh2crt_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) setools_c sfxj1cam_c sfxj1sbg_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxt1des_c sfxt1vew_c sg_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) sgsrvcdn_c sgsrvcdnnt_c sgsrvint_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) sgsrvintnt_c sgsrvmgc_c sgsrvmgcnt_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) sgsrvvlg_c sgsrvvlgnt_c sgsrvzr_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) sgsrvzrnt_c sgstd_c sgstdnt_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) simlinklsim_c simpilot_c simviewic_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) simvvlog_c smartmask_c sneak_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) spicenet_c srp_c success_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) svadvanaopt_c svswopt_c symbolstudio_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) symgen_c sys1076design_c sys1076stdaln_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) system1076_c systemarch_c systemarchge_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) systemc_c systemcnl_c systmvisgmdpr_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) thermduo_c timebase_c timebldr_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) timebldrlt_c transact_c transbridge_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) transcable_c translayout_c transovm_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) tsbldr_c tsunami_c tsunamilibgen_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) ttraces_c ttracesfl_c vcom_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) verilogadev_c vhdlnet_c vhdlupg_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) viewwaresernt_c viewwareserve_c vlog_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) vnet_c vsarm_c vscreate_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) vsexech_c vsexecs_c vsim_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) vsimcompare_c vsimcoverage_c vsimprofile_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) vsimviewer_c vsimvlog_c vsmips_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) xelga_c xml2axel_c xtraces3d_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) xtraces3dfl_c xtraces_c xtracesfl_c
21:02:06 (mgcld) zeelanall_c accompactor acconnect
21:02:06 (mgcld) acctree accuparts accupartsnt
21:02:06 (mgcld) accusim accusim2int accusim2kerned
21:02:06 (mgcld) accusim2kernee accusim2kernel accusim2kernent
21:02:06 (mgcld) accusim2kernhs accusim2kernicx accusim2kernpr
21:02:06 (mgcld) accusim2time accusim2xl accusimnt
21:02:06 (mgcld) accusimpro actelmsimvhdl actelmsimvlog
21:02:06 (mgcld) aditaview aditdelux adithdl
21:02:06 (mgcld) aditmot aditspice aditturbo
21:02:06 (mgcld) aditvpi admsfortestrt admsfspif
21:02:06 (mgcld) admsrfic aik alhdl
21:02:06 (mgcld) alhdlverilog alhdlverilogck alhdlvhdl
21:02:06 (mgcld) alhdlvhdlck almgr alogicamp
21:02:06 (mgcld) alogicasiclib alogicfpglib alogicverilog
21:02:06 (mgcld) alreinteractive alteramtivlog alteramtivsim
21:02:06 (mgcld) alteramtiwe altsyn1 altsyn2
21:02:06 (mgcld) ambtbxvstation ampleshell ampleshellnt
21:02:06 (mgcld) amsvcb analogifflink analogmodel2g6
21:02:06 (mgcld) analogmodel2ged analogmodel2ghs analogmodel2gix
21:02:06 (mgcld) analogmodel2gpr analogmodelaicx analogmodelamed
21:02:06 (mgcld) analogmodelamee analogmodelamhs analogmodelampr
21:02:06 (mgcld) analogmodelams analogmodelcicx analogmodelcse
21:02:06 (mgcld) analogmodelcsed analogmodelcsee analogmodelcshs
21:02:06 (mgcld) analogmodelcspr analogmodeled analogmodelee
21:02:06 (mgcld) analogmodelekv analogmodelhs analogmodelic
21:02:06 (mgcld) analogmodeliced analogmodelicee analogmodelichs
21:02:06 (mgcld) analogmodelicpr analogmodelicx analogmodeliicx
21:02:06 (mgcld) analogmodelmicx analogmodelmoed analogmodelmoee
21:02:06 (mgcld) analogmodelmohs analogmodelmopr analogmodelmot
21:02:06 (mgcld) analogmodelpr analogmodelricx analogmodelroc
21:02:06 (mgcld) analogmodelroed analogmodelroee analogmodelrohs
21:02:06 (mgcld) analogmodelropr analogmodelsicx analogmodelspi
21:02:06 (mgcld) analogmodelst analogmodelsted analogmodelstee
21:02:06 (mgcld) analogmodelsths analogmodelstpr apgen
21:02:06 (mgcld) arm10sd arm11sd arm7sd
21:02:06 (mgcld) arm9sd armcodelink aroutebeta
21:02:06 (mgcld) asap asaphw asapperf
21:02:06 (mgcld) asapsw asicplan asm68kux
21:02:06 (mgcld) asm68kwnd asmcfux asmcfwnd
21:02:06 (mgcld) asmppcux asmppcwnd aspire
21:02:06 (mgcld) assyntc30 assyntc40 assyntc54x
21:02:06 (mgcld) assyntm56 atmelmti atmelmtint
21:02:06 (mgcld) atpgvectorifc autocells autoflow
21:02:06 (mgcld) autolayout autologicvhdl autoroute
21:02:06 (mgcld) autotherm autothermmcm autoview
21:02:06 (mgcld) axicdn axicdnnt axiint
21:02:06 (mgcld) axiintnt aximgc aximgcnt
21:02:06 (mgcld) axivlg axivlgnt axizr
21:02:06 (mgcld) axizrnt axlcmp axlcmpnt
21:02:06 (mgcld) bachc backann bgmngengstd
21:02:06 (mgcld) bisect blprobasic blzadvrulesexp
21:02:06 (mgcld) blzadvrulesstd blzadvrulesunl blzanyangle
21:02:06 (mgcld) blzautoroute blzdbexp blzdbstd
21:02:06 (mgcld) blzdbunl blzdffaudit blzdft
21:02:06 (mgcld) blzdreexp blzdrestd blzdreunl
21:02:06 (mgcld) blzgenedit blzhsdauto blzhsddre
21:02:06 (mgcld) blzlayers2 blzlayers4 blzlayers8
21:02:06 (mgcld) blzlayersunl blzshell blzverify
21:02:06 (mgcld) bm bmsimhdlmix bmsimhdlsim
21:02:06 (mgcld) boardlinkdaba boldadmin20 boldbrwsr
21:02:06 (mgcld) boldcp bomednonstd bomednonus3
21:02:06 (mgcld) bpbackplane bpdev bpeldo
21:02:06 (mgcld) bphldd bplcad bplcaddata
21:02:06 (mgcld) bplcaddatant bplcadnt bpldigital
21:02:06 (mgcld) bplpc1c bplpc1s bplsimmod
21:02:06 (mgcld) bplsimmodnt bpmti bpvcs
21:02:06 (mgcld) bpvulcan bpvxl bqhsimvh
21:02:06 (mgcld) bqhsimvl brdlink bscanarchitect
21:02:06 (mgcld) bsdarchitect bsreamd bsreard
21:02:06 (mgcld) bsreatp bsreautoactive bsreautoroute
21:02:06 (mgcld) bsreautoroutenw bsrehighspeed bsreinteractive
21:02:06 (mgcld) bsreremoteaa bsreremotear bsreteampcb
21:02:06 (mgcld) BTHC c907filter c907offline
21:02:06 (mgcld) c907online c925printsvr cabus
21:02:06 (mgcld) cachs cacore cadam
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21:02:06 (mgcld) calay calcable calcsim
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21:02:06 (mgcld) calfracturej calfracturem calfracturet
21:02:06 (mgcld) calfracturev calhierapi calibreadp
21:02:06 (mgcld) calibreci calibredfm calibredrc
21:02:06 (mgcld) calibreeve calibrefdi calibrehdrc
21:02:06 (mgcld) calibrehlvs calibreilo calibrelapi
21:02:06 (mgcld) calibrelfd calibrelfdlite calibrelfdmt
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21:02:06 (mgcld) calibremgc calibremt2cpu calibreomp
21:02:06 (mgcld) calibreorc calibrepdrc calibrepvs
21:02:06 (mgcld) calibreqdb calibrerve calibretvf
21:02:06 (mgcld) calibrexl calibrexrc calibrexrcadms
21:02:06 (mgcld) calibrexrccb calibrexrcfs calinteractive
21:02:06 (mgcld) callithomten calmdpesvrf calmdpmapi
21:02:06 (mgcld) calmdpmerge calmdpview calmpcpro
21:02:06 (mgcld) calmtopcpro calmtopcverify calnecopc
21:02:06 (mgcld) calnmcpa calnmdrc24 calnmopc
21:02:06 (mgcld) calnmopccpa calopcbeta calopcpro
21:02:06 (mgcld) calopcsbar calopcverify calorcmt2cpu
21:02:06 (mgcld) calorcreporter calpexbeta calpimt2cpu
21:02:06 (mgcld) calprintimage calpsmgate calpsmgate2cpu
21:02:06 (mgcld) calsignamask calsvrfdecrypt calsvrfencrypt
21:02:06 (mgcld) caltdopc calverifbeta calverifyctr
21:02:06 (mgcld) calworkbench calyieldanalyze calyieldenhance
21:02:06 (mgcld) calyieldserver cam00menstd cam00stastd
21:02:06 (mgcld) camodel camoutputmgr camoutputmgra
21:02:06 (mgcld) caplat captopology cartformatmig
21:02:06 (mgcld) cartlayoutmig cartnetlistmig casa
21:02:06 (mgcld) casafe casbnet casca
