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[资料] 经典数字通信讲义] John M. Cioffi 请求翻译成中文

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Data Transmission Theory数据传输理论[经典数字通信讲义]Stanford教授,IEEE会士 John M. Cioffi
6 Fundamentals of Synchronization 497
6.1 Phase computation and regeneration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
6.1.1 Phase Error Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
6.1.2 Voltage Controlled Oscillators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
6.1.3 Maximum-Likelihood Phase Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
6.2 Analysis of Phase Locking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
6.2.1 Continuous Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
6.2.2 Discrete Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
6.2.3 Phase-locking at rational multiples of the provided frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
6.3 Symbol Timing Synchronization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
6.3.1 Open-Loop Timing Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
6.3.2 Decision-Directed Timing Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512
6.3.3 Pilot Timing Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
6.4 Carrier Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
6.4.1 Open-Loop Carrier Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
6.4.2 Decision-Directed Carrier Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
6.4.3 Pilot Carrier Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516
6.5 Frame Synchronization in Data Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516
6.6 Pointers and Add/DeleteMethods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516
Exercises - Chapter 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
Chapter 6
Fundamentals of Synchronization
The analysis and developments of Chapters 1-4 presumed that the modulator and demodulator are
synchronized. That is, both modulator and demodulator know the exact symbol rate and the exact
symbol phase, and where appropriate, both also know the exact carrier frequency and phase. In practice,
the common (receiver/transmitter) knowledge of the same timing and carrier clocks rarely occurs unless
some means is provided for the receiver to synchronize with the transmitter. Such synchronization is
often called phase-locking.
In general, phase locking uses three component operations as generically depicted in Figure 6.1:1
1. Phase-error generation - this operation, sometimes also called .phase detection,. derives a
phase difference between the received signal.s phase θ(t) and the receiver estimate of this phase,
.θ(t). The actual signals are s(t) = cos (ωlot + θ(t)) and .s(t) = cos
ωlot + .θ(t)
, but only their
phase difference is of interest in synchronization. This difference is often called the phase error,
φ(t) = θ(t) − .θ(t). Various methods of phase-error generation are discussed in Section 6.1.
2. Phase-error processing - this operation, sometimes also called .loop Þltering. extracts the
essential phase difference trends from the phase error by averaging. Phase-error processing typically
rejects random noise and other undesirable components of the phase error signal. Any gain in the
phase detector is assumed to be absorbed into the loop Þlter. Both analog and digital phase-error
processing and the general operation of what is known as a .phase-lock loop,. are discussed in
Section 6.2.
3. Local phase reconstruction - this operation, which in some implementations is known as a
.voltage-controlled oscillator. (VCO), regenerates the local phase from the processed phase error
in an attempt to match the incoming phase, θ(t). That is, the phase reconstruction tries to force
φ(t) = 0 by generation of a local phase .θ(t) so that .s(t) matches s(t). Various types of voltage
controlled oscillators and other methods of regenerating local clock are also discussed in Section
Any phase-locking mechanism will have some Þnite delay in practice so that the regenerated local
phase will try to project the incoming phase and then measure how well that projection did in the form
of a new phase error. The more quickly the phase-lock mechanism tracks phase deviations in phase, the
more susceptible it will be to random noise and other imperfections. Thus, the communication engineer
must trade these two competing effects appropriately when designing a synchronization system. The
design of the transmitted signals can facilitate or complicate this trade-off. These design trade-offs
will be generally examined in Section 6.2. In practice, unless pilot or control signals are embedded in
the transmitted signal, it is necessary either to generate an estimate of transmitted signal.s clocks or to
generate an estimate of the phase error directly. Sections 6.3 and 6.4 speciÞcally examine phase detectors
for situations where such clock extraction is necessary for timing recovery (recovery of the symbol clock)
and carrier recovery (recovery of the phase of the carrier in passband transmission), respectively. In
1These operations may implemented in a wide variety of ways.
