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我使用Hspice 200803版本,想使用从网上下载的一个0.18um工艺库,但是调用这个库文件却出错。以下是.sp 文件内容:**test .option
post=2 .include "g:\spice\gd018.l" .lib "g:\spice\gd018.l" TT .param vdd=1.8
*******circuit***** m1 out in 0 0 nch w=2u l=1u m2 out in vdd vdd pch w=5u l=1u v1 in 0 0 *************alysis****** .op .dc v1 0 1.8 0.001 ********** .probe v(*) ************** .end
****** HSPICE -- A-2008.03 32-BIT (Feb 26 2008) winnt ******
Copyright (C) 2008 Synopsys, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Unpublished-rights reserved under US copyright laws.
This program is protected by law and is subject to the
terms and conditions of the license agreement found in:
Use of this program is your acceptance to be bound by this
license agreement. HSPICE is the trademark of Synopsys, Inc.
Input File: g:\spice\test.sp
Init: read install configuration file: C:\synopsys\Hspice_A-2008.03\meta.cfg
Init: hspice initialization file: C:\synopsys\Hspice_A-2008.03\hspice.ini
**error** (g:\\spice\\gd018.l:126) could not find library file named tt
***** job aborted
+toxn = 4.08E-09 toxp = 4.08E-09
+cjn = 1.01E-3 cjp = 1.07E-3
+cjswn = 1.94E-10 cjswp = 2.36E-10
+cjswgn = 3.51E-10 cjswgp= 4.11E-10
+cgon = 3.52E-10 cgop = 3.3E-10
+dvthn = 0 dvthp = 0
+dwvthn = 0
+dpvthn = 0
+dxln = 0 dxw = 0
+dxlp = 0
+hdifn = 1.77E-7 hdifp = 1.77E-7
.lib 'gd018.l' MOS
* 1.8V nominal NMOS *
.model nch.0 nmos level = 49
+lmin = 1.8e-007 lmax = '5e-007-dxln' wmin = 2.2e-007 wmax = '5e-007-dxw'
+version = 3.2 mobmod = 1 capmod = 3 nqsmod = 0
+binunit = 2 paramchk= 1 binflag = 0 hspver = 2000.2
+lref = 1.8e-007 wref = 2.2e-007
+tref = 25 xl = '-1.3e-008+dxln' xw = '0+dxw' lmlt = 1
+wmlt = 1 llc = -0.048 lwc = 0 lwlc = 0
+wlc = 0 wwc = 0 wwlc = 0 tox = toxn
+toxm = toxn wint = 2e-008 lint = 1.3e-008 dlc = 6e-9
+dwc = 3e-9 hdif = hdifn ldif = 1.24e-007 ll = 0
谢谢!! |