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发表于 2006-4-24 08:58:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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发表于 2006-4-30 09:46:54 | 显示全部楼层


Opensparc T1 is real stuff with 32 way multithread/8x64bitcores on chip. With solaris's sold application base on server-end, Opensparc T1 is very good reference design for China IC and system companies who are interesting to do value-add on a sold platform.
Look at China most advanced microprocessor, Godson-2. This one thread 64bit general CPU is largely based on ill fated 64bit MIPS ISA. Even MIPS father SGI has abandoned MIPS ISA based system years ago. With no world class commercial software vendor support MIPS ISA any more, it is abnormal for China to still pour money and effects to design such general 64bit MIPS ISA cpu. Without disruptive innovations, it might be an another failure for chinese reserchers in attempt to turn out marketable,competitive technology and products, beside wasting much of tax payer's money at the end.
发表于 2006-7-31 12:26:13 | 显示全部楼层

原帖由 swordfish883 于 2006-4-30 09:46 发表
Opensparc T1 is real stuff with 32 way multithread/8x64bitcores on chip. With solaris's sold application base on server-end, Opensparc T1 is very good reference design for China IC and system compa ...

Very goog question. With the scandel of the faked  Chinese  designed DSP in Shanghai opened to the public, the credit of so much hypered local CPUs is fallen down to earth. So far we can't find any meanful commercial  product use those Chinese CPUs beside hearing the  tons of news that  Godson2_xx  will match the performance of Intel's P4 2Ghz. Opensparc is a very sold and state of art design for Chinese CPU designers to learn and gain real experience. To avoid to do so many
stupid  things, don't forget  one  chinese has said that  be foolish, be hungry(虚怀若愚,求知若饥) two thoursand years ago.
发表于 2006-7-31 14:54:01 | 显示全部楼层
MIPS ISA怎么会缺少世界级的软件支持呢?在数字电视和dvd芯片中可是得到广泛的应用啊。
发表于 2006-8-1 01:45:41 | 显示全部楼层
Applications run on STB can hardly be called as word class software. Does anybody find Synopsys, Cadence, Mentor, Oracle, Microsoft, SAP, IBM's main stream software run on MIPS based platform? If found one, it might be at least 5-10 year's old stuff. For general computing, MIPS Platform has been game over many years before in US. Maybe there are  still lots of funs in China who are serious about hope of  MIPS-like Godson Platform could became  some kind of Linx based desktop  platform some day. Frankly speaking, 64bit/Out of Order Godson's architect is not efficient for STB like deep embedded application where is dominated by light weight 16bit/32bit Cores. So if the designers of Godson CPU is really serious about go into embedded market, Godson CPU has to cut  lots of fat out of its architecture first in order to competitive to ARM, MIPS in terms of power, size, interfce, etc.
发表于 2006-8-1 13:41:48 | 显示全部楼层
我的确不看好龙芯在desktop computing的表现,这一块完全是x86的天下。嵌入式是个机会,我觉得龙芯在这方面可以做些工作。不过嵌入式领域太广,得看他们准备主打哪个市场。
发表于 2006-8-2 09:09:54 | 显示全部楼层

原帖由 rogan 于 2006-8-1 13:41 发表
我的确不看好龙芯在desktop computing的表现,这一块完全是x86的天下。嵌入式是个机会,我觉得龙芯在这方面可以做些工作。不过嵌入式领域太广,得看他们准备主打哪个市场。

For embedded market, what's matter is SOC design expertise. CPU core is only part of the whole design components, sometimes a small part. so far Godson's teams haven't show out any competitive strength in this area yet. It seem they still put most their effects on designing 64bit general computing CPU in hope to turn out a strong general cpu chip for China market.

In computer history, what's not rares are the gloomed and heart-broken stories in which many CPU start-up companies  
or even very big companies went dead-end  to deliver  competitive general cpu chips in commerical market because of these or other reasons.  To name  a few, HP's P-RISC, DEC's Alpha, SGI's MIPS, Transmeta's  X86, Cyrix, even IBM's X86. These cases will put a huge shadow on China Godson CPU's long march, a  "Mission Improssble" exploration at the end?.

There are some chances in embedded market, but it will depend on how well Godson CPU team turn out their general cpu design skill to SOC expertise, and also depend on their team leader's insight ablilty about this dynamic market. Hope they are lucky enough, and may the force be with them!
发表于 2006-8-2 18:12:50 | 显示全部楼层

SPARCIII architecture

上一份sparcIIIi architecture。


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发表于 2006-8-2 18:14:05 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-8-3 12:44:18 | 显示全部楼层
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