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本帖最后由 cjsb37 于 2013-4-29 09:07 编辑
38 of 45 people found the following review helpful: 
5.0 out of 5 stars Very Solid on the Fundamentals of Communication Theory, October 12, 2001 By         Stephen D. Stearns (San Jose, CA USA) - See all my reviews
This is an excellent graduate level treatment of communication theory. This book is not about communication system engineering. Rather, it is about hard core communication theory. The book follows the topical organization established in three previous editions with minor modifications, mostly new added material on channel codes and transmit-diversity through the use of space-time codes. It has the usual first chapters on probability, random process theory, the sampling theorem, and bandpass processes before it launches into the heart of the subject which starts with optimum detection of signals in classical AWGN channels, estimation of signal parameters (viz. frequency, phase, symbol time). Interestingly, the estimation of signal amplitude is not covered even though it is a critical parameter for the demodulation of QAM signals. The book next takes a minor detour to introduce Shannon theory and channel coding for error control before returning to modulation-demodulation. The band-limited channel is taken up next. Signaling waveforms that have either zero or controlled (that means small) intersymbol interference (ISI) are covered, as is the reception of signals passed through band-limited channels by means of maximum-likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE) and various equalization approaches. However the issue of tracking a time-varying channel and the required speed of adaptation for doppler spread channels, such as are encountered in UHF and microwave mobile communication systems, is not addressed. This book is about fundamentals. Higher dimensional signaling, under the guise of multi-channel and multi-carrier communication is nicely introduced, including the FFT multicarrier method used in xDSL systems. A chapter is devoted to introducing direct-sequence and frequency-hop spread-spectrum signaling and code division multiple access (CDMA). The next chapter covers the practical problems of communicating through channels that exhibit fading due to multipath. Spatial diversity receive processing and transmit diversity, aka space time coding are covered, but as mentioned above, fast fading channels are not covered. The last chapter is on multiuser communication but focuses only on channel access methods. The book would be better if the last chapter covered optimal demodulation of signals in channels that are impaired by fading plus AWGN plus cochannel interference (CCI), which would have lead naturally to a discussion of multiuser detection. The book then would have a pedagogic structure leading from the simple "known-signal-in-AWGN" channel through a hierarchy of increasingly difficult channel impairment models. Comparing the fourth edition to the first, which was published in 1983, it is gratifying to see how the book has evolved to stay up with current trends. Minor technical improvements are visible too, such as the elimination of the complementary error function erfc(.) in favor of the complementary cdf of the standard normal distribution Q(.) in error probability formulas. This book will serve today's students of communication theory well, as did its predecessors. Anyone who masters this book will be quite well prepared to move into any digital communication specialty field such as satellite communications, wireline communications, xDSL, mobile wireless communications, 3G, fixed broadband wireless, free-space optical and optical fiber.
Stephen D. Stearns
TRW Electromagnetic Systems Laboratory
Sunnyvale, CA
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[ 本帖最后由 zenmeban_119 于 2009-4-7 09:48 编辑 ]