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[求助] EDK10.1 烧写NOR FLASH报错!各位大侠帮忙看看!谢谢!

发表于 2010-12-21 10:25:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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利用EDK10.1烧写NOR FLASH时候报错。板子是xilinx virtex5 ML505 (xupv5).

Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS)
Xilinx EDK 10.1.03 Build EDK_K_SP3.6
Copyright (c) 1995-2008 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Cannot Start Process make -f ml505_bsb_system.make download
At Local date and time: Tue Dec 21 10:16:33 2010
xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/d/or1200_soc/EDK/; xmd -nx -xmp ml505_bsb_system.xmp -lp /cygdrive/d/or1200_soc/EDK/ -tcl flashwriter.tcl; exit;" started...
Xilinx Microprocessor Debug (XMD) Engine
Xilinx EDK 10.1.03 Build EDK_K_SP3.6
Copyright (c) 1995-2007 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.

Overriding IP level properties ...
Address Map for Processor microblaze_0
  (0000000000-0x0000ffff) dlmb_cntlr dlmb
  (0000000000-0x0000ffff) ilmb_cntlr ilmb
  (0x81400000-0x8140ffff) LEDs_8Bit mb_plb
  (0x81420000-0x8142ffff) LEDs_Positions mb_plb
  (0x81440000-0x8144ffff) Push_Buttons_5Bit mb_plb
  (0x81460000-0x8146ffff) DIP_Switches_8Bit mb_plb
  (0x81480000-0x8148ffff) xps_gpio_4 mb_plb->plbv46_plbv46_bridge_0->plb_v46_0
  (0x814a0000-0x814affff) xps_gpio_3 mb_plb->plbv46_plbv46_bridge_0->plb_v46_0
  (0x814c0000-0x814cffff) xps_gpio_1 mb_plb->plbv46_plbv46_bridge_0->plb_v46_0
  (0x814e0000-0x814effff) xps_gpio_2 mb_plb->plbv46_plbv46_bridge_0->plb_v46_0
  (0x81480000-0x814fffff) plbv46_plbv46_bridge_0 mb_plb
  (0x81500000-0x8150ffff) plbv46_plbv46_bridge_0 mb_plb
  (0x81500000-0x8150ffff) xps_gpio_0 mb_plb->plbv46_plbv46_bridge_0->plb_v46_0
  (0x81600000-0x8160ffff) IIC_EEPROM mb_plb
  (0x81620000-0x8162ffff) plbv46_plbv46_bridge_0 mb_plb
  (0x81620000-0x8162ffff) xps_iic_1 mb_plb->plbv46_plbv46_bridge_0->plb_v46_0
  (0x81640000-0x8164ffff) xps_iic_2 mb_plb->plbv46_plbv46_bridge_0->plb_v46_0
  (0x81660000-0x8166ffff) xps_iic_0 mb_plb->plbv46_plbv46_bridge_0->plb_v46_0
  (0x81640000-0x8167ffff) plbv46_plbv46_bridge_0 mb_plb
  (0x81800000-0x8180ffff) xps_intc_0 mb_plb
  (0x81c00000-0x81c0ffff) Hard_Ethernet_MAC mb_plb
  (0x83600000-0x8360ffff) SysACE_CompactFlash mb_plb
  (0x83c00000-0x83c0ffff) xps_timer_1 mb_plb
  (0x83e00000-0x83e0ffff) RS232_Uart_1 mb_plb
  (0x83e20000-0x83e2ffff) RS232_Uart_2 mb_plb
  (0x84400000-0x8440ffff) debug_module mb_plb
  (0x84600000-0x8460ffff) DDR2_SDRAM mb_plb
  (0x86200000-0x8620ffff) plbv46_plbv46_bridge_0 mb_plb
  (0x88000000-0x89ffffff) SRAM mb_plb
  (0x8a400000-0x8a4fffff) SRAM mb_plb
  (0x90000000-0x9fffffff) DDR2_SDRAM mb_plb
Executing xmd script : C:/Xilinx/10.1/EDK/data/xmd/flashwriter.tcl
Flashwriter starting...
Sourcing etc/flash_params.tcl...
* Connecting to target...
Info:AutoDetecting cable. Please wait.
Info:Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1).
Info:Checking cable driver.
Info: Driver windrvr6.sys version = WinDriver v8.11 Jungo (c) 1997 - 2006 Build Date: Oct 16 2006 X86 32bit SYS 12:35:07, version = 811.
No resources.
Info: LPT base address = 0378h.
Info: ECP base address = FFFFFFFFh.
Info:Cable connection failed.
Info:Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT2).
Info:Checking cable driver.
Info: Driver windrvr6.sys version = WinDriver v8.11 Jungo (c) 1997 - 2006 Build Date: Oct 16 2006 X86 32bit SYS 12:35:07, version = 811.
Info:Cable connection failed.
Info:Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT3).
Info:Checking cable driver.
Info: Driver windrvr6.sys version = WinDriver v8.11 Jungo (c) 1997 - 2006 Build Date: Oct 16 2006 X86 32bit SYS 12:35:07, version = 811.
Info:Cable connection failed.
Info:Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT4).
Info:Checking cable driver.
Info: Driver windrvr6.sys version = WinDriver v8.11 Jungo (c) 1997 - 2006 Build Date: Oct 16 2006 X86 32bit SYS 12:35:07, version = 811.
Info:Cable connection failed.
Info:Connecting to cable (Usb Port - USB21).
Info:Checking cable driver.
Info: Driver file xusb_emb.sys found.
Info: Driver version: src=1029, dest=1029.
Info: Driver windrvr6.sys version = WinDriver v8.11 Jungo (c) 1997 - 2006 Build Date: Oct 16 2006 X86 32bit SYS 12:35:07, version = 811.
Info: Cable PID = 0008.
Info: Max current requested during enumeration is 74 mA.
Info:Type = 0x0004.
Info: Cable Type = 3, Revision = 0.
Info: Setting cable speed to 6 MHz.
Info:Cable connection established.
Info:Firmware version = 1302.
Info:File version of C:/Xilinx/10.1/ISE/data/xusb_xlp.hex = 1302.
Info:Firmware hex file version = 1302.
Info:Type = 0x0004.
Info:ESN option: 00000000000000.
InfoLD file version = 0012h.
Info: PLD version = 0012h.
Connected to "mb" target. id = 0
Starting GDB server for "mb" target (id = 0) at TCP port no 1234
Error Executing xmd Script : C:/Xilinx/10.1/EDK/data/xmd/flashwriter.tcl
Error ::  ERROR: Error in Resetting Target
Unable to STOP MicroBlaze at 0x0
UNABLE to RESET MicroBlaze


发表于 2010-12-21 11:38:09 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-21 12:39:23 | 显示全部楼层
ML505上的这块NOR FLASH是与FPGA直接相连的。不能够通过JTAG线烧写。所以,xilinx给出的解决方案是用virtex5自带的处理器microblaze来烧写。microblze一边连着JTAG,一边连着NOR FLASH,然后通过GDB来控制microblaze。这个是ML505的参考教程。我检查过复位逻辑了。也没看出什么问题。
发表于 2010-12-21 12:42:49 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-21 13:42:35 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-8-26 10:35:07 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-9-4 20:57:55 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-12-8 09:36:01 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-1-6 14:23:50 | 显示全部楼层
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