PrimeTime is controlled through a scripting language called Tcl (tool command
language). Tcl is pronounced like "tickle". Tcl is a very powerful but simple open source
language that was created by John Ousterhout at the University of California at Berkeley
[1]. PrimeTime has included some very usage variables (collections) that make
interfacing with the database very easy. When running PrimeTime it is a good
programming practice to create a script instead of typing each command individually.
There are numerous websites on the internet and books that covers the tcl language in
more detail then what is presented in this paper
Adding buffers/inverter pairs/delay cells to the data path.
· Decreasing the size of certain books in the data path. It is better to reduce the
books closer to the capture flip flop because there is less likely hood of
affecting other paths and causing new errors.
· Add more capacitance to the output pin of books with light capacitance.
One thing to note when fixing setup or hold violations. Only make modification