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Wireless Networking

发表于 2009-3-26 08:59:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking
Series Editor, David Clark, M.I.T.

Anurag Kumar
D. Manjunath
Joy Kuri

Preface xiii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Networking as Resource Allocation 1
1.2 ATaxonomy of Current Practice 3
1.3 Technical Elements 9
1.4 Summary and OurWay Forward 12
2 Wireless Communication: Concepts,Techniques, Models 15
2.1 Digital Communication over Radio Channels 16
2.1.1 Simple Binary Modulation and Detection 17
2.1.2 Getting Higher Bit Rates 20
2.1.3 Channel Coding 23
2.1.4 Delay, Path Loss, Shadowing, and Fading 25
2.2 Channel Capacity 32
2.2.1 Channel Capacity without Fading 32
2.2.2 Channel Capacity with Fading 35
2.3 Diversity and Parallel Channels: MIMO 36
2.4 Wideband Systems 42
2.4.1 CDMA 42
2.4.2 OFDMA 45
2.5 Additional Reading 48
3 Application Models and Performance Issues 53
3.1 Network Architectures and Application Scenarios 54
3.2 Types of Traffic and QoS Requirements 56
3.3 Real-Time Stream Sessions: Delay Guarantees 60
3.3.1 CBR Speech 60
3.3.2 VBR Speech 61
3.3.3 Speech Playout 63
viii Contents
3.3.4 QoS Objectives 65
3.3.5 Network Service Models 67
3.4 ElasticTransfers: Feedback Control 67
3.4.1 Dynamic Control of Bandwidth Sharing 69
3.4.2 Control Mechanisms: MAC andTCP 70
3.4.3 TCP Performance over Wireless Links 72
3.5 Notes on the Literature 78
4 Cellular FDM-TDMA 81
4.1 Principles of FDM-TDMA Cellular Systems 81
4.2 SIR Analysis: Keeping Cochannel Cells Apart 86
4.3 Channel Reuse Analysis: Hexagonal Cell Layout 92
4.3.1 Cochannel Cell Groups 93
4.3.2 Calculating Nreuse 94
4.3.3 DR
Ratio: Simple Analysis, Cell Sectorization 96
4.4 Spectrum Efficiency 99
4.5 Channel Allocation and Multicell Erlang Models 101
4.5.1 Reuse Constraint Graph 101
4.5.2 Feasible Carrier Requirements 103
4.5.3 Carrier Allocation Strategies 103
4.5.4 Call Blocking Analysis 104
4.5.5 Comparison of FCA and MPA 106
4.6 Handovers:Techniques, Models, Analysis 112
4.6.1 Analysis of Signal Strength Based Handovers 112
4.6.2 Handover Blocking, Call Dropping: Channel Reservation 115
4.7 The GSM System for MobileTelephony 117
4.8 Notes on the Literature 119
5 Cellular CDMA 125
5.1 The Uplink SINR Inequalities 126
5.2 A Simple Case: One Call Class 130
5.2.1 Example:Two BSs and Collocated MSs 130
5.2.2 Multiple BSs and Uniformly Distributed MSs 131
5.2.3 Other Cell Interference: Hard and Soft Handover 134
5.2.4 System Capacity forVoice Calls 139
5.3 Admission Control of Multiclass Calls 140
5.3.1 Hard and Soft Admission Control 141
5.3.2 Soft Admission Control Using Chernoff’s Bound 141
5.4 Association and Power Control for Guaranteed QoS Calls 145
Contents ix
5.5 Scheduling ElasticTransfers 149
5.6 CDMA-Based 2G and 3G Cellular Systems 154
5.7 Notes on the Literature 155
5.8 Appendix: Perron-FrobeniusTheory 156
6 Cellular OFDMA-TDMA 161
6.1 The General Model 162
6.2 Resource Allocation over a Single Carrier 163
6.2.1 Power Control for Optimal Service Rate 165
6.2.2 Power Control for Optimal Power Constrained Delay 171
6.3 Multicarrier Resource Allocation: Downlink 178
6.3.1 Single MS Case 178
6.3.2 Multiple MSs 181
6.4 WiMAX:The IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Standard 183
6.5 Notes on the Literature 183
7 Random Access and Wireless LANs 187
7.1 Preliminaries 188
7.2 Random Access: From Aloha to CSMA 189
