A 1.5V, 1.7mA 700 MHz CMOS LC oscillator with no upconverted flicker noise.pdf
A 1.8-GHz LC VCO with 1.3-GHz tuning range and digital amplitude calibration.pdf
A filtering technique to lower LC oscillator phase noise.pdf
A general theory of phase noise in electrical oscillators.pdf
Comments on “Design issues in CMOS differential LC oscillators” [and reply].pdf
Concepts and methods in optimization of integrated LC VCOs.pdf
Corrections to A General Theory of Phase Noise in Electrical Oscillators.pdf
Design and optimization of LC oscillators.pdf
Design issues in CMOS differential LC oscillators.pdf
Frequency dependence on bias current in 5 GHz CMOS VCOs impact on tuning range and flicker noise upconversion.pdf
Oscillator phase noise_A Tutorial.pdf
Physical processes of phase noise in differential LC Oscillators.pdf