本帖最后由 dexterpaul 于 2010-10-16 04:14 编辑
Hello everybody,
First of all I want to thank all of you to share some of your work and your resources and knowledge.  I am a student, trying to find a technology with Monte Carlo(ams is perfect).
I successfully installed the AMS 400 HK(decrypted&installed) and set up AMS_DIR, CDSDIR, the PATH to cds/bin and FLEXlm's (lmgrd will work with the AMS lmd). $ LM_LIC... points to a license file from http://bbs.eetop.cn/viewthread.php?tid=263214&highlight=1 .
(Before this, changed the hostname and the hostID like is said there )
still get the error:
"Invalid license key (inconsistent authentication code)" , when I'm running ams _ cds, I know this is because of lm-grd, where am I doing wrong? 
Please forgive my grammar, I want to thank you in advance.
Does anybody have a valid license ??? (doesn't matter the hostname and hostid, I can change it in linux).
You can, please, help me?
Best regards,