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Altera Quartus II 10.1 crack
for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit
Needn't run any crack program to avoid back door virus.
Add absent feature by yourself.
Only needs 3 steps:
#. copy \bin to \altera\101\quartus\bin\
#. copy \bin64 to \altera\101\quartus\bin64\
#, directly use 'license.xxx.dat' and replace HOSTID=xxxxxxxxxxxx in
'license.xxx.dat' as your network interface card (NIC) MAC assress
NOTE for 'license.xxx.dat':
(1) you can use windows command "ipconfig /all" to see "Physical Address"
and removing character '-' to obtain the 12-digit number for MAC address
(2) add missing component code, such as 6AF7_9999, to PACKAGE CORE1 ~ CORE5
if output message of Quartus shows the follows for this component code:
"Warning: OpenCore Plus Hardware Evaluation feature is turned on for
the following cores"
(894.59 KB, 下载次数: 1078 )