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[原创] 【新加坡】【招聘】WinCE驱动开发软件工程师

发表于 2013-10-2 11:57:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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大家好,我是新加坡Uni Connect公司(的猎头周倩倩。我们公司在新加坡半导体行业做技术招聘已有15年经验,和各大公司合作密切。我们有一个美国的大客户,做工业控制系统,现在在新加坡分公司招一位:


Senior/ Software Engineer

You will support adaptation of WindowsCE to custom hardware, including the development of operating system services, device drivers, and support software/firmware for operator interface products. You will need to possess strong knowledge of embedded programming for Intel, Motorola and Arm based microprocessors/microcontrollers. You should have strong C/C++ skills, experience with Microsoft Platform Builder, and a practical knowledge of contemporary software engineering methods and development tools are required. You will assist in the design of new and existing software, and testing and debugging of developed software using emulators and logic analyzers. You will participate or conduct technical reviews with peers to identify problems in support and development phases. You will also need to demonstrate the ability to consistently meet personal commitments and work effectively in a team environment. You should possess good interpersonal and communication skills.

Qualifications Requirements:

Degree in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical or Electronics Engineering

Min 3 to 10 years of software experience with emphasis on the analysis, design, programming and testing of software systems using modern engineering best practices

Open-minded, willing to experiment within acceptable boundaries and have a creative mind to bring novel solutions into design and problem solving

Background in operator interface technologies such as user interface displays, logic controllers, and user input devices is highly desired.

Minimum Requirements:

Experience in Adaptation of CE to custom hardware

Experience in HAL (Hardware Adaptation Layer) or OAL (OEM Adaptation Layer)

Experience in CE and or Windows Driver development

Experience in Platform Builder Tool

Experience in Assembly Language, C/C++ and Microprocessors/controllers


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