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本帖最后由 cjsb37 于 2013-4-29 09:16 编辑
File Name: fft1drad2cmpx_121900.zip
File Contents: read_me.txt
Module Name: one-dimensional radix-2 forward FFT for complex data (Out of place).
Label name: __cfftN
Description: This file contains the code for the implementation of FFT. The Algorithm
used is Decimation in Time. For the optimization point of view, the whole
computation of butterfly signal flow has beeen divided in three parts. The
first part, the middle part and the last part. In the first part, the
Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the butterfly structure are implemented. In the 2nd
part the general butterfly computation is done, which corresponds to the
middle stages of butterfly. In the last part the last stage of the buttrfly
structure is implemented, where mainly the loop overheads are saved.
Input and output both the data are complex and 16 bit and represented in 1.15
format. The loop unroling is also done for optimization point of view.
The C callable prototype of the function is as follows:
void cfftN(complex_fract16 *in, complex_fract16 *out, complex_fract16 *w,
int wst, int n);
*in -> Pointer to Input array.
*out -> Pointer to Output array.
*w -> Pointer to Twiddle factor.
wst -> Twiddle factor Stride. It is equal to 512/(size of input).
n -> length of Input data.
The C equivalent code for the main loop of each butterfly is
as follows.
for(i=0; i<le; i++)
xire = out[add].re >> 1;
xiim = out[add].im >> 1;
xipre = out[add+indx].re >> 1;
xipim = out[add+indx].im >> 1;
mult.re = ((xipre * wptr[indx_w].re - xipim * wptr[indx_w].im) >>15);
mult.im = ((xipre * wptr[indx_w].im + xipim * wptr[indx_w].re) >>15);
out[add].re = xire + mult.re;
out[add].im = xiim + mult.im;
out[add+indx].re = xire - mult.re;
out[add+indx].im = xiim - mult.im;
add = add + 2*offset;
The ouput is provided in normal order.
Restrictions: The length of input array should be more than 4.i.e, 8, 16, 32
and it should be power of 2.
Registers Used:
R0 -> It is mainly used for counter for middle stages. Its value is equal to m-3.
if m are the total number of stages for a perticular n.
R1 -> It is used for the storing the value of wst. wst = 512/n.
R2 -> Used for storing Input/Output data.
R3 -> used for storing the twiddle factor value.
R4 -> Used for storing Input/Output data.
R5 -> Used for storing Input/Output data.
R6 -> Used for storing Input/Output data.
R7 -> Used for calculating and storing the address offset for twiddle factor
P0 -> It is used for storing the address offset of output buffer in middle part
of implementation.
P1 -> It is used for storing the address offset of output buffer in middle part
of implementation.
P2 -> It is used for storing the address offset of output buffer in middle part
of implementation.
P3 -> It stores the number of lines for the butterflies at a perticular stage.
P4 -> It stores the value of input array length.
P5 -> It stores the number of butterflies at a perticular stage.
A0 -> Used for storing the value of MAC temporarily.
A1 -> Used for storing the value of MAC temporarily.
B0 -> Start address of Input array.
B2 -> start address of output array.
B3 -> Start address of twiddle factor buffer.
I0 -> Address for input array.
I1 -> Address for output and temporary array while computing.
I2 -> Address for output array while computing.
I3 -> Address for twiddle factor array.
M0 -> Address offset for input/output array.
M1 -> Address offset for output array.
M2 -> Address offset for output array.
M3 -> Address offset for twiddle factor.
LC0 -> Counter.
LC1 -> Counter.
Cycle Count:
N = 256.
The cycle count for 256 point fft calculation is 3176 cycles.
The Cycle count for Stage1 + Stage2 + Bitreverse computation = 389
The Cycle count for middle stage computation = 2291
The Cycle count for last stage computation = 397
The Cycle count for prologue, epilogue... etc = 99
TOTAL = 3176
Code Size: 484 Bytes.