Do you run for ams_aps co-sim flow?
There is a case on "../../INCISIV12.20.003/tools.lnx86/amsd/samples/aium/ams_aps".
After using you provided patch script, the formal license "Virtuoso_Multi_mode_Simulation" still needed.
Could you help to check which programs are not cracked yet?
It seems don't work by using you provided license @#35.The detailed message is shown below:
"Fatal error found by spectre.
FATAL (SPECTRE-209): No license available to run Virtuoso(R) Spectre.
Please check your license server or use the license queuing
feature(e.g. spectre +lqt 0)."
Could you post cadence licgen , which has SIGN2 key, to this subject?
(due to my owned licgen that can't generate SIGN2 key)
I will re-generate license and try it again.
Thank you very much.