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楼主: may6503

[讨论] how can I plot transconductance of a V-I circuitry from claculator?

 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-1 16:49:27 | 显示全部楼层
I aimed to get the Gm wave of a V-I converter. The equation of Gm is d(I2-I1)/d(V1-V2). ‘d’ means differential here. So there are several steps to plot the waveform of transconductance.  
1)        Simulate your circuit first.
2)        Go to results->direct plot->Main form-> select current-> select differential terminals I1 and I2 (positive/negative)
3)        Do the same settings like last step. Select voltage -> select differential terminals V1 and V2.
4)        To get the differential current you need to plot I1 and I2 separately in ADE. Go to outputs -> to be plotted -> select on the schematic I1 and I2
5)        Plot Gm from calculator: click the expression of item 2) from ViVA window -> calculator ->check if there is ‘wave_x()’ on the screen -> select ‘deriv’
Click the expression of item 3) from ViVA window -> calculator ->check if there is ‘wave_x+1()’ on the screen -> select ‘deriv’
Then select ‘/’ (you will see expression: deriv (I2-I1)/ deriv (V1-V2) on the calculator screen)….click plot -> you will see the Gm wave
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