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ERROR : Place:1063 - The delay controller "U_pp/top0/DATA_PATH_0/TAPLOGIC_0/IDELAYCTRL1" has been locked with the following location constraint: COMP "U_pp/top0/DATA_PATH_0/TAPLOGIC_0/IDELAYCTRL1" LOCATE = SITE "IDELAYCTRL_X2Y6" LEVEL 1 However, none of the delay elements calibrated by this controller are being used. The delay controller should be removed from the design and the net "U_pp/top0/DATA_PATH_0/TAPLOGIC_0/idelay_ctrl_rdy1" should be connected to GLOBAL_LOGIC_1. Please correct your design and rerun. 意思是说我虽然约束了IDELAYCTRL,但是在设计中却没有使用么? |