21:02:06 (mgcld) cascript Case catapultasic
21:02:06 (mgcld) catapultbeta1 catapultbeta2 catapultbeta3
21:02:06 (mgcld) catapultbetaext catapultbetarls catapultboptctrl
21:02:06 (mgcld) catapultcmdcli catapultcmddev catapultcmdsolnl
21:02:06 (mgcld) catapultcore catapultcorebl catapultcorep
21:02:06 (mgcld) catapultcores catapultcoresl catapultcoreuv
21:02:06 (mgcld) catapultcustom catapultdmag catapultfactory
21:02:06 (mgcld) catapultflowpt catapultflowpwr catapultflowslec
21:02:06 (mgcld) catapultflowxpwr catapultfpga catapultgui
21:02:06 (mgcld) catapultguischem catapulthier catapultlbascii
21:02:06 (mgcld) catapultlbasic catapultlbcore catapultlbcustom
21:02:06 (mgcld) catapultlbetaext catapultlbetarls catapultlbfpga
21:02:06 (mgcld) catapultlbgui catapultlccmdcli catapultlccore
21:02:06 (mgcld) catapultlcfarm catapultlcfbetae catapultlcfbetar
21:02:06 (mgcld) catapultlcwrtc catapultlcwrtv catapultlcwrtvhd
21:02:06 (mgcld) catapultlibact catapultlibalt catapultlibascii
21:02:06 (mgcld) catapultlibasic catapultlibxil catapultreadc
21:02:06 (mgcld) catapultreadproj catapultreadv catapultreadvhd
21:02:06 (mgcld) catapultregshare catapultresctrl catapultwriteabs
21:02:06 (mgcld) catapultwritec catapultwritev catapultwritevhd
21:02:06 (mgcld) catcable catcsim catcsimfe
21:02:06 (mgcld) catcsimsdd catcsimsv catgraph
21:02:06 (mgcld) caxsca cbds cbldcload
21:02:06 (mgcld) cblscat cbridge ccplot
21:02:06 (mgcld) cdpread cdpwrite cellbldr
21:02:06 (mgcld) cellsize ces cgen
21:02:06 (mgcld) cgmfilter chactuate chaltpnswap
21:02:06 (mgcld) chaltpnswapcx channelcompact channelrouter
21:02:06 (mgcld) charchive charchivecx charopt
21:02:06 (mgcld) chautload chautloadcx chautonum
21:02:06 (mgcld) chawsif chawsifcx chcapeif
21:02:06 (mgcld) chcapeifcx chcatiaif chcatiaifcx
21:02:06 (mgcld) chchangemgr chcmbdcut chcosting
21:02:06 (mgcld) chcostingcx chcsmif chcsmifcx
21:02:06 (mgcld) chcv5chifdsi chcv5chifdsicx chcv5chifxml
21:02:06 (mgcld) chcv5chifxmlcx chdcmd chdcmdcx
21:02:06 (mgcld) chdesigner chdesignercx chdesignero
21:02:06 (mgcld) chdesignerocx chdistfuses chdsgroem
21:02:06 (mgcld) chdsgroemcx checkplotsvr chemisif
21:02:06 (mgcld) chemisifcx chempe chfandr
21:02:06 (mgcld) chfandrmd chfandrmdcx chformbd
21:02:06 (mgcld) chformbdcx chformbdoem chformbdoemcx
21:02:06 (mgcld) chformbdpls chformbdplscx chgknloom
21:02:06 (mgcld) chgrivad chgrivadcx chharness
21:02:06 (mgcld) chhondamd chhondamdcx chhondamddes
21:02:06 (mgcld) chhondamddescx chideasif chideasifcx
21:02:06 (mgcld) chincremif chjaguarmd chjaguarmdcx
21:02:06 (mgcld) chjobcntrl chjobcntrlcx chkblif
21:02:06 (mgcld) chkblifcx chlcableif chlcableifcx
21:02:06 (mgcld) chlistbased chlvara chmanufact
21:02:06 (mgcld) chmanufactcx chmarshallif chmfgproif
21:02:06 (mgcld) chmfgproifcx chmodular chmodularcx
21:02:06 (mgcld) chmrpif chmrpifcx choltif
21:02:06 (mgcld) choltifcx chopelmd chopelmdcx
21:02:06 (mgcld) chopelmddes chopelmddescx chpmactuate
21:02:06 (mgcld) chpsacatia chpsacatiacx chpsadatald
21:02:06 (mgcld) chpsamd chpsamdcx chpsamddes
21:02:06 (mgcld) chpsamddescx chrenaultmd chrenaultmdcx
21:02:06 (mgcld) chroveraces chsacdicadi chsbg212intelc
21:02:06 (mgcld) chsbgideasxc chsbgms10elcprj chsbgms10intelc
21:02:06 (mgcld) chsbgnx3intelc chsbgtceintlgc chsbgtceprj
21:02:06 (mgcld) chsbgugnxcaph chsbgugnxxc chsbgv4intelc
21:02:06 (mgcld) chsbgv4xc chsbgv5intelc chsbgv5xc
21:02:06 (mgcld) chsbrg212elcprj chsbrgap212 chsbrgcatiav4el
21:02:06 (mgcld) chsbrgcatiav5el chsbrgcore chsbrgideas
21:02:06 (mgcld) chsbrgnx3elcprj chsbrgugsnx chsbrgv4elcprj
21:02:06 (mgcld) chsbrgv5elcprj chscapture chscavaf
21:02:06 (mgcld) chscaval chscavbk chscis
21:02:06 (mgcld) chscisclient chscompositesyn chsdactuate
21:02:06 (mgcld) chsdactuatecx chseffectivity chsgrounddesign
21:02:06 (mgcld) chshubif chsintassist chsintegrator
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21:02:06 (mgcld) chsproject chsreporter chssymbol
21:02:06 (mgcld) chstaplaif chsusermanager chsv5pluginelc
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21:02:06 (mgcld) chtiksepncx chtskif chtskifcx
21:02:06 (mgcld) chvobesif chvobesifcx chvolvocst
21:02:06 (mgcld) cmcarm1026 cmcarm1136 cmcarm1156
21:02:06 (mgcld) cmcarm1176 cmcarm720t cmcarm7tdmi
21:02:06 (mgcld) cmcarm7tdmis cmcarm920t cmcarm926ejs
21:02:06 (mgcld) cmcarm940t cmcarm946e cmcarm966dpr
21:02:06 (mgcld) cmcarm966e cmcarm968 cmcarm9e
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21:02:06 (mgcld) cmccoretexr4 cmckernel cmcmips20k
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21:02:06 (mgcld) cmldbgdt cmnetaccess codelink
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21:02:06 (mgcld) ctitstl2 cvba cvcon
21:02:06 (mgcld) cve8052 cvead21020 cveamba7tdmi
21:02:06 (mgcld) cveamd188 cvearctngnta4 cvearm1020e
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvearm1020es cvearm1020t cvearm1026
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvearm1136 cvearm1156 cvearm1176
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvearm710t cvearm720t cvearm740t
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvearm7tdmi cvearm7tdmis cvearm920t
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21:02:06 (mgcld) cvearm968 cvearm9e cvearm9ejs
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21:02:06 (mgcld) cveaxysoakca cvec16x cvecarmeldsp
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvecb cvecmbtest1 cvecmbtest2
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvecmbtest3 cvecoldfire2 cvecoldfire3
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21:02:06 (mgcld) cvecortexm3 cvecw4001 cvecw4010
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvedenali cvedenalit2 cvedlx
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvedlxiss cveez4030 cveg4128
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21:02:06 (mgcld) cvei960kx cvei960rx cvei960sx
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21:02:06 (mgcld) cvem32r cvem8051 cvem8051e
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvem8052 cvemblaze cvemc68000
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvemc68020 cvemc68030 cvemc68040
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvemc68060 cvemc68302 cvemc68340
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvemc68360 cvemcf5200 cvemcf5307
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvemips20k cvemips24k cvemips25kf
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvemips34k cvemips4ke cvemips5kc
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21:02:06 (mgcld) cvempc7457 cvempc750 cvempc755
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvempc8240 cvempc8260 cvempc8264
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvempc8265 cvempc8266 cvempc8280
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvempc8540 cvempc8548e cvempc8555
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvempc8560 cvempc8568 cvempc860
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvempc8641d cvempcore cvemsc8101
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21:02:06 (mgcld) cvenb85e cvenecnb4120 cvenecnu85e
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21:02:06 (mgcld) cveocp cveocpkrnl cvepalm
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvepci cveperf cveppc401
21:02:06 (mgcld) cveppc401c cveppc403 cveppc405gp
21:02:06 (mgcld) cveppc405v2p cveppc405x3 cveppc440
21:02:06 (mgcld) cveppc440gp cveppc603e cveppc604
21:02:06 (mgcld) cverm7000c cvesc1200 cvesc1400
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvesh1 cvesh2 cvesh2dsp
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvesh3dsp cvesh4 cvesh7604
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvesh7708 cvesh7709a cvesh7750
