发表于 2006-8-1 01:45:41
Applications run on STB can hardly be called as word class software. Does anybody find Synopsys, Cadence, Mentor, Oracle, Microsoft, SAP, IBM's main stream software run on MIPS based platform? If found one, it might be at least 5-10 year's old stuff. For general computing, MIPS Platform has been game over many years before in US. Maybe there are still lots of funs in China who are serious about hope of MIPS-like Godson Platform could became some kind of Linx based desktop platform some day. Frankly speaking, 64bit/Out of Order Godson's architect is not efficient for STB like deep embedded application where is dominated by light weight 16bit/32bit Cores. So if the designers of Godson CPU is really serious about go into embedded market, Godson CPU has to cut lots of fat out of its architecture first in order to competitive to ARM, MIPS in terms of power, size, interfce, etc. |