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[资料] Principles of Modern Radar: Advanced Techniques

发表于 2013-7-31 11:31:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Principles of Modern Radar: Advanced Techniques
William L. Melvin, James A. Scheer
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 846
ISBN: 9781891121531
Publisher: SciTech Publishing © 2013


Principles_of_Modern_Radar vol_2..Advanced_Techniques.SciTech.part2.rar (12.62 MB, 下载次数: 679 )

Principles_of_Modern_Radar vol_2..Advanced_Techniques.SciTech.part1.rar (13.83 MB, 下载次数: 658 )


Principles of Modern Radar: Advanced Techniques is a professional reference for practicing engineers that provides a stepping stone to advanced practice with in-depth discussions of the most commonly used advanced techniques for radar design. It will also serve advanced radar academic and training courses with a complete set of problems for students as well as solutions for instructors.

This book provides an introduction to advanced radar methods available, spanning the gamut of the most exciting radar capabilities, from exotic waveforms, to ultra-high resolution 2D and 3D imaging methods, complex adaptive inteference cancellation, multi-target tracking in dense scenarios and more.

The most up-to-date methods, such as multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) are covered. All of this material is presented with the same careful balance of quantitative rigor and qualitiative insight of Principles of Modern Radar: Basic Principles (SciTech - 2010)

Technical Reviewers
SciTech Publishing gratefully acknowledges the contributions of the following technical reviewers, who selected chapters of interest and read each carefully and completely, often in multiple iterations and often with substantive suggestions of remarkable thought and depth. Taken in aggregate, the value of their reviews was beyond measure:

Mounir Adjrad – University College London, UK
Christopher Allen – University of Kansas, USA
Ron Aloysius – Northrop Grumman Corporation, USA
Chris Baker – The Ohio State University, USA
Greg Barrie – Defence R&D Canada, Canada
Lee Blanton – General Atomics Aeronautical, USA
Shannon Blunt – University of Kansas, USA
Arik D. Brown – Northrop Grumman, USA
Daniel Brown - Applied Research Laboratory, Penn State University, USA
Ron Caves – Senior Analyst, MDA Systems, Ltd., Canada
Kernan Chaisson – Captain, USAF (retired), USA
Jean-Yves Chouinard - Université Laval, Canada
Carmine Clemente – University of Strathclyde, UK
Gregory Coxson –Technology Service Corporation, USA
G. Richard Curry - Consultant, USA
Antonio De Maio - Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
Patrick Dever – Fellow Engineer, Northrop Grumman, USA
John Erickson – USAF, Wright-Patterson AFB, USA
Gaspare Galati – Tor Vergata University, Italy
Martie Goulding – Chief Radar Engineer – MDA Systems, Ltd., Canada
Fulvio Gini – University of Pisa, Italy
Tim Hagan – Lead Measurement Engineer, JT3, LLC, USA
Randy Jost – Ball Aerospace
Thodoris Kostis – University of the Aegean, Greece
Lorenzo Lo Monte – University of Dayton Research Institute, USA
Khalil Maalouf – Metron, Inc., USA
Yasser M. Madany – Alexandria University, Egypt
Doug Moody – Mercer University, USA
Lee Moyer – CTO, Technology Service Corporation, USA
Brian Mulvaney - Research Engineer, Georgia Tech Research Institute, USA
Tony Ponsford – Raytheon Canada Ltd., Canada
Earl Sager – Consultant, USA
Alexander Singer – Thales Canada, Canada
Craig Stringham – Brigham Young University, USA
N. Serkan Tezel – Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Kai-Bor Yu – Boeing Company, USA
David Zasada – MITRE, USA
Francesco Zirilli – Professor, Sapienza Universita di Roma,Italy

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1. Overview
William L. Melvin, James A. Scheer (Georgia Tech Research Institute)

2. Advanced Pulse Compression Waveform Modulations and Techniques
Byron Murray Keel, J. Mike Baden (Georgia Tech Research Institute)

3. Optimal and Adaptive MIMO Waveform Design
Joseph R. Guerci (Guerci Consulting)

4. MIMO Radar
Michael S. Davis (Georgia Tech Research Institute)

5. Radar Applications of Sparse Reconstruction and Compressed Sensing
Jason T. Parker (Air Force Research Laboratory), Matthew A. Ferrara (Matrix Research, Inc.), Lee C. Potter (Ohio State University)

6. Spotlight Synthetic Aperture Radar
Daniel A. Cook (Georgia Tech Research Institute)

6. Stripmap SAR
Gregory A. Showman (Georgia Tech Research Institute)

8. Interferometric SAR and Coherent Exploitation
Mark A. Richards (Georgia Tech Research Institute)

9. Adaptive Digital Beamforming
David D. Aalfs (Georgia Tech Research Institute)

10. Clutter Suppression Using Space-Time Adaptive Processing
William L. Melvin (Georgia Tech Research Institute)

11. Space-Time Coding for Active Antenna Systems
François Le Chevalier (Thales Air Operations)

12. Electronic Protection
Aram Partizian (Georgia Tech Research Institute)

13. Introduction to Radar Polarimetry
Krishna Naishadham (Georgia Tech Research Institute)

14. Automatic Target Recognition
Kristin F. Bing, Lisa M. Ehrman, Teresa M. Selee (Georgia Tech Research Institute)

15. Multitarget, Multisensor Tracking
Lisa M. Ehrman (Georgia Tech Research Institute)

16. Human Detection with Radar (Dismount Detection)
Sevgi Zübeyde Gürbüz (TUBITAK, Turkey)

17. Advanced Processing Methods for Passive Bistatic Radar Systems
Pierfrancesco Lombardo, Fabiola Colone (University of Rome "La Sapienza)

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Dr. William L. Melvin is Director of the Sensors and Electromagnetic Applications Laboratory (SEAL) at the Georgia Tech Research Institute and an Adjunct Professor in Georgia Tech’s Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. His specific expertise includes digital signal processing with application to RF sensors, including adaptive signal processing for aerospace radar detection of airborne and ground moving targets, radar applications of detection and estimation theory, electronic protection, SIGINT, and synthetic aperture radar. He has authored over 150 publications in his areas of expertise and holds three patents on adaptive radar technology. Dr. Melvin received the Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Lehigh University in 1994, as well as the MSEE and BSEE degrees (with high honors) from this same institution in 1992 and 1989, respectively. He is also a distinguished graduate of the USAF ROTC Program.

James A. Scheer has been directly involved in radar R&D for 40 years. He is editor of the book Coherent Radar Performance Estimation, has authored chapters in five radar textbooks, and is an instructor in a variety of radar short courses, including Principles of Modern Radar.

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