7.2.1 Protocols without Carrier Sensing: Aloha and Slotted
Aloha 190
7.2.2 Carrier Sensing Protocols 199
7.3 CSMA/CA andWLAN Protocols 201
7.3.1 Principles of Collision Avoidance 201
7.3.2 The IEEE 802.11WLAN Standards 204
7.3.3 HIPERLAN 211
7.4 SaturationThroughput of a Colocated IEEE 802.11-DCF Network 213
7.5 Service Differentiation and IEEE 802.11eWLANs 222
7.6 Data andVoice Sessions over 802.11 225
7.6.1 Data overWLAN 226
7.6.2 Voice overWLAN 230
7.7 Association in IEEE 802.11WLANs 234
7.8 Notes on the Literature 235
8 Mesh Networks: Optimal Routing and Scheduling 243
8.1 NetworkTopology and Link Activation Constraints 244
8.1.1 Link Activation Constraints 244
8.2 Link Scheduling and Schedulable Region 247
8.2.1 Stability of Queues 250
8.2.2 Link Flows and Link Stability Region 254
x Contents
8.3 Routing and Scheduling a Given FlowVector 257
8.4 MaximumWeight Scheduling 264
8.5 Routing and Scheduling for ElasticTraffic 273
8.5.1 Fair Allocation for Single Hop Flows 277
8.5.2 Fair Allocation for Multihop Flows 280
8.6 Notes on the Literature 287
9 Mesh Networks: Fundamental Limits 291
9.1 Preliminaries 292
9.1.1 Random Graph Models for Wireless Networks 293
9.1.2 Spatial Reuse, Network Capacity, and Connectivity 296
9.2 Connectivity in the Random Geometric Graph Model 297
9.2.1 Finite Networks in One Dimension 298
9.2.2 Networks inTwo Dimensions: Asymptotic Results 302
9.3 Connectivity in the Interference Model 309
9.4 Capacity and Spatial Reuse Models 315
9.5 Transport Capacity of Arbitrary Networks 318
9.6 Transport Capacity of Randomly Deployed Networks 322
9.6.1 Protocol Model 322
9.6.2 Discussion 331
9.7 Notes on the Literature 333
10 Ad Hoc Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) 337
10.1 Communication Coverage 339
10.2 Sensing Coverage 341
10.3 Localization 348
10.4 Routing 353
10.5 Function Computation 359
10.6 Scheduling 368
10.6.1 S-MAC 369
10.6.2 IEEE 802.15.4 (Zigbee) 370
10.7 Notes on the Literature 372
Appendices 375
A Notation andTerminology 377
A.1 Miscellaneous Operators and Mathematical Notation 377
A.2 Vectors and Matrices 377
A.3 Asymptotics:The O, o, and ∼ Notation 377
A.4 Probability 379
Contents xi
B A Review of Some Mathematical Concepts 381
B.1 Limits of Real Number Sequences 381
B.2 A Fixed Point Theorem 382
B.3 Probability and Random Processes 382
B.3.1 Useful Inequalities and Bounds 382
B.3.2 Convergence Concepts 384
B.3.3 The Borel-Cantelli Lemma 385
B.3.4 Laws of Large Numbers and Central Limit Theorem 385
B.3.5 Stationarity and Ergodicity 386
B.4 Notes on the Literature 387
C Convex Optimization 389
C.1 Convexity 389
C.2 Local and Global Optima 389
C.3 The Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions 390
C.4 Duality 391
D Discrete Event Random Processes 393
D.1 Stability Analysis of DiscreteTime Markov Chains (DTMCs) 393
D.2 ContinuousTime Markov Chains 394
D.3 Renewal Processes 398
D.3.1 Renewal Reward Processes 398
D.3.2 The Excess Distribution 399
D.3.3 Markov Renewal Processes 399
D.4 SomeTopics in QueuingTheory 401
D.4.1 Little’sTheorem 401
D.4.2 Poisson Arrivals SeeTime Averages (PASTA) 402
D.5 Some Important Queuing Models 403
D.5.1 The M/G/c/c Queue 403
D.5.2 The Processor Sharing Queue 404
D.6 Notes on the Literature 405
Bibliography 407
Index 417
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-26 09:01:38 | 显示全部楼层

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