*2-1.sp DC Node Voltage Analysis
Is 0 1 DC 6A
Vs 4 0 DC 3V
R1 1 0 1
R2 3 0 2
R3 3 4 3
RL 1 3 1
.DC Vs 3V 5V 1V
.PRINT DC V(1) V(3) V(1,3)
****** HSPICE -- D-2010.03-SP1 32-BIT (May 26 2010) winnt ******
Copyright (C) 2010 Synopsys, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Unpublished-rights reserved under US copyright laws.
This program is protected by law and is subject to the
terms and conditions of the license agreement from Synopsys.
Use of this program is your acceptance to be bound by the
license agreement. HSPICE is the trademark of Synopsys, Inc.
Input File: f:\0510601-ch2\p2-5.sp
lic: FLEXlm: v8.5b
lic: USER: Administrator HOSTNAME: OK6H4J9L18NB0SA
lic: HOSTID: 001d60834fec PID: 3340
lic: Using FLEXlm license file:
lic: 27000@elena
lic: Checkout 1 hspice
lic: License/Maintenance for hspice will expire on 31-dec-2020/2007.9
lic: NODE LOCKED license on hostid 001d60834fec
Init: read install configuration file: G:\synopsys\Hspice_D-2010.03-SP1\meta.cfg
****** option summary
runlvl = 3 bypass = 2
*2-1.sp dc node voltage analysis
****** dc transfer curves tnom= 25.000 temp= 25.000 *****
volt voltage voltage voltage
1 3 1
3.00000 375.0000m 750.0000m -375.0000m
4.00000 500.0000m 1.0000 -500.0000m
5.00000 625.0000m 1.2500 -625.0000m
1****** HSPICE -- D-2010.03-SP1 32-BIT (May 26 2010) winnt ******
*2-1.sp dc node voltage analysis
****** operating point information tnom= 25.000 temp= 25.000 *****
***** operating point status is all simulation time is 0.
node =voltage node =voltage node =voltage
+0:1 = 375.0000m 0:3 = 750.0000m 0:4 = 3.0000
**** voltage sources
element 0:vs
volts 3.0000
current -750.0000m
power 2.2500
total voltage source power dissipation= 2.2500 watts
***** current sources
element 0:is
volts -375.0000m
current 6.0000a
power 2.2500a
total current source power dissipation= 2.2500a watts
**** resistors
element 0:r1 0:r2 0:r3 0:rl
r value 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 1.0000
v drop 375.0000m 750.0000m -2.2500 -375.0000m
current 375.0000m 375.0000m -750.0000m -375.0000m
power 140.6250m 281.2500m 1.6875 140.6250m
***** job concluded
1****** HSPICE -- D-2010.03-SP1 32-BIT (May 26 2010) winnt ******
*2-1.sp dc node voltage analysis
Command Line Threads Count : 1
Available CPU Count : 2
Actual Model Evaluation(Load) Threads Count : 1
Actual Solver Threads Count : 1
****** Circuit Statistics ******
# nodes = 4 # elements = 6
# resistors = 4 # capacitors = 0 # inductors = 0
# mutual_inds = 0 # vccs = 0 # vcvs = 0
# cccs = 0 # ccvs = 0 # volt_srcs = 1
# curr_srcs = 1 # diodes = 0 # bjts = 0
# jfets = 0 # mosfets = 0 # U elements = 0
# T elements = 0 # W elements = 0 # B elements = 0
# S elements = 0 # P elements = 0 # va device = 0
****** Runtime Statistics (seconds) ******
analysis time # points tot. iter conv.iter
op point 0.01 1 4
dc sweep 0.00 3 8
readin 0.05
errchk 0.00
setup 0.02
output 0.00
total memory used 27 kbytes
total cpu time 0.09 seconds
total elapsed time 0.12 seconds
job started at 19:41:30 03/10/2011
job ended at 19:41:30 03/10/2011