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvesim68k cvesim850 cvesimez4030
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvesimmips cvesimppc cvesimtr4020
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvesimtr4102 cvest10r165 cvet3904
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21:02:06 (mgcld) cveticc6000 cvetimegastar cvetimegastar3
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvetr4020 cvetr4102 cvetricore
21:02:06 (mgcld) cveusb cvev2pro cvevr4120
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvevr4300 cvextensa cvez80
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvezsp cvezsp500 cvezsp600
21:02:06 (mgcld) cvsim da2exp daicview
21:02:06 (mgcld) daiff daigesin danet
21:02:06 (mgcld) dascon dataconvrtr datafusion
21:02:06 (mgcld) datapath dbbuilder dbbuildernt
21:02:06 (mgcld) Dblzdreexp Dblzlayers2 Dblzlayersunl
21:02:06 (mgcld) dcanalyzer ddp ddpic
21:02:06 (mgcld) ddsim debussyvstn dem00clistd
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21:02:06 (mgcld) designarchnt designcvt designcvtnt
21:02:06 (mgcld) designdatapornt designdataport designernt
21:02:06 (mgcld) designmgr designmgrnt design_browser
21:02:06 (mgcld) dfaanal dfi dfl2lsim
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21:02:06 (mgcld) dftisrvr dfttransistor distributedfs
21:02:06 (mgcld) dkbuilder dliteengine dmagengine
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21:02:06 (mgcld) dmscadlibuser dmscadlibviewer dmscapacuser
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21:02:06 (mgcld) dmsddduser dmsdddviewer dmsddmn
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmsddsa dmsddsaviewer dmsdesig
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmsdevelop dmsdoapigen dmseai
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmsflow1 dmsflow2 dmsflow3
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmsflow4 dmsflow5 dmsflow6
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmsflowaddon dmsimcompare dmsimcoverage
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmsimdataflow dmsimexascii dmsimpeswift
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmsimpevsim dmsimpevsimvlog dmsimprofile
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmsimviewer dmsipcdev dmslibr
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmsmultiflow dmsmultiflow1 dmsmultiflow2
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmsmultiflow3 dmsmultiflow4 dmsmultiflow5
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmsmultiflow6 dmspartreqmgr dmspdmuser
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmspdmviewer dmsrequser dmsreqviewer
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmsreuse dmsreuseviewer dmsrohsuser
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmsrohsviewer dmsrtfprint dmssap
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmssysadmin dmsuce dmsuceviewer
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmswebptinfo dmswebptsdk dmswebptsearch
21:02:06 (mgcld) dmswww dmsxchange dmtlib
21:02:06 (mgcld) dnavinonstd Dpsrtechact1 drpi
21:02:06 (mgcld) drpiread drpireadnt drpireadwrite
21:02:06 (mgcld) dsparch dspblocks dspdsgnlab
21:02:06 (mgcld) dsptelecomsim dss dssnt
21:02:06 (mgcld) dstreautoactive dstreautoroute dsvdesigner
21:02:06 (mgcld) dummy dummy100 dxagileent
21:02:06 (mgcld) dxagileint dxanalog dxboardlink
21:02:06 (mgcld) dxcdb dxcse dxdatabook
21:02:06 (mgcld) dxdatamanager dxffilter dxlibrarystudio
21:02:06 (mgcld) dxmatrixent dxparts dxpdf
21:02:06 (mgcld) dxrfi dxsimif dxsysvised
21:02:06 (mgcld) dxsysvispr dxvariantmgr dxviewonly
21:02:06 (mgcld) e3lcablenlf e3lcablenlfnt eces
21:02:06 (mgcld) edif2renoir edifdb edifgraphics
21:02:06 (mgcld) edifgraphicsmgc edt edt10x
21:02:06 (mgcld) edt25x edt5x edtnolimit
21:02:06 (mgcld) eldobnr eldobnred eldobnree
21:02:06 (mgcld) eldobnrhs eldobnricx eldobnrpr
21:02:06 (mgcld) eldocmpi eldocmpied eldocmpiee
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21:02:06 (mgcld) eldofidel eldoforhyp eldoiem
21:02:06 (mgcld) eldomach eldonet eldoneths
21:02:06 (mgcld) eldoprecise eldopsf eldorfic
21:02:06 (mgcld) eldosvdx eldovhdlamsb eldovhdlamsu
21:02:06 (mgcld) eldowsf eldoxsm eledit
21:02:06 (mgcld) elga eluser embridge
21:02:06 (mgcld) engineernt eniread enireadnt
21:02:06 (mgcld) eniwrite eniwritent enread
21:02:06 (mgcld) enreadnt enwrite enwritent
21:02:06 (mgcld) eparts epdcms epdplanview
21:02:06 (mgcld) epdqexp epdscratchpad epdxtk
21:02:06 (mgcld) epdxtkanalysis erisvr erisvrnt
21:02:06 (mgcld) esi ESIM ESIMLITE
21:02:06 (mgcld) esiread esireadnt esiwrite
21:02:06 (mgcld) esiwritent esread eswrite
21:02:06 (mgcld) expbxidstd expcbbdistd expcbbdostd
21:02:06 (mgcld) expcbpwistd expcbpwostd exploreratg
21:02:06 (mgcld) exptipc3 ezwavewfc factron
21:02:06 (mgcld) faintegrator falconic falconlib
21:02:06 (mgcld) falconlibnt falconprereq falconprereqnt
21:02:06 (mgcld) falconteam fastscan fastscanbist
21:02:06 (mgcld) fastscancpa fastscandiag fastscanextra
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21:02:06 (mgcld) fastscanseed fdhdlauthorpro fdhdldesignerpro
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21:02:06 (mgcld) flexsimdev flexsimsocket flextest
21:02:06 (mgcld) flextestcpa flextestdist flextestextra
21:02:06 (mgcld) flextestfsim flextestfsslave flextestiddq
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21:02:06 (mgcld) flmsmgrnt flmsplusmgr floint
21:02:06 (mgcld) flowmgr flowxpert fmsimcompare
21:02:06 (mgcld) fmsimcoverage fmsimdataflow fmsimhdlmix
21:02:06 (mgcld) fmsimhdlsim fmsimpeswift fmsimpevsim
21:02:06 (mgcld) fmsimpevsimvlog fmsimprofile fmsimpslassrtns
21:02:06 (mgcld) fmsimviewer formboardnt formboardplusnt
21:02:06 (mgcld) fpgaadvisor fpgadesigner fpmbist
21:02:06 (mgcld) fqhsimvh fqhsimvl fusionspeedwave
21:02:06 (mgcld) fusionviewsim fvcore fvcoremp2
21:02:06 (mgcld) fvdebug fvengine1 fvengine2
21:02:06 (mgcld) fvengine3 fvengine4 fvengine5
21:02:06 (mgcld) fvverilognl fvverilogrtl fvvhdlnl
21:02:06 (mgcld) fvvhdlrtl fxptl gategraph
21:02:06 (mgcld) gavt gcomp gdstol
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21:02:06 (mgcld) glibmeas glibmoddemod gliboptical
21:02:06 (mgcld) glibpll glibpowerdev glibsignal
21:02:06 (mgcld) glibsmodel glibswitches glibwire
21:02:06 (mgcld) glibwireed glibwireee glibwirehs
21:02:06 (mgcld) glibwireicx glibwirepr globalrouter
21:02:06 (mgcld) gncvcs gncvcsx gpmi
21:02:06 (mgcld) gr179x gvcscs gvcscsx
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21:02:06 (mgcld) hcekernel hdl2graphics hdlacompiler
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21:02:06 (mgcld) hdlart hdlassistant hdlauthor
21:02:06 (mgcld) hdlauthorgfx hdlauthorpro hdlauthortxt
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21:02:06 (mgcld) hdldcomp hdlddebug hdldentryvhdl
21:02:06 (mgcld) hdldentryvlog hdldesignerams hdldesignergfx
21:02:06 (mgcld) hdldesignerpro hdldesignertxt hdldesignpad
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21:02:06 (mgcld) hdlgviewer hdlinmixedvstn hdlinvhdlvstn
21:02:06 (mgcld) hdlinvstn hdllinksim hdlpd
21:02:06 (mgcld) hdlpilot hdlpl hdlpsp
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21:02:06 (mgcld) hilorsim hispeedlite hispeedlitent
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21:02:06 (mgcld) leospecls1lat leospecls1luc leospecls1perm
21:02:06 (mgcld) leospecls1to2 leospecls1veri leospecls1vhdl
21:02:06 (mgcld) leospecls1xi leospecls2 leospecls2di
21:02:06 (mgcld) leospecls2fpga leospecls2perm leospecls2to3
21:02:06 (mgcld) leospecls2veri leospecls2vhdl leospecls3
21:02:06 (mgcld) leospecls3act leospecls3alt leospecls3asic
21:02:06 (mgcld) leospecls3di leospecls3fpga leospecls3fujits
21:02:06 (mgcld) leospecls3luc leospecls3perm leospecls3sanyo
