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[求助] FPGA IO问题

发表于 2011-3-1 21:12:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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我想把寄存器放入IOE里边以保证FPGA与其他器件的时序。要实现此功能需要使用assignment editor将相应的pin设置成fast IO。
以下为设置成fast IO的要求:
1.Fast Input Register option
A logic option that implements an input register in an I/O cell that has a fast, direct connection from an I/O pin. Turning on the Fast Input Register option can help maximize I/O timing performance, for example, by permitting fast setup times. Turning off this option for a particular signal prevents the Fitter from implementing the signal automatically in an I/O cell.
This option must be assigned to either a register or an input or bidirectional pin that feeds a register or it is ignored. This option is available for all Altera devices except FLEX 6000, HardCopy, and MAX 3000 devices.

2.Fast Output Enable Register
A logic option that implements an output enable register in an I/O cell with a fast, direct connection to an I/O pin. Turning on the Fast Output Enable Register option can help maximize I/O timing performance, for example, by permitting fast clock-to-output enable times. Turning this option off for a particular signal prevents the Fitter from implementing the signal automatically in an I/O cell.
This option must be assigned to either a register or an output or bidirectional pin that has a tri- state buffer controlled by a register or it is ignored. This option is available for all Altera devices supported by the Quartus II software expect MAX 3000 and MAX 7000 devices.

先通过assignment editor的node finder(pins:input)设置了输入,然后(pinsutput)设置了输出(顶层的input/output pins都是wire型的,但都直接与寄存器连接着),查看fitter的messages,发现input和output都没有将寄存器打包到IOE里。
通过assignment editor的node finder(register:post-fit)设置了与输入连接的寄存器,然后(register:post-fit)设置了与输出连接的寄存器,查看fitter的messages,发现output打包到IOE里,input没有。

研究了很长时间毫无进展,请高手们指点如何将input register打包进IOE中!!!!!!!!!

PS:我使用quartusII10.1,如果采用“我的设置1”,将会产生一个warning,报告说fast IO的约束被忽略,而使用quartusII9.0这个信息将出现在info中,不容易察觉。
发表于 2011-3-1 21:53:34 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-5-3 10:08:55 | 显示全部楼层
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