Figure 6.1: General phase-lock loop structure.
addition to symbol timing, data is often packetized or framed. Methods for recovering frame boundary
are discussed in Section 6.5. Pointers and add/delete (bit robbing/stuffing) are speciÞc mechanisms of
local phase reconstruction that allow the use of asynchronous clocks in the transmitter and receiver.
These methods Þnd increasing use in modern VLSI implementations of receivers and are discussed in
Section 6.6.
6.1 Phase computation and regeneration
This section describes the basic operation of the phase detector and of the voltage-controlled oscillator
(VCO) in Figure 6.1 in more detail.
6.1.1 Phase Error Generation
Phase-error generation can be implemented continuously or at speciÞc sampling instants. The discussion
in this subsection will therefore not use a time argument or sampling index on phase signals. That is
θ(t) θ.
Ideally, the two phase angles, θ, the phase of the input sinusoid s, and .θ, the estimated phase produced
at the VCO output, would be available. Then, their difference φ could be computed directly.
DeÞnition 6.1.1 (ideal phase detector) A device that can compute exactly the difference
φ = θ − .θ is called an ideal phase detector.
Ideally, the receiver would have access to the sinusoids s = cos(θlo + θ) and .s = cos(θlo + .θ) where θlo is
the common phase reference that depends on the local oscillator frequency; . θlo is consequence to the
ensuing arguments. A seemingly straightforward method to compute the phase error would then be to
compute θ, the phase of the input sinusoid s, and .θ, the estimated phase, according to
θ = ±arccos [s] − θlo ; .θ = ±arccos [.s] − θlo . (6.1)
Then, φ = θ − .θ, to which the value θlo is inconsequential. However, a reasonable implementation of
the arccos function can only produce angles between 0 and π, so that φ would then always lie between
modulo 2ð detector
ideal phase detector
Figure 6.3: Demodulating phase detector.
−π and π. Any difference of magnitude greater than π would be thus effectively be computed modulo
(−π, π). The arccos function could then be implemented with a look-up table.
DeÞnition 6.1.2 (mod-2π phase detector) The arccos look-up table implementation of
the phase detector is called a modulo-2π phase detector2.
The characteristics of the mod-2π phase detector and the ideal phase detector are compared in Figure
6.2. If the phase difference does exceed π in magnitude, the large difference will not be exhibited in the
phase error φ - this phenomenon is known as a .cycle slip,. meaning that the phase lock loop missed (or
added) an entire period (or periods) of the input sinusoid. This is an undesirable phenomena in most
applications, so after a phase-lock loop with mod-2π phase detector has converged, one tries to ensure
that |φ| cannot exceed π. In practice, a good phase lock loop should keep this phase error as close to
zero as possible, so the condition of small phase error necessary for use of the mod-2π phase detector is
DeÞnition 6.1.3 (demodulating phase detector) Another commonly encountered phase
detector, both in analog and digital form, is the demodulating phase detector shown in
Figure 6.3, where
φ = f ∗
−sin(θlo + .θ) · cos(θlo + θ)
, (6.2)
2Sometimes also called a .sawtooth. phase detector after the phase characteristic in Figure 6.2.
(è +è ) cos lo ö
è +èˆ lo
Figure 6.4: Sampling phase detector.
and . f is a lowpass Þlter that is cascaded with the phase-error processing in the phase-locking
The basic concept arises from the relation
−where the sum-phase term (Þrst term on the right) can be eliminated by lowpass Þltering; this lowpass
Þltering can be absorbed into the loop Þlter that follows the phase detector. The phase detector output
is thus proportional to sin (φ). The usual assumption with this type of phase detector is that φ is small
(φ << π
6 ), and thus
sin (φ) φ . (6.4)
When φ is small, generation of the phase error thus does not require the arcsin function.
Another way of generating the phase error signal is to use the local sinusoid to sample the incoming
sinusoid as shown in Figure 6.4. If the rising edge of the local sinusoid is used for the sampling instant,
(At this phase, .s = 0.) Then, at the time of this rising edge, the sampled sinusoid s has phase
so that s(t) at these times tk is
Such a phase detector is called a sampling phase detector. The lowpass &THORN;lter .holds. the sample
value of phase.