21:02:06 (mgcld) leospecls3sharp leospecls3veri leospecls3vhdl
21:02:06 (mgcld) leospecls3xi leospecveriopt leospecvhdlopt
21:02:06 (mgcld) libcou lmask lmscis
21:02:06 (mgcld) lmscisnt lmspds lmspdsg
21:02:06 (mgcld) lmspdsgnt lmspdsnt lmspdsu
21:02:06 (mgcld) lmspdsunt lmsplusdsvr lmsplusdsvrnt
21:02:06 (mgcld) lmsplusmgr lmsplususer lmsuser
21:02:06 (mgcld) lmsuserelitent lmsusernt logiclib
21:02:06 (mgcld) lpi lpwranalog lrc
21:02:06 (mgcld) lshell lsimadept lsimcore
21:02:06 (mgcld) lsimdds lsimnet lsimreview
21:02:06 (mgcld) lsimsps lsimuic lsimuix
21:02:06 (mgcld) lspc ltech machbatch
21:02:06 (mgcld) machdebug machha machlite
21:02:06 (mgcld) machpa machra machrc
21:02:06 (mgcld) machta machtacal machtacalnt
21:02:06 (mgcld) machtant machtdcal macrolib
21:02:06 (mgcld) manhattan mapca mapcb
21:02:06 (mgcld) mapcbnt maskcheck maskpe
21:02:06 (mgcld) matpricent mazerouter mb
21:02:06 (mgcld) mbistarchitect mbistdram mbistipinteg
21:02:06 (mgcld) mbistipsynth mbistudaload mbt
21:02:06 (mgcld) mbusr mc mcable
21:02:06 (mgcld) mcc68kux mcc68kwnd mcccfux
21:02:06 (mgcld) mcccfwnd mccppcux mccppcwnd
21:02:06 (mgcld) mccxmlarmux mccxmlarmwnd mccxmlmipsux
21:02:06 (mgcld) mccxmlmipswnd mccxmlppcux mccxmlppcwnd
21:02:06 (mgcld) mcdevextract mct mctsim
21:02:06 (mgcld) mdb mdbnt mdslayoutint
21:02:06 (mgcld) mdsschint mdvberr meiges
21:02:06 (mgcld) memarch membldr membldrusr
21:02:06 (mgcld) memffx memgen mentornwave
21:02:06 (mgcld) mfgview mfgviewnt mgcedtdiag
21:02:06 (mgcld) mgchdlcom mgchdlsim mgcigesout
21:02:06 (mgcld) mgcpevcom mgcpevlog mgcpevsim
21:02:06 (mgcld) mgcpevsimvlog mgcquadint mgcscandiag
21:02:06 (mgcld) mgenread mgenwrite mgniread
21:02:06 (mgcld) mgniwrite mgsampcmp mgscontrol
21:02:06 (mgcld) mgsdataconv mgsdbeta mgsdigital
21:02:06 (mgcld) mgsgbeta mgsiread mgsiwrite
21:02:06 (mgcld) mgsmemt mgspll mgspowerconv
21:02:06 (mgcld) mgspowerdev mgsread mgssignal
21:02:06 (mgcld) mgswrite microplan microroute
21:02:06 (mgcld) miffilter mimic mistral1
21:02:06 (mgcld) mlsreceiver mmb modellib1
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib10 modellib100 modellib11
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib12 modellib13 modellib14
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib15 modellib16 modellib17
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib18 modellib19 modellib2
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib20 modellib21 modellib22
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib23 modellib24 modellib25
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib26 modellib27 modellib28
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib29 modellib2nt modellib3
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib30 modellib31 modellib32
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib33 modellib34 modellib35
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib36 modellib37 modellib38
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib39 modellib4 modellib40
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib41 modellib42 modellib43
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib44 modellib45 modellib46
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib47 modellib48 modellib49
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib5 modellib50 modellib51
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib52 modellib53 modellib54
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib55 modellib56 modellib57
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib58 modellib59 modellib6
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib60 modellib61 modellib62
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21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib69 modellib7 modellib70
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib71 modellib72 modellib73
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib74 modellib75 modellib76
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib77 modellib78 modellib79
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib8 modellib80 modellib81
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib82 modellib83 modellib84
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib85 modellib86 modellib87
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib88 modellib89 modellib9
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib90 modellib91 modellib92
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib93 modellib94 modellib95
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib96 modellib97 modellib98
21:02:06 (mgcld) modellib99 modelprotector monetlaltera
21:02:06 (mgcld) monetlcompiler monetlencode monetllsi
21:02:06 (mgcld) monetlxilinx mozart mozartusr
21:02:06 (mgcld) ms2arch ms2builder ms2decrypt
21:02:06 (mgcld) ms2pro msaadvice msaeldo
21:02:06 (mgcld) msahspice msalsim msalvs
21:02:06 (mgcld) msarch msascap mshspice
21:02:06 (mgcld) msimcdebug msimcompare msimcoverage
21:02:06 (mgcld) msimdataflow msimdesigner msimhdlcom
21:02:06 (mgcld) msimhdlmix msimhdlsim msimlevsimvlog
21:02:06 (mgcld) msimon msimpeswift msimpevcom
21:02:06 (mgcld) msimpevlog msimpevsim msimpevsimvlog
21:02:06 (mgcld) msimprofile msimpslassrtns msimsetools
21:02:06 (mgcld) msimsystemc msimsystemcnl msimviewer
21:02:06 (mgcld) mslab msleldo mslhspice
21:02:06 (mgcld) msllsim mslscap msrprintsvr
21:02:06 (mgcld) msvsystem msyn mtiverification
21:02:06 (mgcld) multiwire mvsystem mxgenc
21:02:06 (mgcld) mxgensc mxui n2
21:02:06 (mgcld) nblzdffaudit nblzgenedit ncomparevstn
21:02:06 (mgcld) ndetectvstn ned netcheck
21:02:06 (mgcld) newapp248 newapp249 newapp250
21:02:06 (mgcld) newapp58 newapp7 newapp76
21:02:06 (mgcld) nhyplswemc nh_dashboard ni
21:02:06 (mgcld) notepad notepadnt np
21:02:06 (mgcld) npavdchx4c npavdchx4e npavdchx4f
21:02:06 (mgcld) npcbboardstation npcm1136jfshx4c npcm1136jfshx4e
21:02:06 (mgcld) npcm1136jfshx4f npcm920thx4c npcm920thx4e
21:02:06 (mgcld) npcm920thx4f npcm926ejshx4c npcm926ejshx4e
21:02:06 (mgcld) npcm926ejshx4f npcm946eshx4c npcm946eshx4e
21:02:06 (mgcld) npcm946eshx4f npctmpcorehx4c npintl80321hx4c
21:02:06 (mgcld) npintl80321hx4e npintl80321hx4f npipxa270hx4c
21:02:06 (mgcld) npipxa270hx4e npipxa270hx4f npipxa271hx4c
21:02:06 (mgcld) npipxa271hx4e npipxa271hx4f npipxa272hx4c
21:02:06 (mgcld) npipxa272hx4e npipxa272hx4f npipxa273hx4c
21:02:06 (mgcld) npipxa273hx4e npipxa273hx4f nplh75400hx4c
21:02:06 (mgcld) nplh75400hx4e nplh75400hx4f nplh75401hx4c
21:02:06 (mgcld) nplh75401hx4e nplh75401hx4f nplh75410hx4c
21:02:06 (mgcld) nplh75410hx4e nplh75410hx4f nplh75411hx4c
21:02:06 (mgcld) nplh75411hx4e nplh75411hx4f nplh79520hx4c
21:02:06 (mgcld) nplh79520hx4e nplh79520hx4f nplh7a400hx4c
21:02:06 (mgcld) nplh7a400hx4e nplh7a400hx4f nplh7a404hx4c
21:02:06 (mgcld) nplh7a404hx4e nplh7a404hx4f nplmcf5206ehx4a
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21:02:06 (mgcld) nplmcf5282hx4a nplmcf5307hx4a nplmcf5327hx4a
21:02:06 (mgcld) nplmcf5328hx4a nplmcf5329hx4a nplmcf5407hx4a
21:02:06 (mgcld) nplmcf5470hx4a nplmcf5471hx4a nplmcf5472hx4a
21:02:06 (mgcld) nplmcf5473hx4a nplmcf5474hx4a nplmcf5475hx4a
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21:02:06 (mgcld) nplmcf5483hx4a nplmcf5484hx4a nplmcf5485hx4a
21:02:06 (mgcld) npltlccfstd npltledtstd npltledtus4
21:02:06 (mgcld) npltledtus7 npltlnonstd npltlpltstd
21:02:06 (mgcld) npltlvslstd npltlwcmstd npm55800ahx4c
21:02:06 (mgcld) npm55800ahx4e npm55800ahx4f npmc9328mx1hx4c
21:02:06 (mgcld) npmc9328mx1hx4e npmc9328mx1hx4f npmc9328mxlhx4c
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21:02:06 (mgcld) npmc9328mxshx4e npmc9328mxshx4f npmcf5251hx4a
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21:02:06 (mgcld) npmcimx31lhx4c npmcimx31lhx4e npmcimx31lhx4f
