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本帖最后由 cjsb37 于 2013-4-29 09:12 编辑
[url=] [/url]2812从内部flash启动的详细流程说明:
a) 程序硬件复位或者软件复位
b) 判断mp/mc是否为0
c) 为0则从boot rom启动,否则从外部启动
d) 到boot rom的0x3F FFC0处取出复位向量,跳到boot函数
e) 采集io管脚状态,
f) 根据io状态选择boot方式
g) 如果是flash,程序退出boot函数,跳转到0x3F 7FF6
h) 取出跳转指令,跳转到自己的指定地址或者C初始化的入口_C_INT00处
i) 在C初始化的入口_C_INT00对一些变量,堆栈和寄存器进行必要的设置,该函数在c的库函数内
j) 进入main函数
我烧写2812之后,脱离仿真器不运行,但是烧写完成之后,发现在0x3F FFC0是ADRK ,0x3F 7FF6位置全是0xFFFF,并没有跳转指令.
PAGE 0: /* Program Memory */
/* Memory (RAM/FLASH/OTP) blocks can be moved to PAGE1 for data allocation */
RAML0 : origin = 0x008000, length = 0x001000 /* on-chip RAM block L0 */
OTP : origin = 0x3D7800, length = 0x000800 /* on-chip OTP */
FLASHJ : origin = 0x3D8000, length = 0x002000 /* on-chip FLASH */
FLASHI : origin = 0x3DA000, length = 0x002000 /* on-chip FLASH */
FLASHH : origin = 0x3DC000, length = 0x004000 /* on-chip FLASH */
FLASHG : origin = 0x3E0000, length = 0x004000 /* on-chip FLASH */
FLASHF : origin = 0x3E4000, length = 0x004000 /* on-chip FLASH */
FLASHE : origin = 0x3E8000, length = 0x004000 /* on-chip FLASH */
FLASHD : origin = 0x3EC000, length = 0x004000 /* on-chip FLASH */
FLASHC : origin = 0x3F0000, length = 0x004000 /* on-chip FLASH */
FLASHA : origin = 0x3F6000, length = 0x001FF6 /* on-chip FLASH */
BEGIN : origin = 0x3F7FF6, length = 0x000002 /* Part of FLASHA. Used for "boot to Flash" bootloader mode. */
ROM : origin = 0x3FF000, length = 0x000FC0 /* Boot ROM available if MP/MCn=0 */
RESET : origin = 0x3FFFC0, length = 0x000002 /* part of boot ROM (MP/MCn=0) or XINTF zone 7 (MP/MCn=1) */
VECTORS : origin = 0x3FFFC2, length = 0x00003E /* part of boot ROM (MP/MCn=0) or XINTF zone 7 (MP/MCn=1) */
PAGE 1 : /* Data Memory */
/* Memory (RAM/FLASH/OTP) blocks can be moved to PAGE0 for program allocation */
/* Registers remain on PAGE1 */
RAMM01 : origin = 0x000000, length = 0x000800 /* on-chip RAM block M0 */
/* RAMM1 : origin = 0x000400, length = 0x000400 */ /* on-chip RAM block M1 */
DEV_EMU : origin = 0x000880, length = 0x000180 /* Device emulation registers */
FLASH_REGS : origin = 0x000A80, length = 0x000060 /* FLASH registers */
CSM : origin = 0x000AE0, length = 0x000010 /* Code security module registers */
XINTF : origin = 0x000B20, length = 0x000020 /* External interface registers */
CPU_TIMER0 : origin = 0x000C00, length = 0x000008 /* CPU Timer0 registers (CPU Timer1 and Timer2 are reserved for BIOS)*/
PIE_CTRL : origin = 0x000CE0, length = 0x000020 /* PIE control registers */
PIE_VECT : origin = 0x000D00, length = 0x000100 /* PIE vector table */
XINTF_DURAM: origin = 0x002000, length = 0x001000 /* Dualram address space*/
ECAN_A : origin = 0x006000, length = 0x000100 /* eCAN registers */
ECAN_AMBOX : origin = 0x006100, length = 0x000100 /* eCAN mailboxes */
SYSTEM : origin = 0x007010, length = 0x000020 /* System control registers */
SPI_A : origin = 0x007040, length = 0x000010 /* SPI registers */
SCI_A : origin = 0x007050, length = 0x000010 /* SCI-A registers */
XINTRUPT : origin = 0x007070, length = 0x000010 /* External interrupt registers */
GPIOMUX : origin = 0x0070C0, length = 0x000020 /* GPIO mux registers */
GPIODAT : origin = 0x0070E0, length = 0x000020 /* GPIO data registers */
ADC : origin = 0x007100, length = 0x000020 /* ADC registers */
EV_A : origin = 0x007400, length = 0x000040 /* Event Manager A registers */
EV_B : origin = 0x007500, length = 0x000040 /* Event Manager B registers */
SCI_B : origin = 0x007750, length = 0x000010 /* SCI-B registers */
MCBSP_A : origin = 0x007800, length = 0x000040 /* McBSP registers */
RAML1 : origin = 0x009000, length = 0x001000 /* on-chip RAM block L1 */
FLASHB : origin = 0x3F4000, length = 0x002000 /* on-chip FLASH */
CSM_PWL : origin = 0x3F7FF8, length = 0x000008 /* CSM password locations in FLASHA */
RAMH0 : origin = 0x3F8000, length = 0x002000 /* on-chip RAM block H0 */
/* Allocate sections to memory blocks.