Another type of phase detector is the binary phase detector shown in Figure 6.5. In the binary
phase detector, the phase difference between the two sinusoids is approximately the width of the high
signals at point C in Figure 6.5. The hard limiters are used to covert the sinusoids into 1/0 square waves
or binary signals. The adder is a binary adder. The lowpass &THORN;lter just averages (integrates) the error
signal, so that its output is proportional to the magnitude of the phase error. The important sign of
the phase error is determined by .latching. the polarity of .s when s goes high (leading-edge triggered
D &szlig;ip-&szlig;op).3
3When A and B are phase aligned, then φ = 0, so that the race condition that exists in the clocking and data set-up
on line B should not be of practical signi&THORN;cance if sufficiently high-speed logic is used.
Figure 6.5: Binary phase detector.
6.1.2 Voltage Controlled Oscillators
The voltage controlled oscillator basically generates a sinusoid with phase difference (or derivative)
proportional to the input control voltage e(t).
De&THORN;nition 6.1.4 (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) An ideal voltage controlled oscil-
lator (VCO) has an output sinusoid with phase .θ(t) that is determined by an input error
or control signal according to
= kvco · e(t) , (6.8)
in continuous time, or approximated by
.θk+1 = .θk + kvco · ek . (6.9)
in discrete time.
Analog VCO physics are beyond the scope of this text, so it will suffice to just state that devices satisfying
(6.8) are readily available in a variety of frequency ranges. When the input signal ek in discrete time
is digital, the VCO can also be implemented with a look-up table and adder according to (6.9) whose
output is used to generate a continuous time sinusoidal equivalent with a DAC. This implementation is
often called a numerically controlled oscillator or NCO.
Yet another implementation that can be implemented in digital logic on an integrated circuit is
shown in Figure 6.6. The high-rate clock is divided by the value of the control signal (derived from ek)
by connecting the true output of the comparator to the clear input of a counter. The higher the clock
rate with respect to the rates of interest, the &THORN;ner the resolution on specifying .θk. If the clock rate is
1/T 0, then the divider value is p or p+1, depending upon whether the desired clock phase is late or early,
respectively. A maximum phase change with respect to a desired phase (without external smoothing)
can thus be T0/2. For 1% clock accuracy, then the master clock would need to be 50 times the generated
High-Rate C
Control Signal
derived from
Figure 6.6: Discrete-time VCO with all-digital realization.
clock frequency. With an external analog smoothing of the clock signal (via bandpass &THORN;lter centered
around the nominal clock frequency), a lower frequency master clock can be used.
The Voltage-Controlled Crystal Oscillator (VCXO)
In many situations, the approximate clock frequency to be derived is known accurately. Conventional
crystal oscillators usually have accuracies of 50 parts per million (ppm) or better. Thus, the VCO need
only track over a small frequency/phase range. Additionally in practice, the derived clock may be used
to sample a signal with an Analog-to-Digital converter. Such an ADC clock should not jitter about
its nominal value (or signi&THORN;cant signal distortion can be incurred). In this case, a VCXO normally
replaces the VCO. The VCXO employs a crystal (X) of nominal frequency to stabilize the VCO close
to the nominal value. Abrupt changes in phase are not possible because of the presence of the crystal.
However, the high stability and slow variation of the clock can be of crucial importance in digital receiver
designs. Thus, VCXO.s are used instead of VCO.s in designs where high stability sample clocking is
Basic Jitter effect
The effect of oscillator jitter is approximated for a waveform x(t) according to
δt , (6.10)
so that
(δt)2 . (6.11)
A signal-to-jitter-noise ratio can be de&THORN;ned by
(δx)2 =
(dx/dt)2(δt)2 . (6.12)
For the highest frequency component of x(t) with frequency fmax, the SNR becomes
4π2(fmax · δt)2 , (6.13)
which illustrates a basic time/frequency uncertainty principle: If (δt)2 represents jitter in squared sec-
onds, then jitter must become smaller as the spectrum of the signal increases. An SNR of 20 dB (factor
of 100) with a signal with maximum frequency of 1 MHz would suggest that jitter be below 16 ns.
s(t) [ t (t)] lo = cosù +è
s(t ) [ t (t)] lo &#710; = cosù +è&#710;
&ouml; (t) =è (t)&#8722;è&#710;(t)
VCO e(t)
lo ù
loop filter
(t) k e(t)dt vco &#8901; = è&#710;
Figure 6.7: Continuous-time PLL with loop &THORN;lter.
