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[原创] 学习另外一种语言可以预防老年痴呆

发表于 2012-3-31 13:29:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Learning another language could help delay the onset of dementia by up to four years, academics claim.


Researchers from York University in Toronto, Canada, analysed hospital records of patients diagnosed with a variety of types of dementia and found that those who were bilingual throughout their lives delayed the onset of the disease by three to four years.


They wrote in the journal Trends In Cognitive Sciences: "In spite of being equivalent on a variety of cognitive and other factors, the bilinguals experienced onset and symptoms and were diagnosed approximately three to four years later than the monolinguals.


"Specifically, monolingual patients were diagnosed on average at age 75.4 years and bilinguals at age 78.6 years.”

“ 明确的是,单语运用者诊断出老年痴呆症的平均年龄为75.4岁,而双语运用者则是在78.6岁。”

But it’s not only those who are completely bilingual that could benefit from the findings. The researchers reported that any attempt at learning a second language was likely to be beneficial. However, the earlier the language is learned and the more often it is used, the better.


"If bilingualism is protective against some forms of dementia, then middle-aged people will want to know whether it is too late to learn another language, or whether their high-school French will count towards cognitive reserve," they said.


"A related question concerns the age of acquisition of a second language: is earlier better?

” 一个相关的问题是二语习得的年龄问题:学习第二外语越早越好吗?”

"The best answer at present is that early age of acquisition, overall fluency, frequency of use, levels of literacy and grammatical accuracy all contribute to the bilingual advantage, with no single factor being decisive.”

“ 目前为止最好的答案是第二外语习得的年龄,整体的熟练程度,使用的频繁度,读写水平,语法准确度,这些都会影响二语优势,并没有哪一个单独的因素起决定性的作用。”

Dr Marie Janson of Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: 
“We know there are several lifestyle factors – such as healthy eating, exercise and mental activity – that could help to reduce our risk of dementia. This review discusses the evidence that keeping our brains active by switching between different languages could help to resist some of the damage caused by dementia, delaying the onset of symptoms.

英国阿兹海默病研究者Marie Janson 博士说:“我们知道有几个生活因素,像健康的饮食,锻炼,智力活动,都会有助于降低患老年痴呆症的风险。”这一评论谈到了这个证据——通过在两种不同语言间的转换可以保持头脑活跃,这有助于抵制一些老年痴呆症带来的危害,进而推迟症状的发生。

“More research is needed to tease apart the most beneficial aspects of bilingualism – whether it is the age we starting learning, how fluent we are or how much we use the language in everyday life. With 820,000 people in the UK living with dementia and this number expected to rise, it is vital to invest in research to understand more about how to prevent or delay the onset of this devastating condition.”


Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Centre and School of Medicine found that people who ate baked or grilled fish regularly reduced their risk of developing Alzheimer's.


Reseracher Cyrus Raji said: "The results showed that people who consumed baked or broiled (grilled) fish at least one time per week had better preservation of grey matter volume on MRI in brain areas at risk for Alzheimer's disease."

研究者 Cyrus Raji 说:“结果显示那些在每周至少消费一次烘焙或烤制的鱼的人,可以更好的保存处大脑中的灰质量,而这部分灰质处在关系患老年痴呆症风险的大脑区域。”

发表于 2012-3-31 19:24:35 | 显示全部楼层
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