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[求助] 【求书】MIMO Wireless Networks, Second Edition

发表于 2013-7-26 20:12:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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[size=0.86em]这本书 已经更新到第二版了,相比第一版的内容增加以外,还对原有内容的表述做了很多修改,非常有条理,也更容易理解。是mimo的一本非常棒的书。求第二版,谢谢。


[size=0.86em]Publication Date: February 6, 2013 | ISBN-10: 012385055X | ISBN-13: 978-0123850553 | Edition: 2

The second edition of MIMO Wireless Networks is unique in bridging the gap between multiple-input/multiple-output (MIMO) radio propagation and signal processing techniques and presenting robust MIMO network designs for real-world wireless channels. The book emphasizes how propagation mechanisms impact MIMO system performance under practical power constraints, examining how real-world propagation affects the capacity and the error performance of MIMO transmission schemes. Combining a solid mathematical analysis with a physical and intuitive approach, the book progressively derives innovative designs, taking into consideration that MIMO channels are usually far from ideal.
Reflecting developments since the first edition was published, the book has been updated and now includes several new chapters covering Multi-user MIMO, Multi-Cell MIMO, Receiver Design, MIMO in 3GPP and WiMAX and realistic system level evaluations of MIMO network performance.
  • Reviews physical models and analytical representations of MIMO propagation channels, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses
  • Gives overview of space-time coding techniques, covering both classical and more recent schemes
  • Shows innovative and practical designs of robust space-time coding, precoding and antenna selection techniques for realistic propagation (including single-carrier and MIMO-OFDM transmissions)

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