codestart user defined section in DSP28_CodeStartBranch.asm used
to redirect code
execution when booting to flash
ramfuncs user defined section to store functions that will be
copied from Flash into RAM
/* Allocate program areas: */
.cinit : > FLASHJ, PAGE = 0
.text : > FLASHJ, PAGE = 0
codestart : > BEGIN, PAGE = 0
ramfuncs : LOAD = FLASHJ, RUN = RAML0, PAGE = 0 /**/
/* Allocate uninitalized data sections: */
.stack : > RAMM01, PAGE = 1
.bss : > RAML1, PAGE = 1
.ebss : > RAML1, PAGE = 1
.sysmem : > RAMH0, PAGE = 1
.esysmem : > RAMH0, PAGE = 1
/* Initalized sections go in Flash */
.const : > FLASHB, PAGE = 1
.econst : > FLASHB, PAGE = 1
.switch : > FLASHB, PAGE = 1
/*xzb add 2005.02.19 */
/* Allocate IQ math areas: */
IQmath : > FLASHC, PAGE = 0 /* Math Code */
IQmathTables : > ROM, PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD /* Math Tables In ROM */
/* .reset indicates the start of _c_int00 for C Code.
/* When using the boot ROM this section and the CPU vector
/* table is not needed. Thus the default type is set to
/* DESECT */
.reset : > RESET, PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT/**/
vectors : > VECTORS, PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT
/* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* The following allocations are required for the DSP28 Header file
examples. Each allocation maps a structure defined in the DSP28
header files to the memory location of those registers.
/* Allocate Peripheral Frame 0 Register Structures: */
DevEmuRegsFile : > DEV_EMU, PAGE = 1
FlashRegsFile : > FLASH_REGS, PAGE = 1
CsmRegsFile : > CSM, PAGE = 1
XintfRegsFile : > XINTF, PAGE = 1
CpuTimer0RegsFile : > CPU_TIMER0, PAGE = 1
PieCtrlRegsFile : > PIE_CTRL, PAGE = 1
PieVectTable : > PIE_VECT, PAGE = 1
/* Allocate Peripheral Frame 2 Register Structures: */
ECanaRegsFile : > ECAN_A, PAGE = 1
ECanaMboxesFile : > ECAN_AMBOX, PAGE = 1
/* Allocate Peripheral Frame 1 Register Structures: */
SysCtrlRegsFile : > SYSTEM, PAGE = 1
SpiRegsFile : > SPI_A, PAGE = 1
SciaRegsFile : > SCI_A, PAGE = 1
XIntruptRegsFile : > XINTRUPT, PAGE = 1
GpioMuxRegsFile : > GPIOMUX, PAGE = 1
GpioDataRegsFile : > GPIODAT, PAGE = 1
AdcRegsFile : > ADC, PAGE = 1
EvaRegsFile : > EV_A, PAGE = 1
EvbRegsFile : > EV_B, PAGE = 1
ScibRegsFile : > SCI_B, PAGE = 1
McbspaRegsFile : > MCBSP_A, PAGE = 1
/* CSM Password Locations */
CsmPwlFile : > CSM_PWL, PAGE = 1
/*Allocate Dual Port Ram Structure */
Dual_Port_SpaceFile :> XINTF_DURAM, PAGE = 1
/* .reset : > BEGIN PAGE = 0
vectors : > VECTORS PAGE = 0
.cinit : > FLASHJ PAGE = 0
.text : > FLASHA PAGE = 0
.stack : > RAMM0M1 PAGE = 1
.bss : > RAML0L1 PAGE = 1
.ebss : > RAML0L1 PAGE = 1
.const : load =FLASHB PAGE 0, run = RAML0L1 PAGE 1
{__const_run = .;
__const_length = .-__const_run;
.econst : load =FLASHB PAGE 0, run = RAML0L1 PAGE 1
{__econst_run = .;
__econst_length = .-__econst_run;