6.1.3 Maximum-Likelihood Phase Estimation
A number of detailed developments on phase lock loops attempt to estimate phase from a likelihood
py/x,θ . (6.14)
Maximization of such a function can be complicated mathematically, often leading to a series of ap-
proximations for various trigonometric functions that ultimately lead to a quantity proportional to the
phase error that is then used in a phase-lock loop. Such approaches are acknowledged here, but those
interested in the ultimate limits of synchronization performance are referred elsewhere.
6.2 Analysis of Phase Locking
Both continuous-time and discrete-time PLL.s are analyzed in this section. In both cases, the loop-
&THORN;lter characteristic is speci&THORN;ed for both &THORN;rst-order and second-order PLL.s. First-order loops are found
to track only constant phase offsets, while second-order loops can track both phase and/or frequency
6.2.1 Continuous Time
The continuous-time PLL has a phase estimate that follows the differential equation
θ(t) = kvco · f(t) &#8727;
θ(t) &#8722; .θ(t)
. (6.15)
The transfer function between PLL output phase and input phase is
kvco · F(s)
s + kvco · F(s)
with s the Laplace transform variable. The corresponding transfer function between phase error and
input phase is
= 1&#8722;
s + kvco · F(s)
. (6.17)
The cases of both &THORN;rst- and second-order PLL.s are shown in Figure 6.7 with β = 0 reducing the
diagram to a &THORN;rst-order loop.
First-Order PLL
The &THORN;rst order PLL has
kvco · F(s) = α (6.18)
a constant so that phase errors are simply integrated by the VCO in an attempt to set the phase .θ such
that φ = 0. When φ =0, there is zero input to the VCO and the VCO output is a sinusoid at frequency
ωlo. Convergence to zero phase error only happens when s(t) and .s(t) have the same frequency (ωlo)
with initially a constant phase difference that can be driven to zero under the operation of the &THORN;rst-order
The response of the &THORN;rst-order PLL to an initial phase offset (θ0) with
θ(s) =
.θ(s) =
α · θ0
s(s + α)
.θ(t) = θ0 &#8722; θ0 · e&#8722;αt · u(t) (6.21)
where u(t) is the unit step function (=1, for t > 0, = 0 for t < 0). For stability, α > 0. Clearly
.θ() = θ0 . (6.22)
An easier analysis of the PLL &THORN;nal value is through the &THORN;nal value theorem:
φ() = lim
s · φ(s) (6.23)
= lim
s ·
s + α
= 0 , (6.25)
so that the &THORN;nal phase error is zero for a unit-step phase input. For a linearly varying phase (that is a
constant frequency offset), θ(t) = (θ0 + Δt)u(t), or
θ(s) =
s2 , (6.26)
where Δ is the frequency offset
Δ =
dt &#8722; ωlo . (6.27)
In this case, the &THORN;nal value theorem illustrates the &THORN;rst-order PLL.s eventual phase error is
φ() =
. (6.28)
A larger .loop gain. α causes a smaller the offset, but a &THORN;rst-order PLL cannot drive the phase error
to zero. The steady-state phase instead lags the correct phase by Δ/α. However, larger α forces larger
the bandwidth of the PLL. Any small noise in the phase error then will pass through the loop with
less attenuation by the PLL, leading to a more noisy phase estimate. As long as |Δ/α| < π, then the
modulo-2π phase detector functions with constant non-zero phase error. The range of Δ for which the
phase error does not exceed π is known as the pull range of the PLL
pull range = Δ < απ . (6.29)
That is, any frequency deviation less than the pull range will result in a constant phase .lag. error. A
better method by which to track frequency offset is the second-order PLL.
