发表于 2017-1-17 09:15:46
hspiceS - Hspice with soket interface
hspiceD - Hspice with direct interface
From Analog Circuit Design Environment User Guide
"Cadence has integrated simulators into the analog circuit design environment in two ways:
Interfaces that use the direct simulation approach
This is the preferred approach. With direct simulation, the netlist uses the syntax of the simulator you are using, without any processing to evaluate expressions. The passed parameters, design variables, functions, and so on are all resolved by the simulator. The netlist is a direct reflection of the design.
Interfaces that use cdsSpice for processing of the netlist
With socket interfaces, the netlist is processed by Cadence SPICE to evaluate all expressions and resolve passed parameters. You would use the socket methodology to integrate your simulator if the simulator you use cannot handle expressions or parameter passing." |