发表于 2010-1-21 22:11:19
http://www.home.agilent.com/agil ... 0.00&id=1297143
version 9.2
Electromagnetic Professional (EMPro) is Agilent EEsof EDA's software design platform for analyzing the 3D electromagnetic (EM) effects of components such as high-speed and RF IC packages, bondwires, antennas, on-chip and off-chip embedded passives and PCB interconnects. EMPro features a modern design, simulation and analysis environment, high capacity simulation technologies and integration with the industry’s leading RF and microwave circuit design environment, Advanced Design System (ADS) for fast and efficient RF and microwave circuit design.
Key Benefits of EMPro
•Design Flow Integration: Create 3D components that can be simulated together with 2D circuit layouts and schematics within Advanced Design System (ADS), using EM-circuit cosimulation
•Broad Simulation Technology: Set up and run analyses using both frequency-domain and time-domain 3D EM simulation technologies: Finite Element Method (FEM) and Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD)
•Efficient User Interface: Quickly create arbitrary 3D structures with a modern, simple GUI that saves time and provides advanced scripting features
Learn about EMPro
•Key features
•Who uses EMPro?
•Explore the newest release of EMPro and more
•Videos on YouTube™
• roduct structure & options
Next Steps
•Apply for a FREE trial
• urchase / renew software & support
•Knowledge Center, support & training options |