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发表于 2013-3-9 16:56:53
Claude E. Shannon:Collected Papers
Copyright Year: 1993
Author(s): Sloane, N., Wyner, A.
Publisher: Wiley-IEEE Press
Content Type : Books & eBooks
Topics: Communication, Networking & Broadcasting
This important book, the first published collection of papers by Claude E. Shannon, is a fascinating guide to all of the published articles from this world-renowned inventor, tinkerer, puzzle-solver, prankster, and father of information theory. Includes his seminal article THE MATHEMATICAL THEORY OF COMMUNICATION.
Sloane, N.; Wyner, A.
Claude E. Shannon:Collected Papers
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/9780470544242.fmatter , Page(s): i - xliv
Copyright Year: 1993
Wiley-IEEE Press eBook Chapters
02--Communication Theory Information Theory Cryptography
Sloane, N.; Wyner, A.
Claude E. Shannon:Collected Papers
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/9780470544242.part1 , Page(s): 2 - 4
Copyright Year: 1993
Wiley-IEEE Press eBook Chapters
03--A Mathematical Theory of Communication
Sloane, N.; Wyner, A.
Claude E. Shannon:Collected Papers
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/9780470544242.ch1 , Page(s): 5 - 83
Copyright Year: 1993
Wiley-IEEE Press eBook Chapters
04--Communication Theory of Secrecy SystemsThe material in this paper appeared originally in a confidential report ¿A Mathematical Theory of Cryptography¿ dated Sept. 1, 1945, which has now been declassified.
Sloane, N.; Wyner, A.
Claude E. Shannon:Collected Papers
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/9780470544242.ch2 , Page(s): 84 - 143
Copyright Year: 1993
Wiley-IEEE Press eBook Chapters
05--Analogue of the Vernam System for Continuous Time SeriesBell Laboratories Memorandum, May 10, 1943.
Sloane, N.; Wyner, A.
Claude E. Shannon:Collected Papers
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/9780470544242.ch3 , Page(s): 144 - 147
Copyright Year: 1993
Wiley-IEEE Press eBook Chapters
06--The Best Detection of PulsesBell Laboratories Memorandum, June 22, 1944.
Sloane, N.; Wyner, A.
Claude E. Shannon:Collected Papers
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/9780470544242.ch4 , Page(s): 148 - 150
Copyright Year: 1993
Wiley-IEEE Press eBook Chapters
07--The Philosophy of PCMDecimal classification: R148.6. Original manuscript received by the Institute, May 24, 1948.
Sloane, N.; Wyner, A.
Claude E. Shannon:Collected Papers
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/9780470544242.ch5 , Page(s): 151 - 159
Copyright Year: 1993
Wiley-IEEE Press eBook Chapters
08--Communication in the Presence of NoiseDecimal classification: 621.38. Original manuscript received by the Institute, July 23, 1940. Presented, 1948 IRE National Convention, New York, N. Y., March 24, 1948; and IRE New York Section, New York, N. Y., November 12, 1947.
Sloane, N.; Wyner, A.
Claude E. Shannon:Collected Papers
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/9780470544242.ch6 , Page(s): 160 - 172
Copyright Year: 1993
Wiley-IEEE Press eBook Chapters
09--Communication Theory Exposition of FundamentalsIRE Transactions Information Theory, No. 1, Feb. 1950.
Sloane, N.; Wyner, A.
Claude E. Shannon:Collected Papers
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/9780470544242.ch7 , Page(s): 173 - 176
Copyright Year: 1993
Wiley-IEEE Press eBook Chapters
10--General Treatment of the Problem of CodingIRE Transactions Information Theory, No. 1, Feb. 1950.
Sloane, N.; Wyner, A.
Claude E. Shannon:Collected Papers
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/9780470544242.ch8 , Page(s): 177 - 179
Copyright Year: 1993
Wiley-IEEE Press eBook Chapters
11--The Lattice Theory of InformationIRE Transactions Information Theory, No. 1, Feb. 1950.
Sloane, N.; Wyner, A.
