库里有De_Coupling cells这种filler,但不知道是干什么用的
我们添core filler的时候,里面有FILLLVT和DCAPLVT这两种类型的filler可供选择,但添DCAPLVT这种filler的时候老是出错
后来看了一下,说Unlike filler cells,these cells have transistors;therefore,they should be accounted for in LVS Check.所以估计添加的时候影响了逻辑,那这种filler什么时候添加,或者用在什么地方呢
Users can use the de_coupling cells in place of filler cells after P&R.Unlike filler cells,these cells have transistors;therefore,they should be accounted for in LVS Check.these cells need to be added into the netlist manually.Users can dump the netlist from the P&R tool after completing all the placements of the DCAP cells,and then use the generated netlist to run LVS