Second-Order PLL
The second order PLL uses the loop &THORN;lter to integrate the incoming phase errors as well as pass the
errors to the VCO. The integration of errors eventually supplies a constant signal to the VCO, which in
turn forces the VCO output phase to vary linearly with time. That is, the frequency of the VCO can
then be shifted away from ωlo permanently, unlike the operation with &THORN;rst-order PLL.
In the second-order PLL,
kvco · F(s) = α +
. (6.30)
αs + β
s2 + αs + β
, (6.31)
s2 + αs + β
. (6.32)
One easily veri&THORN;es with the &THORN;nal value theorem that for either constant phase or frequency offset (or
both) that
φ() = 0 (6.33)
for the second-order PLL. For stability,
α >0 (6.34)
β > 0 . (6.35)
6.2.2 Discrete Time
This subsection examines discrete-time &THORN;rst-order and second-order phase-lock loops. Figure 6.8 is the
discrete-time equivalent of Figure 6.1. Again, the &THORN;rst-order PLL only recovers phase and not frequency.
The second-order PLL recovers both phase and frequency. The discrete-time VCO follows
.θk+1 = .θk + kvco · fk &#8727; φk , (6.36)
and generates cos
ωlo · kT + .θk
as the local phase at sampling time k. This expression assumes discrete
.jerks. in the phase of the VCO. In practice, such transitions will be smoothed by any VCO that produces
a sinusoidal output and the analysis here is only approximate for kT t (k + 1)T, where T is the
sampling period. Taking the D-Transforms of both sides of (6.36) equates to
D&#8722;1 · .Θ(D) = [1 &#8722; kvco · F(D)] · .Θ(D) + kvco · F(D) · Θ(D) . (6.37)
The transfer function from input phase to output phase is
D · kvco · F(D)
1 &#8722; (1 &#8722; kvco · F(D))D
. (6.38)
The transfer function between the error signal Φ(D) and the input phase is thus
Θ(D) &#8722;
. Θ
= 1&#8722;
D · kvco · F(D)
1 &#8722; (1 &#8722; kvco · F(D))D
D &#8722; 1
D(1 &#8722; kvco · F(D)) &#8722; 1
. (6.39)
F(D) determines whether the PLL is &THORN;rst- or second-order.
k s
k [ lo k ] s = cosù kT +è
[ ]k lo k s&#710; = cosù kT +è&#710;
k s&#710;
k k k &ouml; =è &#8722;è&#710;
k VCO e
lo ù
loop filter
k k vco k k è =è + k &#8901; f &#8727;&ouml; +
&#710; &#710;
Figure 6.8: Discrete-time PLL.
First-Order Phase Lock Loop
In the &THORN;rst-order PLL, the loop &THORN;lter is a (frequency-independent) gain α, so that
kvco · F(D) = α . (6.40)
1 &#8722; (1 &#8722; α)D
. (6.41)
For stability, |1 &#8722; α| < 1, or
0 α <2 (6.42)
for stability. The closer α to 2, the wider the bandwidth of the overall &THORN;lter from Θ(D) to .Θ(D), and the
more (any) noise in the input sinusoid can distort the estimated phase. The &THORN;rst-order loop can track
and drive to zero any phase difference between a constant θk and .θk. To see this effect, the input phase
θk = θ0 &#8704; k 0 , (6.43)
which has D-Transform
Θ(D) =
1 &#8722; D
. (6.44)
The phase error sequence then has transform
Φ(D) =
D &#8722; 1
D(1 &#8722; kvcoF(D)) &#8722; 1
Θ(D) (6.45)
(D &#8722; 1)θ0
(1 &#8722; D)(D(1 &#8722; α) &#8722; 1)
1 &#8722; (1 &#8722; α)D
φk =
θ0(1 &#8722; α)k k 0
0 k < 0
, (6.48)
and φ0 if (6.42) is satis&THORN;ed. This result can also be obtained by the &THORN;nal value theorem for one-sided
k→∞ φk = lim
D1 (1 &#8722; D) · Φ(D) = 0 . (6.49)
The &THORN;rst-order loop will exhibit a constant phase offset, at best, for any frequency deviation between
θk and .θk. To see this constant-lag effect, the input phase can be set to
θk = Δ · k &#8704; k 0 , (6.50)
where Δ = ωoffsetT, which has D-Transform4
Θ(D) =
(1 &#8722; D)2 . (6.51)
