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[求助] verilogA模块的仿真问题

发表于 2011-3-8 17:13:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Hi. I am new to Cadence IC5141. I am doing a simple simulation. I use Cadence IC5141 on RHEL5.4.
I use model writer to write a delay cell, the verilogA code is listed here:

`include "discipline.h"
`include "constants.h"

module delay_elem (vin, vout);
input vin;
output vout;
electrical vin, vout;

parameter real td = 1.0n from (0:inf);

analog begin
V(vout) <+ absdelay(V(vin), td );

And I use a pulse source from analogLib to give this delay cell pulses. And the delay cell is connected to a 50ohm resistor. I use the ADE (spectre) to simulate the cell.

I chose tran analysis.

However, there is error here:

Error found by spectre during circuit read-in.
"input.scs " 9 :Top-level parameter 'm' must be initialized with a value or expresstion.
Warning from spectre during circuit read-in.
"input.scs" 10: parameter name 'm' is researved for the subcircuit multiplicity factor. So a formal parameter of that name is ignored.

Error found by spectre during circuit read-in.
"input.scs" 16 : statementis not in spectre format.
Warning from spectre during AHDL read-in.
"/home/zxr/circuit_design/MyResearch/delay_1ns/veriloga/", line 28: warning: `(abs)delay()' dose not account for phase shift in small-signal analysis.

My question is about the variable m. I never set the variable m. And I didnot describe it in the delay cell.

Can anyone help me?
发表于 2011-3-11 22:59:16 | 显示全部楼层
1. Is there any variable appeared in  your  Artist window(down left) which is named by "m"
2. use blind Key "Q" to check your "delay cell",whether there is a parameter "m" in its   
    veriloga parameter table.
3. so far..
发表于 2015-9-24 21:44:57 | 显示全部楼层
在.bashrc 添加变量 export CDS_AHDLCMI_ENABLE=NO
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