Claude E. Shannon:Collected Papers
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/9780470544242.ch9 , Page(s): 180 - 183
Copyright Year: 1993
Wiley-IEEE Press eBook Chapters
12--Discussion of Preceding Three PapersIRE Transactions Information Theory, No. 1, Feb. 1950.
Sloane, N.; Wyner, A.
Claude E. Shannon:Collected Papers
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/9780470544242.ch10 , Page(s): 184 - 189
Copyright Year: 1993
Wiley-IEEE Press eBook Chapters
13--Recent Developments in Communication Theory
Sloane, N.; Wyner, A.
Claude E. Shannon:Collected Papers
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/9780470544242.ch11 , Page(s): 190 - 193
Copyright Year: 1993
Wiley-IEEE Press eBook Chapters
14--Prediction and Entropy of Printed English
Sloane, N.; Wyner, A.
Claude E. Shannon:Collected Papers
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/9780470544242.ch12 , Page(s): 194 - 208
Copyright Year: 1993
Wiley-IEEE Press eBook Chapters
15--Efficient Coding of a Binary Source with One Very Infrequent SymbolBell Laboratories Memorandum, Jan. 29, 1954.
Sloane, N.; Wyner, A.
Claude E. Shannon:Collected Papers
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/9780470544242.ch13 , Page(s): 209 - 211
Copyright Year: 1993
Wiley-IEEE Press eBook Chapters
16--Information TheoryReprinted with permission from Encyclopaedia Brittanica, 14th edition, 1968 by Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.
Sloane, N.; Wyner, A.
Claude E. Shannon:Collected Papers
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/9780470544242.ch14 , Page(s): 212 - 220
Copyright Year: 1993
Wiley-IEEE Press eBook Chapters
17--The Zero Error Capacity of a Noisy Channel
Sloane, N.; Wyner, A.
Claude E. Shannon:Collected Papers
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/9780470544242.ch15 , Page(s): 221 - 238
Copyright Year: 1993
Wiley-IEEE Press eBook Chapters
18--Certain Results in Coding Theory for Noisy ChannelsThis work was carried out at the Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and was supported in part by the United States Army (Signal Corps), the United States Air Force (Office of Scientific Research, Air Research and Development Command), and the United States Navy (Office of Naval Research); and in part by Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.
Sloane, N.; Wyner, A.
Claude E. Shannon:Collected Papers
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/9780470544242.ch16 , Page(s): 239 - 258
Copyright Year: 1993
Wiley-IEEE Press eBook Chapters
19--Some Geometrical Results in Channel CapacityNachrichtentechnische Zeit, vol. 10. 1957.
Sloane, N.; Wyner, A.
Claude E. Shannon:Collected Papers
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/9780470544242.ch17 , Page(s): 259 - 264
Copyright Year: 1993
Wiley-IEEE Press eBook Chapters
20--A Note on a Partial Ordering for Communication Channels
Sloane, N.; Wyner, A.
Claude E. Shannon:Collected Papers
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/9780470544242.ch18 , Page(s): 265 - 272
Copyright Year: 1993
Wiley-IEEE Press eBook Chapters
21--Channels with Side Information at the Transmitter
Sloane, N.; Wyner, A.
Claude E. Shannon:Collected Papers
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/9780470544242.ch19 , Page(s): 273 - 278
Copyright Year: 1993
Wiley-IEEE Press eBook Chapters
22--Probability of Error for Optimal Codes in a Gaussian Channel
Sloane, N.; Wyner, A.
Claude E. Shannon:Collected Papers
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/9780470544242.ch20 , Page(s): 279 - 324
Copyright Year: 1993
Wiley-IEEE Press eBook Chapters
23--Coding Theorems for a Discrete Source With a Fidelity CriterionInstitute of Radio Engineers, International Convention Record, vol. 7, 1959.
Sloane, N.; Wyner, A.
Claude E. Shannon:Collected Papers
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/9780470544242.ch21 , Page(s): 325 - 350
Copyright Year: 1993
Wiley-IEEE Press eBook Chapters
24--TwoWay Communication Channels
Sloane, N.; Wyner, A.
Claude E. Shannon:Collected Papers
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/9780470544242.ch22 , Page(s): 351 - 384
Copyright Year: 1993
Wiley-IEEE Press eBook Chapters |