200 资产
请大师指教 针对组合逻辑(延时已经测得),如何提取一个时序模型库。我看了eetop.cn_etsUG 的文档。里面的ptm讲解很浅显。我在跑例子中的脚本时(时序逻辑)。# Start of model dma
create_ptm_model dma
# Define drive and load type
create_ptm_drive_type -lib_cell INVX1 stdDrive
create_ptm_load_type -lib_cell inv_hivt_4 stdLoad
# Create data ports
create_ptm_port -type input data_in
create_ptm_port -type output data_out
create_ptm_port -type input data_test_1
create_ptm_port -type inout data_test_2
# Create clock ports
create_ptm_port -type clock clock_in
# Define drive for ports
set_ptm_port_drive -type stdDrive data_out
# Define load for ports
set_ptm_port_load -type stdLoad data_test_2
# Define delay arcs
# Data delays
create_ptm_delay_arc -from data_test_1 -to data_test_2 -value 1.0
create_ptm_delay_arc -from data_test_2 -to data_out -value 0.5
# Sequntial clock to output delay
create_ptm_delay_arc -from clock_in -to data_out -edge rise -value 0.05
# Setup and hold checks
create_ptm_constraint_arc -setup -value 0.3 -from clock_in -to data_in -edge rise
create_ptm_constraint_arc -setup -value 0.4 -from clock_in -to data_in -edge fall
create_ptm_constraint_arc -hold -value 0.1 -from clock_in -to data_in -edge rise
create_ptm_constraint_arc -hold -value 0.2 -from clock_in -to data_in -edge fall
source dma.tcl
read_lib dma.lib
出现一下问题 **ERROR:(WHATIF-15):There is no input pin in the cell INVX1, this cannot be applied as a driver. Specify a cell with at least one combinational arc.
**ERROR WHATIF_64):Cell inv_hivt_4 not fond.