The phase-error sequence then has transform
Φ(D) =
D &#8722; 1
D(1 &#8722; kvco · F(D)) &#8722; 1
Θ(D) (6.52)
D &#8722; 1
D(1 &#8722; kvco · F(D)) &#8722; 1 ·
(1 &#8722; D)2 (6.53)
(1 &#8722; D)(1 &#8722; D(1 &#8722; α))
This steady-state phase error can also be computed by the &THORN;nal value theorem
k→∞ φk = lim
D1 (1 &#8722; D)Φ(D) =
. (6.55)
This constant-lag phase error is analogous to the same effect in the continuous-time PLL. Equation
(6.55) can be interpreted in several ways. The main result is that the &THORN;rst order loop cannot track a
nonzero frequency offset Δ = ωoffsetT, in that the phase error cannot be driven to zero. For very small
frequency offsets, say a few parts per million of the sampling frequency or less, the &THORN;rst-order loop will
incur only a very small penalty in terms of residual phase error (for reasonable α satisfying (6.42)). In
this case, the &THORN;rst-order loop may be sufficient in terms of magnitude of phase error, in tracking the
frequency offset. In order to stay within the linear range of the modulo-2π phase detector (thereby
avoiding cycle slips) after the loop has converged, the magnitude of the frequency offset |ωoffset| must
be less than απ
T . The reader is cautioned not to misinterpret this result by inserting the maximum α
(=2) into this result and concluding than any frequency offset can be tracked with a &THORN;rst-order loop as
long as the sampling rate is sufficiently high. Increasing the sampling rate 1/T at &THORN;xed α, or equivalently
increasing α at &THORN;xed sampling rate, increase the bandwidth of the phase-lock loop &THORN;lter. Any noise on
the incoming phase will be thus less &THORN;ltered or .less rejected. by the loop, resulting in a lower quality
estimate of the phase. A better solution is to often increase the order of the loop &THORN;lter, resulting in the
following second-order phase lock loop.
As an example, let us consider a PLL attempting to track a 1 MHz clock with a local oscillator
clock that may deviate by as much as 100 ppm, or equivalently 100 Hz in frequency. The designer may
determine that a phase error of pi/20 is sufficient for good performance of the receiver. Then,
ωoffset · T
α 40 · foffset ·T . (6.57)
4Using the relation that (D) dF
dD &#8596; kxk, with xk = Δ &#8704; k 0.
Then, since foffset = 100 Hz, and if the loop samples at the clock speed of 1/T = 106 MHz, then
α > 4 × 10&#8722;3 . (6.58)
Such a small value of α is within the stability bound of 0 < α < 2. If the phase error or phase estimate
are relatively free of any .noise,. then this value is probably acceptable. However, if either the accuracy
of the clock is less or the sampling rate is less, then an unacceptably large value of α can occur.
Noise Analysis of the First-Order PLL If the phase input to the PLL (that is θk) has some
zero-mean .noise. component σ2
θ , then the component of the phase error caused by the noise is
Φn(D) =
1 &#8722; D
1 &#8722; [1 &#8722; α] · D · Nθ(D) (6.59)
or equivalently
φk = (1 &#8722; α) · φk&#8722;1 + nθ,k &#8722; nθ,k&#8722;1 . (6.60)
By squaring the above equation and &THORN;nding the steady-state constant value σ2
φ,k = σ2
φ,k&#8722;1 = σ2
φ via
φ =
α · (1 &#8722; α/2)
. (6.61)
Larger values of α create larger response to the input phase noise. If α 2, the phase error variance
becomes in&THORN;nite. Small values of α are thus attractive, limiting the ability to keep the constant phase
error small. The solution is to use the second-order PLL of the next subsection.
