2. untar all .tar.gz files except LINUX64 cause it's not cracked.
NOTE: You should first unpack the SpyGlass-<rev>.tar.gz archive and then the SpyBuilder-<rev>.tar.gz archive in the same directory when you are installing both
3. modify the file : Spyglass-4.2.0/SPYGLASS_HOME/auxi/tkgui-new/spygui.pl
line 794 : $license_check_disabled =0 to 1;
line 1776 : $can_license_check_be_disabled =0 to 1;
4. $ cd SpyGlass-4.2.0/SPYGLASS_HOME/obj
$ sfk replace -bin /5589e557565383ec4c8b159cdf520985d20f84440300008b3d340c5209/31c0c357565383ec4c8b159cdf520985d20f84440300008b3d340c5209/ -dir . -yes
(you can find a compitable version of sfk on sourceforge.net)
(check.Linux2 will be patched).
5. config the environment viarible file atrenta.conf:
#export ATRENTA_LICENSE_FILE=<license_file_path>
export PATH=/eda/atrenta/SpyGlass-4.2.0/SPYGLASS_HOME/binPATH”
alias spyglass='spyglass -32bit'
if you don't specify the parameter -32bit when on the 64 bit OS, error will occur :
$ spyglass -verilog test.v
***ERROR: Missing shared library '/mnt/eda/atrenta/SpyGlass-4.2.0/SPYGLASS_HOME/lib/libsgptmalloc-Linux4.so'
6. add command "source /eda/atrenta/atrenta.conf" to your .bashrc file.