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用ISE13.1的CORE 生成工具产生一个RAM时报如下错误,请问该如何解决,谢谢!
ERROR:coreutil - Exception caught when running XST synthesis!
ERROR:coreutil - Failure to generate output products
WARNING:coreutil - Warning efault charset GBK not supported,using ISO-8859-1 instead.
ERROR:coreutil:576 - An error occurred while running Java. Please examine the console or coregen log file for a specific IP related error. For more information please search the Xilinx Answers Database for this error: http://www.xilinx.com/support
ERROR:coreutil - XST has returned an error: ERROR:Xst:439 - No write access in C:\temp\
ERROR:sim-Error found during generation. |