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晶晨半导体结合专有的高清多媒体处理引擎、系统IP和业内领先的CPU和图形处理技术,为高清多媒体、3D游戏和互联网消费电子产品提供开放的平台解决方案,产品覆盖了平板电脑、数字电视、机顶盒、数码相框和多媒体互联网设备。晶晨并不满足于在视频领域的成功,正在研发具有无限挑战的通信系统产品。目前,公司已经具有了自主研发的DVB, WiFi,DTV等芯片而且正在量产。结合公司已有的视频SoC技术,晶晨拥有着其它公司所无法匹及的巨大优势。
ASIC/SOC 验证工程师
Candidate will be responsible for:
1. Perform the pre-silicon verification tasks of complex multi-media SOC from module level to system level.
2. Conceive the test plan, design the testbench and create the test pattern independently.
3. Design the abstracted functional models in advanced verification language.
4. Design the appropriate verification strategy.
5. Work with the engineers of other teams in china or oversea.
1. MS with 2plus years experience or BS in E.E. with 3plus years experience.
2. Familiar with verification methodology and IC design and verification flow.
3. Familiar with HDL languages and EDA tools, familiar with verilog, systemverilog language, c/c++ languages.
4. Familiar with SOC architecture, internal bus and the interfaces of some peripheral devices. Familiar with ARM or ARC structure is a plus.
5. Familiar with linux command and script language, such as csh, bash, perl etc.
6. Experiences related to video and image processing or wireless network is a plus.
7. Good English and communication skill. Good teamwork.
有意者请发Email到:lianhuo@hotmail.com |