楼主 |
发表于 2011-12-11 22:03:57
对于fset pin,datasheet里面这样说:The LTM4601 is designed to typically operate at 850kHz
across most input conditions. The fSET pin is normally left
open or decoupled with an optional 1000pF capacitor. The
switching frequency has been optimized for maintaining
constant output ripple noise over most operating ranges.
The 850kHz switching frequency and the 400ns minimum
off time can limit operation at higher duty cycles like 5V to
3.3V, and produce excessive inductor ripple currents for
lower duty cycle applications like 20V to 5V. The 5V and
3.3V drop out curves are modifi ed by adding an external
resistor on the fSET pin to allow for lower input voltage
operation, or higher input voltage operation.
还有,用3Ω的电阻作为负载是否合适? |