21:02:06 (mgcld) npomap5912hx4c npomap5912hx4d npomap5912hx4e
21:02:06 (mgcld) npomap5912hx4f npr40807hx4c npr40807hx4e
21:02:06 (mgcld) npr4080hx4f nprm9200hx4f nprm920hx4c
21:02:06 (mgcld) nprm920hx4e nps3c44b0xhx4c nps3c44b0xhx4e
21:02:06 (mgcld) nps3c44b0xhx4f npsam7a2hx4c npsam7a2hx4e
21:02:06 (mgcld) npsam7a2hx4f npsam7s128hx4c npsam7s128hx4e
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21:02:06 (mgcld) npsam7s32hx4f npsam7s64hx4c npsam7s64hx4e
21:02:06 (mgcld) npsam7s64hx4f npsam7x128hx4c npsam7x128hx4e
21:02:06 (mgcld) npsam7x128hx4f npsam7x256hx4c npsam7x256hx4e
21:02:06 (mgcld) npsam7x256hx4f npsam7x512hx4c npsam7x512hx4e
21:02:06 (mgcld) npsam7x512hx4f npsam7xc128hx4c npsam7xc128hx4e
21:02:06 (mgcld) npsam7xc128hx4f npsam7xc256hx4c npsam7xc256hx4e
21:02:06 (mgcld) npsam7xc256hx4f npsam7xc512hx4c npsam7xc512hx4e
21:02:06 (mgcld) npsam7xc512hx4f npsam9261hx4c npsam9261hx4e
21:02:06 (mgcld) npsam9261hx4f npt320da180hx4d npt320dm320hx4c
21:02:06 (mgcld) npwrdffaudit npwrdxf npwrshell
21:02:06 (mgcld) npwrverify nschemavstn nstatevstn
21:02:06 (mgcld) ntimevstn ntracevstn nuc802dot11i
21:02:06 (mgcld) nuc802dot1x nucagent nuccan
21:02:06 (mgcld) nuccanopen nuccanopends401 nuccanopends404
21:02:06 (mgcld) nuccanopends405 nuccdrom nuccipheraes
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucciphersuite nucciphrsutlt nucdhcprlyagnt
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucdhcpserver nucdrvrcan nucedge68kissux
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucedge68kisswnd nucedgecfissux nucedgecfisswnd
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucedgecfwnd nucedgedebugarm nucedgedgarmwnd
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucedgehostwnd nucedgemblzwnd nucedgemipswnd
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucedgeni2wnd nucedgepm nucedgepmwnd
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucedgeppcissux nucedgeppcisswnd nucedgeppcwnd
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucedgeprf nucemailpckge nucfal
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucfile nucgrafixwt nucgrapfixrs
21:02:06 (mgcld) nuci2c nucimage nucinputmngmt
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucipsec nucipv6 nucl2tp
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucmicroiplus nucnafem nucnat
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucnet nucotgaudio nucotghid
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucothethcom nucpictf nucpicth
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucplusgeneric nucposix nucppp
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucpppoe nucpptp nucrmon
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucrmonlite nucsecsh nucshell
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucsimtest nucsimtestlite nucsimtestpack
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucsimtestpdk nucsimtestrtui nucsimtestrun
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucsimteststdui nucsim_bin nucsim_pro
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucsnmpv1 nucsnmpv3 nucsntpclient
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucspan nucspi nucssl
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucuicore nucuifont nucuipack
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucuiprev nucusbbase nucusbfaudio
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucusbfcombas nucusbfdfu nucusbfethcom
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucusbffldrv nucusbfhid nucusbfmodcom
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucusbfms nucusbfmtp nucusbfnetdrv
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucusbfprtr nucusbfsi nucusbfstk
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucusbfvideo nucusbfvrtser nucusbhaudio
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucusbhccid nucusbhcombas nucusbhethcom
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucusbhfildrv nucusbhhid nucusbhhidbas
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucusbhmodcom nucusbhms nucusbhnetdrv
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucusbhprtr nucusbhpwr nucusbhrs232
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucusbhsi nucusbhstk nucusbhvideo
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucusbotgmodcom nucusbotgms nucusbotgprtr
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucusbotgstk nucusbotgstlimg nucusbotgvideo
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucvfs nucvision nucwebserv
21:02:06 (mgcld) nucxprot nutc nu_email
21:02:06 (mgcld) nu_file nu_grafixrs nu_grafixwt
21:02:06 (mgcld) nu_itron nu_net nu_npp
21:02:06 (mgcld) nu_npp_file nu_npp_net nu_npp_plus
21:02:06 (mgcld) nu_plus nu_posix nu_ppp
21:02:06 (mgcld) nu_rmon nu_shell nu_snmp
21:02:06 (mgcld) nu_usb nu_webserv nu_xprot
21:02:06 (mgcld) nwave nwavevstn nx
21:02:06 (mgcld) objrec ohmiiaisstd ohmiicisstd
21:02:06 (mgcld) ohmiimd0std ohmiinonstd ohmiisd0std
21:02:06 (mgcld) ohmv2nonstd ohmv4hd0std ohmv4ld0std
21:02:06 (mgcld) ohmv4nonstd opsim opsimapex
21:02:06 (mgcld) opsimhspice opsimic opsimsaber
21:02:06 (mgcld) opt otbr outnetl
21:02:06 (mgcld) outnets padssuite1 padssuite2
21:02:06 (mgcld) padssuite3 papoulis papoulislearnpw
21:02:06 (mgcld) papoulislearntm papoulisvcdpw papoulisvcdtm
21:02:06 (mgcld) parch parchallpro parchallproupg
21:02:06 (mgcld) parchedifnw2 parchedifnw3 parchpro
21:02:06 (mgcld) parchproupg paserver pcable
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcasim pcballegro pcbartgb
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbartgbnt pcbartint pcbartsb
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbboardstation pcbconceptimprt pcbconsumer
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbcr5000 pcbeditbase pcbeditfst
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbeppallegro pcbeppbrdstatn pcbeppcr5000
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbeppexpeditn pcbepppowerpcb pcbeppvisula
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbexpedition pcbfablink pcbfablinknt
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbgen pcbgencad pcbgennt
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbhfablink pcbhfablinknt pcbhfssint
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbhispeed pcbhispeednt pcbhlayout
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbhlayoutnt pcbhlibrarian pcbhlibrariannt
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbhpackage pcbhpackagent pcbhslayout
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbhslayoutnt pcbiges pcbigesin
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbigesnt pcbigesplus pcbiplacebase
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcblayout pcblayoutnt pcblibrarian
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcblibrariannt pcbmdall pcbmdallnt
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbmdcdf pcbmdcdfnt pcbmdcre
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbmdcrent pcbmdcst pcbmdcstnt
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbmddfa pcbmddfant pcbmddff
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbmddffnt pcbmddrl pcbmddrlnt
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbmdedf pcbmdedfnt pcbmdedt
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbmdedtnt pcbmdevw pcbmdevwnt
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbmdfab pcbmdfabnt pcbmdi50
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbmdi50nt pcbmdi56 pcbmdi56nt
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbmding pcbmdingnt pcbmdipc
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbmdipcnt pcbmdmen pcbmdmennt
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbmdmrc pcbmdmrcnt pcbmdpad
