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自从苹果iOS 6中用自己地图取代Google地图后,其搜索结果的不准确性已经遭到很多用户的批评。大量用户通过Twitter和Tumblr上传自己通过苹果地图搜索出现的奇怪结果。一位用户为此专门在Tumblr上建立一个专题名为The Amazing iOS 6 Maps的博客,搜集了大量苹果地图搜索出来的奇怪结果。
来自世界各地的用户正在升级包含了200个新功能的iOS 6,包括我们的第一个地图服务:苹果地图。对于提供像3D 的“Flyover (低空飞行)” 模式和turn by turn以及整合Siri这样的创新服务,我们感到非常兴奋。我们深知打造这个新的地图服务是一个重要的一步并且一切才刚刚开始,苹果地图是一个基于云端的解决方案,使用它的人越多,那么其结果将越准确。我们非常感谢用户们的任何反馈,并且将继续努力工作将其用户体验做得更好。
Customers around the world are upgrading to iOS 6 with over 200 new features including Apple Maps, our first map service. We are excited to offer this service with innovative new features like Flyover, turn by turn navigation, and Siri integration. We launched this new map service knowing it is a major initiative and that we are just getting started with it. Maps is a cloud-based solution and the more people use it, the better it will get. We appreciate all of the customer feedback and are working hard to make the customer experience even better. |