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本帖最后由 Harvy 于 2011-5-26 21:23 编辑
SERVER localhost.localdomain 000c294285ad 27001
DAEMON mgcld /eda/Calibre2008/ixl_cal_2008.1_20.15/lib/mgcld
然后运行./bin/lmgrd -c ./license.dat 就出现下面的错误
21:00:15 (mgcld) Invalid license key (inconsistent authentication code)
21:00:15 (mgcld) ==>INCREMENT znurfl mgcld 2038.010 10-jan-2038 0 \
EDC8D0BAF90E5444E230 VENDOR_STRING=5FE61E2C HOSTID=000c294285ad \
SUPERSEDE ISSUER=EFA_2008 NOTICE="Licensed to xyz @ " ck=57 SN=17397
21:00:15 (mgcld) Invalid license key (inconsistent authentication code)
21:00:15 (mgcld) ==>INCREMENT znvhdl mgcld 2038.010 10-jan-2038 0 \
3DB8400A6CDCB2AA1E7D VENDOR_STRING=182B162C HOSTID=000c294285ad \
SUPERSEDE ISSUER=EFA_2008 NOTICE="Licensed to xyz @ " ck=57 SN=17397
21:00:15 (mgcld) License server system started on localhost
21:00:15 (mgcld) No features to serve, exiting
21:00:15 (mgcld) EXITING DUE TO SIGNAL 36
21:00:15 (lmgrd) mgcld exited with status 36 (No features to serve)
21:00:15 (lmgrd) mgcld daemon found no features. Please correct
21:00:15 (lmgrd) license file and re-start daemons.
21:00:15 (lmgrd)
21:00:15 (lmgrd) This may be due to the fact that you are using
21:00:15 (lmgrd) a different license file from the one you expect.
21:00:15 (lmgrd) Check to make sure that:
21:00:15 (lmgrd) ./calibre.dat
21:00:15 (lmgrd) is the license file you want to use.
21:00:15 (lmgrd)
已经连续搞了好几天,只要在安装目录下执行./bin/lmgrd -c ./license.dat 就会报上面的错,是不是我的license生成有问题,还是calibre2008版本有问题,请各位前辈赐教 |