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbmdpadnt pcbmdpan pcbmdpannt
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbmdpcd pcbmdpcdnt pcbmdpro
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbmdpront pcbmdsci pcbmdscint
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbmdvag pcbmdvagnt pcbmdvbg
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbmdvbgnt pcbmdver pcbmdvernt
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbmech pcbmechnt pcbmentorimport
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbmfablink pcbmfablinknt pcbmlayout
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbmlayoutnt pcbmlibrarian pcbmlibrariannt
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbmomint pcbmpackage pcbmpackagent
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbpackage pcbpackagent pcbpathfinder
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbplacebase pcbpowerpcb pcbrfarch
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbrfemint pcbrflay pcbrflayout
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbrfsch pcbrouteadv pcbroutebase
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbroutedfm pcbroutefst pcbroutehyb
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbsmartgb pcbsmartgbnt pcbsmartsb
21:02:06 (mgcld) pcbtoolkit pcbviewbase pcbvisula
21:02:06 (mgcld) pchsbgms10intelc pdq pdqfl
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfacore pfccore pfdc
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfdxd pfmcore pfmfpgaassistnt
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfmincremental pfmlbs pfmresourcemgr
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfmtpviewer pfpcore pfpguifixup
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfpguirofloorp pfpguirwfloorp pfplus
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfpopttiming pfpreadfdb pfpreadncd
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfpreadpdb pfpreaducf pfpreadxdl
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfpro pfptechaltera pfptechxilinx
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfpwriteuedif pfrbetarls pfrcmdcli
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrcmddeveloper pfrcmdhierarchy pfrcmdlineopts
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrcmdsdc pfrcore pfrfsmopt
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrgui pfrguidsgnbrows pfrguimainsoft
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrguischviewer pfrguitk pfrlgen
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrnodetofloat pfrphyretiming pfrreadcoregen
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrreaddly pfrreadedif pfrreadsdf
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrreadvhdl pfrreadvlog pfrreadvqm
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrreadxdb pfrreporttiming pfrretiming
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrsynthesize pfrtechachronix pfrtechact1
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrtechact2 pfrtechact3 pfrtechactel
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrtechaltera pfrtechapex20 pfrtechapexii
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrtechat6k02 pfrtechat6k04 pfrtechatmel
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrtechc340 pfrtechc370 pfrtechc380
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrtechcmos pfrtechcyclone pfrtechcyclone2
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrtechcypress pfrtechflex10 pfrtechflex8
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrtechfujitsu pfrtechisp5000 pfrtechisp8000
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrtechlattice pfrtechlsc pfrtechlsi100k
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrtechlsi10k pfrtechlucent pfrtechmach
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrtechmach4 pfrtechmach5 pfrtechmax
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrtechmax5 pfrtechmax7 pfrtechmax9
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrtechminc pfrtechmisc pfrtechnewfpga
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrtechorca pfrtechphilips pfrtechqcklogic
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrtechsanyo pfrtechsharp pfrtechstratigx
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrtechstratix pfrtechxas2e pfrtechxcv
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrtechxcv2 pfrtechxcv2p pfrtechxcv2q
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrtechxcv2qr pfrtechxcv4 pfrtechxcv5
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrtechxcve pfrtechxcveq pfrtechxcvq
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrtechxi2 pfrtechxi3 pfrtechxi4
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrtechxi4e pfrtechxi5 pfrtechxi7
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrtechxi8 pfrtechxi9 pfrtechxilinx
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrtechxis2 pfrtechxis2e pfrtechxis3
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrtechxis3a pfrtechxis3e pfrtestlogic
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrwriteedif pfrwritesdf pfrwriteuedif
21:02:06 (mgcld) pfrwritevhdl pfrwritevlog pfrwritexdb
21:02:06 (mgcld) photo phytestmgr phytestmgrnt
21:02:06 (mgcld) pims0clistd pims0questd pims0svrstd
21:02:06 (mgcld) pims0webstd pinedspcore plds2
21:02:06 (mgcld) pldsynthesis plm2plm plogcisclient
21:02:06 (mgcld) plogcismanager plogdbunl ploglibedit
21:02:06 (mgcld) plogpadspcb plogpdf plogschedit
21:02:06 (mgcld) plogshell plogspicenet pltfrmintgr
21:02:06 (mgcld) pltfrmntgreda pltfrmntgrip pltfrmxprss
21:02:06 (mgcld) posth poweranalyst powerroute
21:02:06 (mgcld) powersize pploglibedit pplogpadspcb
21:02:06 (mgcld) pplogschedit ppwradvpkgtool precise
21:02:06 (mgcld) precvli prevue prevuefl
21:02:06 (mgcld) printsvr projectxpert protolayout
21:02:06 (mgcld) protolayoutnt prototherm psacore
21:02:06 (mgcld) psccore psfilter pshcmdcli
21:02:06 (mgcld) pshcmddeveloper pshcore pshdmag
21:02:06 (mgcld) pshflowdc pshflowpsr pshflowxst
21:02:06 (mgcld) pshgui pshguischviewer pshlbcore
21:02:06 (mgcld) pshlbdcflow pshlbgui pshlbpsrflow
21:02:06 (mgcld) pshlbxstflow pshlgen pshreadc
21:02:06 (mgcld) pshreadcfloat pshreadvhdl pshreadvlog
21:02:06 (mgcld) pshtechactel pshtechaltera pshtechascii
21:02:06 (mgcld) pshtechasic pshtechlicense pshtechxilinx
21:02:06 (mgcld) pshwritevhdl pshwritevlog psmcore
21:02:06 (mgcld) psmfpgaassistnt psmgen psmincremental
21:02:06 (mgcld) psmlbs psmresourcemgr psmtpviewer
21:02:06 (mgcld) psoffline psonline psp2eldo
21:02:06 (mgcld) pspbeta1 pspbeta2 pspbeta3
21:02:06 (mgcld) pspbeta4 pspbeta5 pspbeta6
21:02:06 (mgcld) pspcore pspguifixup pspguirofloorp
21:02:06 (mgcld) pspguirwfloorp psplot pspopttiming
21:02:06 (mgcld) pspreadfdb pspreadncd pspreadpdb
21:02:06 (mgcld) pspreaducf pspreadxdl psprint
21:02:06 (mgcld) psptechaltera psptechxilinx pspwriteuedif
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrbeta1 psrbeta2 psrbeta3
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrbetaextend psrbetarls psrcmdcli
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrcmddeveloper psrcmdhierarchy psrcmdlineopts
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrcmdsdc psrcore psrfsmopt
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrgui psrguidsgnbrows psrguimainsoft
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrguischviewer psrguitk psrlgen
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrnodetofloat psrphyretiming psrreadcoregen
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrreaddly psrreadedif psrreadsdf
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrreadvhdl psrreadvlog psrreadvqm
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrreadxdb psrreporttiming psrretiming