Second-Order Phase Lock Loop
In the second-order PLL, the loop &THORN;lter is an accumulator of phase errors, so that
kvco · F(D) = α +
1 &#8722; D
. (6.62)
This equation is perhaps better understood by rewriting it in terms of the second order difference
equations for the phase estimate
k = .Δk&#8722;1 + βφk (6.63)
.θk+1 = .θk + αφk + .Δk (6.64)
In other words, the PLL accumulates phase errors into a frequency offset (times T) estimate .Δk, which
is then added to the &THORN;rst-order phase update at each iteration. Then
(α + β)D &#8722; αD2
1 &#8722; (2 &#8722; α &#8722; β)D + (1 &#8722; α)D2 , (6.65)
which has roots 1
2 )±
( α+β
2 )2&#8722;β
. For stability, α and β must satisfy,
0 α <2 (6.66)
0 β < 1 &#8722;
2 &#8722;
2 &#8722; 1.5α + 1 . (6.67)
Typically, β <
for real roots, which makes β << α since α + β < 1 in most designs.
The second-order loop will track for any frequency deviation between θk and .θk. To see this effect,
the input phase is again set to
θk = Δk &#8704; k 0 , (6.68)
which has D-Transform
Θ(D) =
(1 &#8722; D)2 . (6.69)
The phase error sequence then has transform
Φ(D) =
D &#8722; 1
D(1 &#8722; kvco · F(D) &#8722; 1)
Θ(D) (6.70)
(1 &#8722; D)2
1 &#8722; (2 &#8722; α &#8722; β)D + (1 &#8722; α)D2 ·
(1 &#8722; D)2 (6.71)
1 &#8722; (2 &#8722; α &#8722; β)D + (1 &#8722; α)D2 (6.72)
This steady-state phase error can also be by the &THORN;nal value theorem
k→∞ φk = lim
D1 (1 &#8722; D)Φ(D) = 0 . (6.73)
Thus, as long as the designer chooses α and β within the stability limits, a second-order loop should be
able to track any constant phase or frequency offset. One, however, must be careful in choosing α and
β to reject noise, equivalently making the second-order loop too sharp or narrow in bandwidth, can also
make its initial convergence to steady-state very slow. The trade-offs are left to the designer for any
particular application.
Noise Analysis of the Second-Order PLL This section to be added.
Phase-Jitter Noise This section to be added.
6.2.3 Phase-locking at rational multiples of the provided frequency
This section to be added. Sampling too slow.
6.3 Symbol Timing Synchronization
Generally in data transmission, a sinusoid synchronized to the symbol rate is not supplied to the receiver.
The receiver derives this sinusoid from the received data. Thus, the unabetted PLL.s studied so far
would not be sufficient for recovering the symbol rate. The recovery of this symbol-rate sinusoid from
the received channel signal, in combination with the PLL, is called timing recovery. There are two
types of timing recovery. The &THORN;rst type is called open loop timing recovery and does not use the
receiver.s decisions. The second type is called decision-directed or decision-aided and uses the
receiver.s decisions. Since the recovered symbol rate is used to sample the incoming waveform in most
systems, care must be exerted in the higher-performance decision-directed methods that not too much
delay appear between the sampling device and the decision device. Such delay can seriously degrade the
performance of the receiver or even render the phase-lock loop unstable.
Subsection 6.3.1 begins with the simpler open-loop methods and Subsection 6.3.2 then progresses to
decision-directed methods.
6.3.1 Open-Loop Timing Recovery
Probably the simplest and most widely used timing recovery method is the square-law timing recov-
ery method of Figure 6.9. The present analysis ignores the optional pre&THORN;lter momentarily, in which case
the nonlinear squaring device produces at its output
y2(t) =
xmp(t &#8722; mT) + n(t)
. (6.74)
y(t) Prefilter
1/2T (&#149;)2 Bandpass
Figure 6.9: Square-law timing recovery.
The expected value of the square output (assuming, as usual, that the successively transmitted data
symbols xm are independent of one another) is
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