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrsynthesize psrtechachronix psrtechact1
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrtechact2 psrtechact3 psrtechactel
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrtechaltera psrtechapex20 psrtechapexii
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrtechat6k02 psrtechat6k04 psrtechatmel
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrtechc340 psrtechc370 psrtechc380
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrtechcmos psrtechcyclone psrtechcyclone2
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrtechcypress psrtechflex10 psrtechflex8
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrtechfujitsu psrtechisp5000 psrtechisp8000
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrtechlattice psrtechlsc psrtechlsi100k
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrtechlsi10k psrtechlucent psrtechmach
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrtechmach4 psrtechmach5 psrtechmax
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrtechmax5 psrtechmax7 psrtechmax9
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrtechminc psrtechmisc psrtechnewfpga
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrtechorca psrtechphilips psrtechqcklogic
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrtechsanyo psrtechsharp psrtechstratigx
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrtechstratix psrtechxas2e psrtechxcv
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrtechxcv2 psrtechxcv2p psrtechxcv2q
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrtechxcv2qr psrtechxcv4 psrtechxcv5
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrtechxcve psrtechxcveq psrtechxcvq
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrtechxi2 psrtechxi3 psrtechxi4
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrtechxi4e psrtechxi5 psrtechxi7
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrtechxi8 psrtechxi9 psrtechxilinx
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrtechxis2 psrtechxis2e psrtechxis3
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrtechxis3a psrtechxis3e psrtestlogic
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrwriteedif psrwritesdf psrwriteuedif
21:02:06 (mgcld) psrwritevhdl psrwritevlog psrwritexdb
21:02:06 (mgcld) pwradvedtrf pwradvpkgtool pwradvrules
21:02:06 (mgcld) pwranalog pwrautoconn pwrautoplace
21:02:06 (mgcld) pwrbgafanout pwrbgarouter pwrbndpadfanout
21:02:06 (mgcld) pwrcam pwrcam350 pwrcamplus
21:02:06 (mgcld) pwrcluplace pwrcopperflood pwrdbexp
21:02:06 (mgcld) pwrdbstd pwrdbunl pwrdffaudit
21:02:06 (mgcld) pwrdieflag pwrdrafting pwrdre
21:02:06 (mgcld) pwrdxf pwreco pwrgds2
21:02:06 (mgcld) pwrgenedit pwridf pwrlibedit
21:02:06 (mgcld) pwrplatingtails pwrradialplace pwrreuse
21:02:06 (mgcld) pwrshell pwrspecctralink pwrsplitplanes
21:02:06 (mgcld) pwrvariants pwrverify pxadhoc
21:02:06 (mgcld) pxblackbox pxedit pxhiercomp
21:02:06 (mgcld) pxk pxpwrdomain pxtestbench
21:02:06 (mgcld) qdsserver qhdlcomnt qhdlsimnt
21:02:06 (mgcld) qhdsmpwr qhdsmsps qhsimint
21:02:06 (mgcld) qhsimvh qhsimvl qhvhcom
21:02:06 (mgcld) qhvhcompi qhvlcom qhxlc
21:02:06 (mgcld) qhxlcste qnet qparts
21:02:06 (mgcld) qpasim qsimbackplane qsimsaberifc
21:02:06 (mgcld) quickcheck quickcheckcomnt quickcheckcomp
21:02:06 (mgcld) quickchecknt quickfaltlan quickfault
21:02:06 (mgcld) quickfaultdist quickgradeii quickminmax
21:02:06 (mgcld) quickpath quickpower quickpowerssi
21:02:06 (mgcld) quicksimfpga quicksimfpgant quicksimii
21:02:06 (mgcld) quicksimiib quicksimiint quicksimiisb
21:02:06 (mgcld) quiet quietfl qvcom
21:02:06 (mgcld) qvsim qvsimint rcdelay
21:02:06 (mgcld) rcreduction redcon registrar
21:02:06 (mgcld) registrarnt relmgr renoir
21:02:06 (mgcld) renoirblkrd renoirblock renoirdi
21:02:06 (mgcld) renoirdoors renoirduo renoirpd
21:02:06 (mgcld) renoirstate rfgatewayda rfgatewaylay
21:02:06 (mgcld) rinf rlscommpcsr rmgr
21:02:06 (mgcld) rmgrlib rtlcaccel rtlccelaro
21:02:06 (mgcld) rtlcdebugcelaro rtlcformalpro rtlcmed
21:02:06 (mgcld) rtlcverilog rtlcvhdl rtlcvstation
21:02:06 (mgcld) rulecvt s4layoutint s4schint
21:02:06 (mgcld) sacdif saclan sacore
21:02:06 (mgcld) sacp sadi saperf
21:02:06 (mgcld) sarc sasim savhdl
21:02:06 (mgcld) savlog sc scaninsert
21:02:06 (mgcld) scap scaplsim schemgen
21:02:06 (mgcld) schemviewcomp schemvwr sdf_schem
21:02:06 (mgcld) sdscdif sdscore sdscp
21:02:06 (mgcld) sdsrc sdssim sdsvhdl
21:02:06 (mgcld) seamlessh2c seamlessh2crt seamlessh2cui
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxf1camstd sfxf1libstd sfxf1nonstd
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxf1pmsstd sfxf1vewstd sfxfb907std
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxfbapsstd sfxfbcfistd sfxfbdsnstd
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxfbdxfstd sfxfbexxstd sfxfbhglstd
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxfbigsstd sfxfbnc0std sfxfbohmstd
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxfbphostd sfxfbresstd sfxfbstostd
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxfbtedstd sfxfbvb9std sfxfbvbastd
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxfbxapstd sfxj1bldstd sfxj1nonstd
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxj1pmsstd sfxj1vatstd sfxj1vewstd
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxjbansstd sfxjbapsstd sfxjbcalstd
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxjbctpstd sfxjbcxistd sfxjbdsndtd
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxjbdxistd sfxjbdxostd sfxjbercstd
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxjberpstd sfxjbexpstd sfxjbexxstd
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxjbhglstd sfxjbicdstd sfxjbidistd
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxjbidostd sfxjbigistd sfxjbigostd
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxjbjpcstd sfxjbmbdstd sfxjbnc0std
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxjbodbstd sfxjbphostd sfxjbpnastd
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxjbprcstd sfxjbpwistd sfxjbqadstd
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxjbsrcstd sfxjbstistd sfxjbstostd
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxjbtdpstd sfxjbvmostd sfxprtedstd
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxreautoactive sfxreautoroute sfxreautortenw
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxreclusters sfxrehighspeed sfxreintactive
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxt1edfstd sfxt1edostd sfxt1pkgstd
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxt1pmsstd sfxt1pmsus2 sfxt1pmsus3
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxt1pmsus4 sfxt1pmsus5 sfxt1pmsus6
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxt1pspstd sfxt1reustd sfxt1s1istd
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxt1sdistd sfxt1sedstd sfxt1sedus2
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxt1sedus3 sfxt1sedus4 sfxt1sedus5
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxt1sedus6 sfxt1symstd sfxt1vewstd
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxt1vristd sfxt1vrius2 sfxt1vrius3
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxt1vrius4 sfxt1vrius5 sfxt1vrius6
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxtbcalstd sfxtbdsnstd sfxtbdxfstd
21:02:06 (mgcld) sfxtbexxstd sfxtbigsstd sfxteampcb
21:02:06 (mgcld) sg sgcdn sgcdnnt
21:02:06 (mgcld) sgint sgintnt sgmgc
21:02:06 (mgcld) sgmgcnt sgsrv sgsrvnt
21:02:06 (mgcld) sgsrvr sgvlg sgvlgnt
21:02:06 (mgcld) sgzr sgzrnt simlnkhilo
21:02:06 (mgcld) simlnklsim simlnkqsim simlnkquicksm
21:02:06 (mgcld) simlnkverimix simpilot simview
21:02:06 (mgcld) simviewnt smallegro smamd
21:02:06 (mgcld) smansoft smard smartparts
21:02:06 (mgcld) smatp smatpcore smbatch
21:02:06 (mgcld) smbs smcct smconceptfb
21:02:06 (mgcld) smconceptx smdafb smdax
21:02:06 (mgcld) smdraughtsman smeplanner smgdsii
21:02:06 (mgcld) smgencad smhighspeed smidf
21:02:06 (mgcld) smiff smlibrarian smmcm
21:02:06 (mgcld) smodb smorcadfb smplacer
21:02:06 (mgcld) smpushshove smqnf smsdf
21:02:06 (mgcld) smviewer smvrml smwaveguide
21:02:06 (mgcld) smxgerber sneak solutionspace
21:02:06 (mgcld) sphspice spiceint spicenet
21:02:06 (mgcld) sppspice spsaber spspice2g6
21:02:06 (mgcld) spspice3e srp srpnt
21:02:06 (mgcld) sstvelocity sstvelocitybeta statesyn
21:02:06 (mgcld) stattest streamrev streamview
21:02:06 (mgcld) structrecovery subtle success
21:02:06 (mgcld) successdriv successhspice successmacro
21:02:06 (mgcld) successsaber svadvanalysis svadvmeas
21:02:06 (mgcld) svc svcalc svcalcopt
21:02:06 (mgcld) svcom svcompoundop svdx
21:02:06 (mgcld) svif svmeastool svmontecarlo
21:02:06 (mgcld) svsim svsimulink svsweep
21:02:06 (mgcld) svverification syn synfpga
21:02:06 (mgcld) synoptdl synorca syntaxeditor
21:02:06 (mgcld) syntaxeditornt syntechlib syntechlibnt
21:02:06 (mgcld) synui synuifpga synuiorca
21:02:06 (mgcld) sys1076comp sys1076debug sys1076solver
21:02:06 (mgcld) sysvisvendlib1 sysvisvendlib2 sysvisvendlib3
21:02:06 (mgcld) tbc tbx tbxcvstation
21:02:06 (mgcld) tbxemu tbxsim tbxuviewsim
21:02:06 (mgcld) tc2chs tcsweep teampcb
21:02:06 (mgcld) techcomp techcompnt teraplace
21:02:06 (mgcld) teraplacects teraplacegf teraplaceiopt
21:02:06 (mgcld) teraplacetdl teraview test
21:02:06 (mgcld) testdecode testkomp testkomp10x
21:02:06 (mgcld) testkomp25x testkomp5x testkompdiag
21:02:06 (mgcld) testkompnolimit timebalf timebamp
21:02:06 (mgcld) timebase timebasent timebcdc
21:02:06 (mgcld) timebdcma timebhtml timebldr
21:02:06 (mgcld) timebldrlt timebmerge timebmif
21:02:06 (mgcld) timebmotive timebpathmill timebremodel
21:02:06 (mgcld) timebsyn timebtlf timeit
21:02:06 (mgcld) timeitbeta tlc tlcfl
21:02:06 (mgcld) tlx2ml togglecounts topoplanner
21:02:06 (mgcld) toporouter trans2dsi trans2dxf
21:02:06 (mgcld) transact transbridge transcable
21:02:06 (mgcld) transcable2xml transcablecgm transcockpit
21:02:06 (mgcld) transcommon transdatabook transifcatia
21:02:06 (mgcld) transifcommon transifsdrc translay2xml
21:02:06 (mgcld) translaycommon translayout translayoutcgm
21:02:06 (mgcld) transnetl transnets transovm
21:02:06 (mgcld) transphys2log transubom tsbldr
21:02:06 (mgcld) tsldecrypt tvx tvxsa
21:02:06 (mgcld) txanalysis upmulti uprf
21:02:06 (mgcld) uprtrans upsingle usbfstillimage
21:02:06 (mgcld) usbhstillimage use usedev
21:02:06 (mgcld) v15marray v15mchassis v3
21:02:06 (mgcld) v30marray v30mchassis v5marray
21:02:06 (mgcld) v5mchassis valcon variantmgrfmv
21:02:06 (mgcld) variantmgrlyt variantmgrsch vbrfilter
21:02:06 (mgcld) vbwplot vcplot vcroffline
21:02:06 (mgcld) vcronline vdfsvr vecomp
21:02:06 (mgcld) velinksim verieldort verifdataport
21:02:06 (mgcld) verify verilogacomp verilogadbg
21:02:06 (mgcld) verilogamsrt verilogart verilogwrite
21:02:06 (mgcld) vesyscomponents vesysdesign vesysharness
21:02:06 (mgcld) vesysharnrep vesysservice vhamsdev
21:02:06 (mgcld) vhamsdeved vhamsdevee vhamsdevhs
21:02:06 (mgcld) vhamsdevicx vhamsdevpr vhamsmod
21:02:06 (mgcld) vhamsmoded vhamsmodee vhamsmodhs
21:02:06 (mgcld) vhamsmodpr vhamsrt vhamsrted
21:02:06 (mgcld) vhamsrtee vhamsrths vhamsrticx
21:02:06 (mgcld) vhamsrtpr vhcomp vhdlanalyzer
21:02:06 (mgcld) vhdlc vhdlgen vhdlnet
21:02:06 (mgcld) vhdlrt vhdlsimulator vhdlwrite
21:02:06 (mgcld) vhlinksim vics viewbase
21:02:06 (mgcld) viewdraw viewdrawsved viewware
21:02:06 (mgcld) viewware10 viewware100 viewware20
21:02:06 (mgcld) viewware25 viewware5 viewware50
21:02:06 (mgcld) viewwareserver vistaperf visualibis
21:02:06 (mgcld) vivsim vlogwrite vnet
21:02:06 (mgcld) volcanodct voyagercs voyagercsx
21:02:06 (mgcld) voyagerfs voyagergui vp5array
21:02:06 (mgcld) vprobe vprochassis vproffline
21:02:06 (mgcld) vpronline vrc vrffilter
21:02:06 (mgcld) vrplot vrun vsarm
21:02:06 (mgcld) vsbuslog vscsim vsmips
21:02:06 (mgcld) vspxgenc vspxgensc vsviewg
21:02:06 (mgcld) vsviewmmem vsviewnmem vsviewtrx
21:02:06 (mgcld) vsxpsim vsyn vtask
21:02:06 (mgcld) vton vwservcont vwservglobal
21:02:06 (mgcld) vwservlocal vwservlocal10 vwviewer
21:02:06 (mgcld) vxextract vxextractrc vxrules
21:02:06 (mgcld) vxtrace waveformdp wfmview
21:02:06 (mgcld) wfviewernocalc wgacteldk wgalteradk
21:02:06 (mgcld) wgamd wganalboxa wganalog
21:02:06 (mgcld) wgard wgascent wgascentl2
21:02:06 (mgcld) wgascentl4 wgascentlx wgasolo
21:02:06 (mgcld) wgatp wgautobasic wgautoextended
21:02:06 (mgcld) wgbetasoft wgbrowse wgcircuit
21:02:06 (mgcld) wgcspcbbomgen wgcsschpart wgdmma
21:02:06 (mgcld) wgdmmc wgdsncap wgdsncappi
21:02:06 (mgcld) wgdsnview wgdsnviewcfg wgdsnviewcfgicx
21:02:06 (mgcld) wgdsnviewcfgpr wgdsnviewed wgdsnviewicx
21:02:06 (mgcld) wgdsnviewpr wgdsnviewsd wgdsnviewsdicx
21:02:06 (mgcld) wgdsnviewsdpr wgdsnviewtt wgdsviewfc
21:02:06 (mgcld) wgedifsch wggerbtool wggerbtoola
21:02:06 (mgcld) wgghldedit wgghldeditpr wgghldvhdl
21:02:06 (mgcld) wgghldvhdlicx wgghldvhdlpr wgghldvlog
21:02:06 (mgcld) wghighspeed wgidftboxa wgiffinterface
21:02:06 (mgcld) wglatticedk wgldfm wglibman
21:02:06 (mgcld) wgmcm wgmfgtboxa wgmicrovia
21:02:06 (mgcld) wgodbgint wgorcadexpif wgorcadk
21:02:06 (mgcld) wgpartmana wgpcb wgpinnacle
21:02:06 (mgcld) wgplan wgpmutil wgreport
21:02:06 (mgcld) wgreusableblk wgsa wgscepterpanel
21:02:06 (mgcld) wgsv wgteampcb wgtpartmanc
21:02:06 (mgcld) wgvalor wgvarman wgvhdl
21:02:06 (mgcld) wgvhdlchip wgview wgvmgr
21:02:06 (mgcld) wgwave wgwaveed wgwavepr
21:02:06 (mgcld) wgxilinxdk workflowmgr wxfalconsvr
21:02:06 (mgcld) wxfalconsvrnt wxorca xcalibrate
21:02:06 (mgcld) xcalibrec xcalibreh xcalibrerc
21:02:06 (mgcld) xeatpec xeatpecdk xeatpflex
21:02:06 (mgcld) xeatprflay xeatprfsch xeatprfsim
21:02:06 (mgcld) xeautobasic xeautoextended xedffanalysis
21:02:06 (mgcld) xefablink xefablinkmov xefablinkpro
21:02:06 (mgcld) xelga xelgadsp xelgaspeced
21:02:06 (mgcld) xelgawpl xepcbdft xfx3d
21:02:06 (mgcld) xfx3dfl xgrlay xgrschem
21:02:06 (mgcld) xhc386 xhc68k xhc8052
21:02:06 (mgcld) xhc960 xhcad21k xhcarm7
21:02:06 (mgcld) xhcarm925t xhccf xhccf2
21:02:06 (mgcld) xhccf3 xhccf4 xhcmc
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21:02:06 (mgcld) Licenses are case sensitive for mgcld
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21:02:06 (mgcld) EXTERNAL FILTERS are OFF
21:02:06 (lmgrd) mgcld using TCP-port 46634
貌似lic是可以的,calibre -gui  ---->    nmDRC,启动calibre后仍然提示lic不可用,现象描述完毕,问题:怎么解决calibre这个问题?
 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-12 11:45:35 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-10-12 11:51:29 | 显示全部楼层
你先打calibre -gui 試試 去裡面點點看有沒有跳出 license相關問題
发表于 2013-10-12 11:55:03 | 显示全部楼层
IC615那個只是要裝字型檔 沒所謂的 然後calibre的lic 你要在設定lic時 先調windows時間 調至2010的某月某日都可以 然後把lic丟到RHEL
 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-12 14:21:45 | 显示全部楼层
回复 4# timtim016801

  calibre的log是显示成功的,而我的做法,因为没有集成到virtuoso里,所以启动还是calibre -gui启动的.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-12 14:25:52 | 显示全部楼层
Screenshot-2_display.png 现在能上图了,大伙给诊断诊断。
发表于 2013-10-12 14:26:09 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-12 14:31:04 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 shidaixu 于 2013-10-12 14:32 编辑

回复 7# zz1313

发表于 2013-10-12 14:39:55 | 显示全部楼层
calibre 的lic在启动gui的时候不会检查,点GUI里的任何一项进去,才会检查lic。
 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-12 14:52:14 | 显示全部楼层
回复 9# sme-ic

    奇怪,我的问题说明已经很清楚了啊 启动calibre是:calibre -gui --> nmDRC -->load runset -->cancel显示:lic不可用
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